The First Baptist Church
Record of the First Baptist Church of Toulon Book 2
Toulon, Illinois Sept. 21st 1877
This meeting was called for the purpose of consolidation pf the two Bapt. churches of Toulon. To be known as the Bapt. church of Toulon. Which was done by unamnous vote.
Bro. Vanosdel was chosen moderator protem and H.Y. Godfrey clerk protem.
The church then proceeded to the election of officers. H.Y. Godfrey was elected clerk.
Motion made and carried that this church grant letters to any one wishing to remain with us.
Motion made to elect five trustees for the Bapt. ch. of Toulon. Motion carried.
Nominations Bros. Packer, Eastman, Thomas, Williamson, Winans, Geer and Godfrey.
Bros. B. Packer, S. W. Eastman, N.F. Winans, Owen Thomas H.Y. Godfrey was elected by ballot as trustees.
Moved that Bro. Vanosdel and Bro. Hart be invited to preach next Sunday a hr and evening. Motion carried.
Moved that a pulpit committee be appointed to supply the church after next Sunday. Motion carried.
Moved that the time of the church meeting shall be Saturday preceeding the first Sunday in each month. Motion carried. Pulpit committee appointed consisting of Bros. Packer, Owen Thomas and H.Y. Godfrey. Adjourned.
H.Y.Godfrey (clerk)
Toulon, Illinois Oct. 6th 1877
Meeting of the Bapt. ch. met in their brick house of worship. Bro. Vanosdel was chosen mod. and the minutes of last meeting read and approved. First business was to elect a treasurer and collector. Bro. B. Packer was chosen treasurer solicitor and collector by a unanimous vote.
Deacons were elected as follows: Bros. B.Packer, Geer, Eastman, Williamson. Bro. John Weed was appointed sexton for the present.
Letter of dismission and recommendation was granted to Bro. John Stickney to the St. Charles church.
It was moved and carried that we hold the brick house for our regular meeting of the church.
Motion made and carried that the trustees be instructed to sell the church house on Main St. subject to the approval of the church.
Motion made and carried to appoint committee of Sisters consisting of Sis. Blair, Beer, Geer, Cooley, Stickney, Godfrey, and Hall for the purpose of moving carpets from the Main St. house. Moved and carried that the sisters be instructed to repair the sills of this house. Adjourned.
Toulon, Ill. Nov. 3rd 1877
Meeting of the Baptist church of Toulon met at the hour appointed for covenant exercises. The following business was done.
The trustees were instructed to employ a sexton for the winter.
On motion the trustees were instructed to repair the steps in front of this meeting house.
H.Y. Godfrey clerk.
Sunday morning Nov. 20 1877
After morning service the church by unanimous vote extended a call to Bro. A.C. Keen to become our Pastor and will furnish a parsonage, make a donation visit and pay him $7oo(seven hundred dollars) a year.
H.Y. Godfrey clerk
Dec. 1st 1877
Business meeting of the church after covenant exercises.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved
Deacon Packer made a report of finances. After which the following bussiness was done.
A letter was read from Bro. Keen in answer to the call to become our pastor. The church authorized the clerk to write Bro. Keen that we will keep his house extra and give him a vacation if he wishes and on which terms he accepted the call from the church.
H.Y. Godfrey clerk
Toulon, Ill. Dec.9th 1877
After morning service the church was called together to appoint delegates to meet with the church at Farmington for the purpose of ordaining their pastor to the work of the ministry.
Bros. James Stickney,Benj. Packer and N.F. Winans were appointed as delegates. Adjourned.
H.Y. Godfrey clerk
Toulon,Ill. Jan. 5th 1878
Church met at the usual hour in covenant meeting. After which the following bussiness was done.
Bro. A.C. Keene presented letters for himself and wife and Sister Laura Miner which was received.
By request of Sister Treat a letter was granted her to unite with the Baptist church of Aurora.
The trustees having purchased the property of Otis Dyer for a parsonage. The church received the report of Bro. Packer(for the trustees) in buying this property.
find minutes of Dec. 16th 1877 on opposite page.
Toulon,Ill. Sunday Dec. 16th 1877.
After morning service the church as called together.
In answer to an invitation of its Bradford church to attend the ordination pf their pastor, the following delegates were appointed viz.
Bros. A.C. Keene, N.F.Winans and Frank Williamson.
Bros. S.W. Manning and wife called for letters to unite with the Kewanee church.
Bro. Vanosdel and wife called for letters to unite with the Lacon church. All of which was granted.
H.Y.Godfrey clerk
Sunday Jan. 20th 1878
After morning service a letter of dismission was granted to Bro. Eli Packer to unite with the University Place church in Chicago.
H.Y. Godfrey
Saturday April 6 1878
Regular meeting of the church . Minutes read and approved. Pastor in the chair. Bro. B. Packer reported sale of the Main Street house . Terms of sale $17.00 half cash the ballance in one and two years at 1% interest and the house to be insured in our paper. Bro. Luther Geer was appointed to put weights to the windows of the meeting house. The trustees was instructed to make such repairs on the parsonage as they as they thot necessary after which they will repare the Meeting house. Committee on Contributing for missions was appointed as follows: Bros. Geer,F. Wynans, F.Williamson and H.Y.Godfrey. Adjourned
H.Y.Godfrey clerk
A.C. Keene moderator
April 28th 1878
After morning service our Pastor and B. Packer was appointed delagates to attend an ordination at Bradford.
H.Y.Godfrey clerk
June 18th 1878
After morning service the following delagates were appointed to attend ordinating of Bro. Tyson at Saxon:A.C.Keene,F.Wynans,L.Geer,B.Packer F.Williamson and H.Y.Godfrey.
July 28 1878
After morning service the church was called to attend to the bussiness of the Association. The following committees were appointed. Committee on places for delagates:Mary Hart, Sarah Sillaman,Sarah Burfield Bell Godfrey,Effa Stickney, Eliza Bess and Cora Geer. Committee on Soliciting for the table: B.Packer and wife, Geer and wife, Wynans and wife and Williamson and wife. The Pastor and deacon Packer with clerk was appointed to prepare letter for the Association. Adjourn
A.C.Keene moderator H.Y.Godfrey clerk
October 5th 1878 Toulon, Illinois
Report of the committee of the Baptist church dineings hall at the Hoekcer fair Sept. 24th 1878
Total amount recd. 303.13
Total amount pd.out 151.27
Balance 151.86
Nov. 2nd 1878
Covenant meeting of the church
A.E. Baldwin was received as mamber of the church on his letter from the Baptist church at Greenwood,Ill.
Nov. 10th 1878
After morning service Visitor Ruth Peterson was received to the membership of this church having lost her letter from the first church some time ago.
Nov. 24th 1878
Sunday morning the church was called together to hear the experiance of Bro. Smith of LaFayette. After hearing his experiance he was received a member of this after Baptism.
Nov. 30th 1878
Regular meeting of the church, minutes red and approved. After which a communication was read from Sister Harriet E. Hall asking to be dropped from the church as she had been guilty of misconduct. On motion she was excluded for unchristian conduct. After which it was voted to make our Pastor A.C. Keene a donation visit on Friday, Dec. 6th, 1878. The salary question was then considered after some remarks it was deferd one month. H.Y. Godfrey
Sunday Dec. 23rd 1878
After morning service the church presented letters of dismission to Bro. J.C.Hart and wifeat their bequest.
Jan. 4th 1879
Regular meeting of the Baptist Church The treasurer(B. Packer) made a report of finance for the year past which was accepted by the church . Meeting adjourned. The meeting on Sat, Jan. 11th 1879
H.Y. Godfrey clerk
Jan. 11th 1879
The reg. meeting of the church. Deacon Williamson in the chair. The committee on salary reported that they thought they could rais about four hundred and fifty dollars($450) for this year. (Bro. Williamson and Wynans com.)
The committee was then instructed to report what they had done to the Pastor and and an at his dedigression.
Sister Dell Lyon requested letter of dismission which was granted to the church at Bushnell.
Adjoun H.Y.Godfrey
April 20th 1879
After morning service letters was granted by their request to Bro. Abram Bower and wife to unite at Wyoming.
H.Y.Godfrey clerk
May 11th 1879
Sunday morning after service A.C. Keene gave notice that after May 18th his services with us would close as he had accepted a call from the church at Belvadeer and ask for letters for himself and wife and Sister Minnie. Letters granted. A letter was also granted to Sister Wilma Percy who removed West.
H.Y. Godfrey clerk
Sunday June 16th 1879
After morning service the church granted letters to John C. Weer and wife to unite with the church at Bradford.
The church being without a Pastor Brother B.F. Callwell was asked and accepted the pastorate of this church commencing the first of July 1879.
Sunday July 20th 1879
After morning service Bro. Luther Geer, Bro. B. Packer with our Pastor was appointed delegates to attend the ordination of Bro. More of Ontario July 23rd, 1879. H.Y.Godfrey
August 2nd 1879
Covenant meeting of the church the Pastor snd Clerk were instructed to write letter to the Association. Delegates appointed as follows: Bro. Wynan and wife, Bro. Luther Geer and wife, Sister Pliter, and Sister Camilla Packer. Pastor presented note from J.M. Stickney asking for an assessment of facts for members. On motion it was laid on the table.
Nov. 11th 1879
Regular covenant meeting of the church. After covenant exercises Bro. George Wise presented his letter from the Canton church and was received as member of this church. Bro. B.F. Callwell was received a member of this church by letter.
Nov. 12th 1879
Motion made and carried that Brother A.Y. Callwell be invited to assist our Pastor in extra meetings. Miss Ella Oaks was received for membership of this church after baptism. She was baptized Nov. 16th, 1879 Mrs. Anna Gammeil was received a member of this church by letter from LaPrairie Church. Bro. Charles Eichhold was received by letter from Saxon Church.
Nov.17, 1879
Miss Franke Packer and Elmer Packer was received members of this church after baptism. They were baptized Nov. 23, 1879.
Nov. 23,1879
Thomas Gammeil was received a member of this church on experience having been baptized.
Miss Elvira Hoadley and Miss Allis Mowbry presented themselves for membership after baptism and was received. Miss Elvira Hoadley was baptized Nov. 30th, 1879.
Dec. 7, 1879
On motion the following persons were received on their letters from Mendota Baptist Church. Sister M.C. Callwell, Sister M.M.Callwell and Sister L.L.Callwell
Mrs. W. Wetherwax was received on her experience having been baptized.
H.Y.Godfrey church clerk
Jan. 17th 1880
Pastor in the chair. Meeting opened as usual with
singing, readings, and prayer.
Minutes read and approved to this date. Bro. Packer
our treasurer made a report of the finances of the church
which was received and adopted. Bro. Packer then resigned
his office as treasurer of the church which was accepted.
The sexton then made a report as follows. Servises as
sexton from July 1st,1879 to Jan.1st,1880 as fifty dollars
for year amount.
Amount 75.00
Labor, coal,oil 11.40
As by Don.on bill 25.00
As by amt.fr.treas. 19.10
Balance 42,30
Bill accepted and ordered paid. Bro. Williamson was
appointed committee to rais money to pay the sexton to date
as billed. The sexton then offered his resignation which
was accepted.
Bro. Mortimer Packer was then elected solicitor and
collector for the present year.
Brother F. Wynans was elected treasurer of this church.
H.Y. Godfrey was elected sexton for the coming year at $50
for the year.
Motion made and carried to make our Pastor a donation committee for that purpose. F. Wynans, F. Williamson,and H.Y. Godfrey.
B.F. Callwell called meeting of the church. M.A.
Packer presented the request from E.W. Eichold that his name
be taken from the church book. Tho. Gammeil, F. Williamson,
and H.Y. Godfrey was appointed a committee to visit
The names of the members of the church was then read
and then a motion was made to proced to correct the list of
church membership. Motion made and carried to drop the name
of A.Bould of Wyo. as he is a member of another B.C.
Moved and carried that Martha Burfield be appointed a
committee to visit Miss Glarrance Guire and also the names
of Miss Frances Hocker, Miss Ellen Hinckson and Mrs. Ellen
Hocker be droped from the church books. Also that Moriah
Corns be excluded for unchristian conduct. Also the name of
Nancy Motre be droped . On motion a letter was granted to
Mrs. Luther Rennick. Also to drop the name of John Riggs
from the church book. and yhat the clerk write Joseph Were
and inquire if he requested a letter. Also that Albert
Bowers be excluded from this church for unchristian conduct.
Also that Jery Lyons be excluded from the book and that Mrs.
Anna House of Galesburg be requested to take her letter
there. Also that Nettie Remington be excluded from this
church for unchristian conduct and that Mrs. Mary Stickney
be droped.
on motion
The following resolutions was adopted. Where as Mrs.
Mary Willett here embraces the doctrin commonly known as
second adrealism, teaches the same and arrughs against the
doctrins of this church. Therefore resolved that we deem it
our duty from the teachings of the New Testament to withdraw
the fellowship from her.
After the report on expenses meeting adjourned.
M.A. Packer clerk protem
B. F. Calwell Chrman.
April 3rd 1880
By request Mrs. Josephne Pack was granted a letter of
dismission from this church.
June 5th 1880
Covenant meeting of the church after covenant exercises
Bro. B.Packer called for letter of dismission from this
church which was laid over to be taken up at the next
B.F.Callwell chrman H.Y.Godfrey clerk
July 10th 1880 Toulon,Illinois
Business meeting of the Baptist Church. Pastor in the chair.
Minutes read and approved. Mrs. Gill reported in the Clareance Guire, she wishing to remain member of this church. Report accepted and committee discharged.
Bro. Thos. Gammeil reported in the case of Charles Eichold as stating that he had seen and talked with Charles Eichold and that he said he did not want to be a member of this church, that he did not like the teaching and did not like Deacon Packer and some others. Report received and committee discharged On motion the matter of granting a letter to Deacon Packer was laid over indefintly.
The sextons bill as concidered and Brother F.Winans was added to the committee with Bro. Williamson. On motion Bro. Callwell was excused from the pulpit to meet with the Neponset church once a month for a few months.
Sunday Aug. 1st 1880
Eli Packer was received to membership of this church by letter.
B.F. Callwell H.Y. Godfrey clerk
Aug. 21st 1880
Letter for the association was approved and following delagates appointed: Mortimer Packer, Sarah Burfeild, and Bro. Wynans.
B.F. Callwell chrman H.Y.Godfrey clerk
Sept. 4th 1880
Regular meeting of the church Pastor in the chair. On motion Joseph Weed's name was droped from our membership.
On motion Charles Eichold was excluded from this church.
On motion the Sunday collection was resumed and a colable was appointed at the house of H.Y. Godfrey On Friday evening Sept. 10th Morte Packer, Sarah Williamson and Bell Newlund(com). The fund aplided to the sextons bill. On motion the church authorised the clerk to answer the clerk of the association in regard to holding the association the last week in Sept. commencing on Saturday. This church is in favor of the change to September.
B.F.Callwell chrman H.Y. Godfrey clerk
Sept. 12th 1880
After morning service Miss Manley was baptised.
Sept. 26th 1880
After morning Bro. Colwell presented his resignation as pastor of this church to take effect next Sunday, Oct. 3rd. He also requested letters for his mother and two sisters which was granted.
Oct. 3rd 1880
After morning services it was thought best to call a
meeting for this 3p.m.. At this meeting Bro. Colwell asked
for his letter which was granted and the following Preamble
and Resolution as unanimously posted.
Preamble and Resolution
Posted by the church Oct. 3rd 1880
Our Pastor B.F.Colwell feeling it his duty under all the circumstances to resign as pastor of this church, and we as a church feeling that we are not able to give him a comfortable support
Therefore Resolved
That with reluctance and sorrow we accept his resignation feeling that he is a faithful Pastor and a Christian worker and worthy recommend him as such to any church or community.
On motion a business meeting as appointed for next Monday
H.Y. Godfrey clerk
Nov. 6th 1880
Regular meeting of the church. Bro.Williamson in the
chair clerk reported that Bro. Colwell had his letters with
and paid. On motion Bro. Barns was invited to visit us as
soon as possible. Bro. Charles Eichold appeared before the
church and asked to be restored to membership. He found no
fault with the church in expelling him and said he did wish
to return to his place in the church. He was restored.
H.Y.Godfrey clerk
Covenant Meeting
Wednesday evening Feb. 3rd 1881
After prayer meeting Deacon Williamson in the chair the
following business was done. Bro. J.M.Stickney presented
his letter for membership with us which was received by a
unanimous vote.
Bro. J.M. Stickney was invited to fill the pulpit on
Lord's day morning for the present as we are without a
Pastor. A committee of three was appointed to recommend
some plan to rais Pastors salary . That committee was
J.M.Stickney, Mortimer Packer and H.Y.Godfrey.
The clerk was instructed to write to Bro. Gardner of
Ohio in regard to the Pastorate of this church.
Adjourned H.Y.Godfrey
Wensday evening Mar.20th
Mar. 20th after morning service the church voted to
give Bro. Steel five dollars.
Wensday evening Mar 20th
Bro. J.M. Stickney in the chair after prayer meeting
the following business was done. Report of the committee
appointed in February in regard to the Pastors salary made
the following report. We the committee appointed by the
church in regard to the salary of a Pastor made the
following report that we recommend that the amount be raised
by subscription and that the amount be paid monthly(the
report was received) Mortimer Packer made report of finance
for the past year.
On motion H.Y. Godfrey was appointed collector and
solicitor of this church and to adopt the envelope system.
The clerk having received a letter from Bro. Gardner was
instructed to invite him to visit us
Adjourned H.Y.Godfrey clerk
Sunday April3rd 1881
After morning service Sister Amelia Harris having been
a member of the first church in Toulon years ago and haveing
been absent for years her name haveing been droped from the
old First Baptist Church left her without a membership. By
her request she was received a member of this church.
April 10th1881
Bro. Wm. Smith and wife were granted letters of
June 22nd 1881
After prayer meeting Bro. Frank O. Davis was received a
member of this church after Baptism. Charles Eichold was
appointed sexton. Sister Dapes was received a member of
this church after baptism. Minutes were read and approved .
Voted to pay Bro. Borden $5 for services last spring. A
pulpit committee was appointed consisting of H.Y.Godfrey, N.
Wynans and Charles Packer.
Aug. 21st, Sunday
Bro. Bernard Barton was received a member of this
church after baptism.
Aug. 29th 1881
Bro. and Sister Pratt united with this church by
H.Y.Godfrey clerk
Church meeting Sept. 1st 1881
Brother J.M. Stickney an the chair. Bro. Stickney and
Wyans were appointed delagates to the Association at Canton
and the church was requested to prepare letters for the
Sept. 19th 1881
Sunday morning after service letter to the Association
was read and approved. Brother John Morell presented his
letter for membership and was accepted. Bro. Bernard Barton
was baptised.
Sunday Oct. 9th 1881
Bro. Cody was with us by invitation.
Sunday Oct. 23rd 1881
Bro. Cody with us again and the church gave him a call
to become our Pastor at five hundred dollars a year and more
if we could rais it. Bro. M. Packer and Pratt was appointed
committee to procure sexton. On motion the church voted to
pay Bro. J.M. Stickny fifty dollars for his services to this
date since last March.
Adjourned H.Y. Godfrey clerk
Oct. 25th 1881
Bro. Cady's acceptance of the Pastorate of this
church. Bros. Godfrey and Pratt under existing
circumstances I have abot concluded to accept your call with
this understanding; on conditions first you are to go th
work and see how much you can rais and see if you can get
enuff pledges to make the matter certain that you can pay
the sum $500 and more if you can rais it. I know I cannot
meet my ordinary expences on less then six hundred dollars
and that will be with very close economy. It will cost me
$40 for car to move in. Secondly besides salary you are
also to put me up a barn and see the house is in proper
order. E.E.Cody
After receiving the above we wrote to Bro. Cody to come
on those conditions which he did and commenced his labors
the first of November 1881.
Covenant meetin Dec.3rd 1881
Bro. Cody in the chair. Bro. Pratt was elected deacon
in place of Deacon Geer deceased. Bro. Pratt and M.Packer
was appointed auditing committee for the coming year.
Adjourned H.Y. Godfrey clerk
Dec. 31st 1881
Minutes read and approved. Treasurer made report and
was accepted by auditing committee and by the church they
reported their acct. correct. Bro. E.C. Cody presented his
letters for himself and wife and two daughters Mary A.Cody
and Alma G. Cody which was accepted.
Adjourned H.Y. Godfrey clerk
Saturday Feb. 4th 1882
After covenant meeting the following buissness was
done. Bro. Millerd Patterson was received by letter from
Wyoming to membership of this church. Received for baptism
Fred Peterson, Johnson, Eva Beers, Mattie White, Anna Wagner
Mana Pliter, Dora Pliter.
Adjourned H.Y. Godfrey clerk
Mar 1882
Regular bussiness meeting of the church. Bro. Cody in
the chair. First bussiness adopting articles of faith:
second. Motion by Bro. Stickney to purchase a library of
church history for the use of the church--not approved.
Bro. Marshle requested letter of dismission from this church
to Kickapoo.
Adjourned H.Y.Godfrey clerk
June 1882
Mrs. Fred Mowbry was received for membership of this
church after baptism.
July 1st 1882
Regular meeting of the church. Bro. Harrison Miner and
wife of Saxon presented themselves for membership with this
church. After some inquiry a committee was appointed to
confer with them. That committee was W.F. Wynana, B.F.
Williamson and B.Packer. Bro. and Sister Fred Peterson
requested letters of dismission to unite with the Baptist
church at Sempert, Iowa which was granted.
Saturday Sep. 2nd 1882
Meeting opened by the Pastor reading the Psalm: prayer
by Bro. Stickney followed by covenant exercises. Minutes of
last meeting read and approved. On motion the Pastor and
Clerk were appointed to the Association to prepare a letter
from this church to the Association)subject to the approval
of the church) to be held in Galesburg, beginning the 22nd
of Sep.
H.Y. Godfrey tendered his resignation as church clerk
whiah on motion was accepted. On motion M.A.Packer was
ekected church clerk. On motion the report of the treasurer
was approved. On motion adjourned
Attest. M.A. Packer church clerk
Wednesday evening Sep. 6th 1882
On motion the church graned letters to Frank O. Davis
and Rachael Davis to unite with the Bapt. Church at .
H.Y.Godfrey clerk protem
Sunday Sep. 17th 1882
On motion Eld. E.C.Cady, Eld. J.M. Stickney and wife
and as many other members of the church as could attend the
Association should be delegates from this church.
On motion rthe letter prepared by the Pastor and clerk
was approved.
Attest. M.A.Packer clerk
Saturday Sep. 30th 1882
Meeting opened by the Pastor reading a part of the 14th
of John's Gospel followed by covenant exercises.
The committee appointed to confer with Bro. Harrison
Miner and wife of Saxon reported that they could assertain
no good reason why Bro. Miner and wife should not be
received as members of this church. On motion the report of
the committee was accepted. On motion Harrison and wife
were received into the church upon their experience. On
motion adjourned.
Atttest. M.A. Packer C.C.
Saturday Nov. 4th 1882
Regular covenant meeting opened by Pastor; prayer by
Eld. Stickney followed by covenant.
On motion ,adjourned.
Attest. M.A.Packer C.C.
Saturday Dec. 2nd 1882
Regular covenant meeting of the church opened by
Pastor. After covenant exercises, Bro. F. Williamson
reported that he had settled with the sexton, Mr. Foglesong
for his services the past year, paying him $1.00 per week
and $3.00 for extra work during extra meetings. The sexton
committee secured the services of Mr. Foglesong fir the
present year for $1.00 per week. On motion adjourned.
M.A. Packer C.C.
Saturday Jan. 6th 1883
Annual meeting of the church called to order by the
Pastor. After covenant exercises the following
business was transacted. The treasurer (H.Y.Godfrey)
presented his report for the year ending Nov. 11th, 1882
which on motion was accepted and adopted.
On motion N.F.Winans and Dr. Pratt were appointed to
assist H.Y.Godfrey in soliciting subscription for Pastor
salery for the present year. Eld. E.C. Cady stated that he
considered the church had fulfilled their pledge to him in
raising his salary for the year ending Nov. 11th 1882 On
motion adjourned.
M.A. Packer C.C.
Saturday Feb. 3rd 1883
Covenant meeting opened by Pastor followed by covenant
exercises. On motion adjourned.
M.A. Packer C.C.
Saturday March 3rd 1883
Regular covenant meeting of the church called to order
by Pastor. After covenant exercises the following business
was transacted.
On motion a committee was appointed to decide whether
it is advisable to repair the meeting house this spring or
not and, on motion Dr. Pratt, N.F.Winans, H.Miner and
B.Packer were appointed such com. On motion adjourned.
M.A.Packer C.C.
Saturday March 31st 1883
Regular business meeting of church called to order by
M.A.Packer C.C.
Sunday April 15th 1883
After morning services the church granted letters of dismission to Rev. F. Gavin, Mrs. A.M. Gowin and John E. Gowen to unite with the Bapt. church of Galva. On motion a committee was appointed to solicit money for repairing meeting house. Rev.E.C. Cady and Thos. Gammeill were appointed such com.
M.A. Packer
Saturday June 2nd 1883
Regular church meeting opened by Pastor. On motion adjourned
M.A. Packer C.C.
Saturday July 7th 1883
Regular church meeting opened by Pastor. After covenant exercises adjourned.
Saturday August 4th 1883
Regular covenant meeting opened by Pastor. After covenant exercises Mrs. Avilla E. Packer was received into the church after baptism. On motion adjourned
M.A. Packer C.C.
Sunday Aug. 12th 1883
After morning service the ordinance of baptism was administered to Mrs. Avilla E. Packer.
M.A. Packer C.C.
Saturday Sep. 1st 1883
Regular covenant meeting opened by Pastor after covenant exercises. The following business was transacted.On motion Eld. E.C. Cady and Eld. J.M.Stickney were elected delegates to attend council for the (at Peoria) purpose of examining the candidate Chas. E. Burdette who having been called to preach the Gospel to the heathen as he believes and if satisfied of qualification to give him our approval and fellowship. On motion the Pastor and clerk were appointed com. to prepare a letter to the Association. On motion adjourned.
M.A.Packer C.C.
Sunday Sep. 16th 1883
After morning service the following delegates were appointed to attend the Association at Kewanee on the 26th, 27th of Sep.-Eld. Cady. Eld. Stickney and William Wynans, Miner and Packer. On motion the letter prepared for the Association was accepted. Motion adj.
M.A. Packer C.C.
Saturday Oct. 6th 1883
Covenant meeting opened by Pastor. After covenant exercises the following business was transacted. On motion Chas. W. Eicholz was received into the church by letter. On motion adj.
M.A. Packer C.C.
Saturday Nov. 3rd 1883
Regular covenant meeting opened by Pastor. After covenant exercises Dea. Howard L. Pratt and Mrs. Edith L. Pratt were on motion granted letters of dismission commendation to unite with the Bapt. church at Elgin,Ill. On motion adjourned.
M.A. Packer C.C.
Sunday Nov. 4th 1883
After morning service Lizzie Riggs was received into the membership of the church by letter.
M.A. Packer C.C.
Saturday Dec. 2nd 1883
Regular covenant meeting opened by Pastor. After covenant exercises the following business was transacted ; On motion R.F. Williamson was appointed a committee to solicit subscriptions for the Pastor's salery for the coming year. On motion adjourned.
M.A.Packer C.C.
Sunday Dec. 30th 1883
After morning service Dr. A.E. Baldwin was granted a letter of dismission to unite with Bapt. church in Chicago.
M.A. Packer C.C.
Saturday Jan. 5th 1884
The annual meeting of the church opened by Pastor. After covenant exercises the following business was transacted. On motion Eli Packer was granted a letter of dismission to unite with the Emmanuel Bapt. Church of Chicago. Letter void.
On motion Thos. Gammeil was appointed a committee to obtain money to cancel the balance of debt incurred in repairing church building.
Announced by Pastor that union services would be held during week of prayer. On motion adjourned
M.A. Packer C.C.
Saturday Feb. 2nd 1884
Regular covenant meeting opened by Pastor. After covenant exercises the following business was transacted. On motion N.F,Winans was appointed to assist R.F.Williamson on the finance com.
C. protem
Sunday Feb. 3rd 1884
After morning service the ordinance of baptism was administered to William Strayer
M.A. Packer C.C.
Saturday March 1st 1884
Regular covenant meeting opened by Pastor. After covenant exercises adjourned.
M.A. Packer C.C.
Saturday April 5th 1884
Reg. covenant meeting opened by Pastor. After covenant exercises the following business was transacted.
On motion action was defered one moth on the request of Harrison Miner for a letter from this church.
On motion P.M. Stickney, N.F. Winans and M.A. Packer were appointed a come. to visit Bro. Miner and ask him his reasons for requesting a letter. On motion Tho.A. and Mary E. Oaks were received into the membership by letter. On motion adjourned
M.A.Packer C.C.
Saturday May 3rd 1884
Reg. covenant meeting opened by Pastor. After covenant exercises the following business was transacted.
On motion action was defered another month on the request of H.Miner for letter. The following is the amounts of money raised for missions for the past year.
Home missions $6.00
Foreign miss. $16.00
Womens Circle For. Miss. $8.00
Mission Band $18.00
Mission Circle $1.50
Total Foreign Miss. $44.50
Total Home Miss. $6.00
Grand Total Missions $50.50
On motion adjourned.
M.A. Packer C.C.
Saturday May 1st 1884
Reg. covenant meeting opened by Pastor. After covenant exercises action on the request of H. Miner was on motion laid over one month. On motion adjourned.
M.A. Packer C.C.
Wednesday June 25th 1884
On motion Mrs. May Thompson was received as a candidate for baptism and membership with this church.
Sunday June 29th 1884
After morning service the ordinance of baptism was administered to May Thompson.
M.A.Packer C.C.
Saturday July 3rd 1884
Reg. covenant meeting opened by Pastor. After covenant exercises the following business was transacted. On motion action the request of H. Miner was defered until such time as would be more of the members present. On motion adjourned.
M.A. Packer
Saturday Aug. 2nd 1884
Regular covenant meeting opened by Pastor. After the covenant exercises Andrew F. Stickney and Mary Stickney his wife united with the church by letter from the Wyoming Bapt. Church.
Saturday Sep. 8th 1884
Regular covenant meeting opened by Pastor. After covenant exercises the following business was transacted. On motion Andrew F. Stickney was elected Deacon of the church to fill the place vacated by Dea. H.L. Pratt moving away.
On motion the request of the Ontario Bapt. Church for this church sent their Pastor and one delegate to meet with them in council to examine and if thought best to ordain into the gospel ministry Mr. Cady on the 10th Sep. was complied with. Eld. J.M. Stickney being selected as such delegate.
On motion Bro. H.Y.Godfrey and the clerk were appointed as a committee to prepare a letter for this church to send to the Peoria Bapt. Association which meets with the Bapt. church at Alpha Sep.24th. On motion adjourned.
M.A. Packer C.C.
Sunday Sep. 21st 1884
After morning service the letter prepared to read to the Peoria Bapt. Assoc. was approved.
On motion J.H.Winans and wife, and also Mrs.W.H. Winans were received into the membership of the church by letter from the Galva Bapt. Church.
On motion Eld. J.M. Stickney, Miss Eva Beer and our Pastor and any others who could attend should be delegates to the Association.
M.A. Packer C.C.
Saturday Oct 4th 1884
Reg. covenant meeting.
Saturday Oct. 1884
Special business meeting.
Meeting opened by Pastor. The clerk being absent A.F. Stickney was appointed clerk protem. A financial statement was called for. Eld. Cady stated there was $234.88 due him on this years salary-$5.00 on coal-$5.00 on stoves and $15.00 due the former sexton Mr. H. Foglesong.
On motion a committee of two were appointed to raise the deficiencey. A.F. Stickney and B.Packer being appointed such committee.
On motion adjourned.
A.F. Stickney clerk protem.
Saturday Oct. 25 1884
Special business meeting
Meeting opened by Pastor. Eld Cady stated he had settled with Davis and Rhodes for the stoves in full. On motion Eld. J.M. Stickney was chosen chairman Eld. Cady retiring.
On motion of A.F. Stickney Eld.E.C. Cady's resignation as Pastor of the Bapt. Church of Toulon was accepted to take effect the 1st of Feb. 1885
On motion adjourned
M.A. Packer C.C.
Saturday Dec. 6th 1884
Regular covenant meeting opened by Rev. Morehouse. After covenant exercises adjourned.
M.A> Packer C.C.
Toulon, Illinois Baptist Church
Church Records 21 Sep 1877 - 1 January 1913
(beginning with page 40)
Dec 6, 1884, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting opened by Rev. Morehouse. After covenant exercises adjourned.
M A Packer, C C
Jan 5, 1885, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting opened by pastor. On motion the report of R F Williamson as sexton committee was accepted: the report showing that he had settled with the sexton for regular services of the Church up to Jan 1st, 1885. On motion a committee of three was appointed to nominate a pulpit committee, said consisting of H Y Godfrey, R F Williamson and & M A Packer.
On motion the church decided to unite with the other churches in town in union service during the week of prayer.
Eld. Cady reported as the committee having charge of repairing the meeting house that he had settled all bills incurred in full, in repairing the meeting house which on motion was accepted and the committee discharged.
On motion a vote of thanks was tendered Eld. Cady for his services as building committee. On motion adjourned. Approved May 2, 1885
M A Packer, C C
Jan 11, 1885 Sun
After morning service Sisters Rhoda & Ida CLAYBAUGH were received into the membership of the church by letter from the Kewanee Baptist Church. Approved May 2, 1885.
M A Packer, C C
Mar 15, 1885 Sunday
After morning service the ordnance of baptism was administered to the following named persons: they having previously been received by the church for membership after baptism. Fred LEDERER, Edwin G CADY, Arthur C CADY, Lizzie GEMMELL, Maggie GEMMELL, Edwin STICKNEY. The ordnance of baptism was administered by Rev E C Cady. Approved May 2, 1885
M A Packer, C C
Apr 4, 1885, Saturday
Reg. covenant meeting opened by Eld J M Stickney.
M A Packer, C C
Apr 5, 1885, Sunday
After preaching the church elected Andrew F Stickney as their treasurer for one year.
M A Packer, C C
Apr 26, 1885, Sunday
After morning service the church granted letters of dismission to Rev E C CADY,
May A CADY, Alma G CADY, Edwin G CADY, and Arthur C CADY to unite with the Bapt. Church at El Paso, Illinois. Approved May 2, 1885.
M A Packer, C C
May 2, 1885 Saturday
Reg. covenant meeting opened by Eld. J M Stickney. On motion adjourned.
M A Packer, C C
May 24, 1885 Sunday
After morning service the church met to consider the advisability of extending to Rev E W Hicks (late pastor of the Bapt. Ch. at Sandwich, IL) a call to become the pastor of the Bapt. Church of Toulon. Eld J M Stickney in the chair.
On motion a call was extended to Rev E W Hicks to become the pastor of this church for one year at a salary of $700 plus the parsonage.
On motion sister Hulda COLBORN of Wyoming was restored to membership her name having been dropped on account of non-residence and a letter granted to her to unite with the Bapt Ch at Wyoming. Approved Jun 6, 1885. Adjourned per A F Stickney.
June 6, 1885 Sat
Regular covenant meeting opened by Eld J M Stickney.
M A Packer, C C
June 27, 1885 Sunday
Rev E W Hicks accepted the call of the church to become its pastor for one year.
M A Packer, C C
July 11, 1885, Sat
Reg covenant meeting opened by pastor. On motion John MARSHALL was received into the membership of the church by letter from the Kicapoo (Kickapoo) Bapt Ch. Approved Sep 5, 1885.
Sep 5, 1885, Sat
Regular covenant meeting opened by pastor. After covenant exercises the Pastor and clerk were appointed a com. to prepare a letter to send to the Peoria Bapt Asso. which meets at Galva.
On motion the Pastor, R F Williamson & B Packer were appointed a committee to propose some system for the church to adopt for raising money for the various missionary objects connected with the Bapt Ch.
M A Packer, C C
Sep 6, 1885, Sun
After morning service Rev E W HICKS and Mrs E M HICKS, his wife, were received into the membership of the church by letter from the Bapt Ch at Sandwich, Illinois. And, also Miss Joyce WINN was received into the membership of the church, by letter from the Wyoming Bapt Ch.
M A Packer, C C
Sep 16, 1885
On motion a letter of dismission was granted to Eli PACKER to unite with the Jordans Grove Baptist Church Iowa.
Oct 3, 1885, Sat
Regular Covenant meeting opened by the Pastor. After covenant exercises the following business was transacted.
Report of committee on missions
Treas. quarterly report
On motion Mrs Pleasant FOLLETT was restored. On motion it was decided to devote one hour each evening during the month of Oct to prayer. On motion the Clerk's resignation was accepted. On motion a com was appointed to fix the hitching posts consisting of Bros Owen Thomas, Major Pierson, A F Stickney, R F Williamson, Thomas Gemmell.
Oct 31, 1885, Sat
Regular covenant meeting opened by the pastor. After covenant exercises adjourned. Reported.
Dec 8, 1885, Sat
Regular Covenant meeting opened by the Pastor. After Covenant exercises adjourned. Reported.
Jan 2, 1886, Sat
Regular Covenant meeting opened by the Pastor. After covenant exercises the com on sexton made his report which was accepted; the report showing that he had settled with the sexton for regular services up to Jan 1, 1886. On motion the sextons bill of five dollars for extra services was ordered paid. On motion Elmer B Packer was elected Church Clerk. Adjourned.
Rev E W Hicks, clerk pro tem
Jan 30, 1886, Sat
Regular covenant opened by the pastor. After covenant exercises adjourned. Approved Mar 6, 1886.
E B Packer C C
Mar 6, 1886, Sat
Regular covenant meeting opened by the pastor. After covenant exercises the treas A F Stickney reported that he had received $13.00 for Foreign Missions and $7.80 which had not been specified for any special object. On motion it was decided to give this to the Home Mission Society.
On motion Miss Maedelle LYON was received into the membership of this Church by letter from the Bushnell Baptist Church. On motion Bro Owen Thomas was appointed a committee of one to obtain money to pay the taxes on the parsonage. Adjourned. Approved Apr 3, 1886.
E B Packer, C C
Apr 2, 1886 Sat
Regular Covenant meeting opened by the pastor. After covenant exercises the following business was transacted.
Report of the Tres for the quarter ending Apr 3, 1886:
Jan 1st Bal due Tres $35.65
Paid Elder Hicks 186.99
Paid Elder Arthur Brown-Bible works 15.41
Paid C F Tolman-Foreign Miss. debt 13.00
Paid F W Goodspeed-Aid students at Morgan Park 10.00
Wm Haigh Home Mission debt 6.80
Burg & Dewey Inst on over drawn acct .32
Received from all sources 230.22
Bal due Elder Hicks to Mar 20 7.00
A F Stickney, Tres.
Elder Hicks stated that he had sent Bro Levitte $10.00 for State Sunday School work. Bro Owen Thomas stated that he had paid the taxes and received a receipt for the same. On motion the question of withdrawing the hand of Church fellowship was laid on the table for one month. Adjourned.
E B Packer C C
April 3, 1886
On motion letters of dismission were granted to Miss Anna WAGNER and Mrs William WAGNER to unite with the Baptist Church of Kearney, Nebraska.
E B Packer, C C
May 23, 1886 Sunday
After morning services a letter of dismission was granted to Sister May THOMPSON to unite with the Baptist Church of Hastings, Nebraska. Approved.
May ?, 1886 Saturday
Regular covenant meeting opened by the Pastor. After covenant exercises the following business was transacted. On motion the hand of Church fellowship was withdrawn from Mrs. Belle NEWLAND.
On motion a license to preach was granted to M A PACKER. Adjourned.
E B Packer, C C
June 5, 1886, Sat
Regular covenant meeting of the church opened by the Pastor. After covenant exercises the following business was transacted.
On motion Bro and Sister Albert ANDERSON were received into the membership of this church by letter from the Baptist Church of Saxon.
On motion a com was appointed to solicit subscription for the Pastor's salary for the coming year consisting of B Packer and A F Stickney. Adjourned.
Elmer B Packer, C C
July 3, 1886 Sat
Regular covenant meeting opened by the pastor. After covenant exercises a committee was appointed to revise the Church membership list, consisting of the Pastor, Clerk and Dea Packer.
E B Packer, C C
July 31, 1886 Sat
Regular covenant meeting of the church opened by the pastor. After covenant exercises the question of putting a Baptistry in the church was discussed and a com. appointed to take the matter in charge, the com consisting of Elder E W Hicks and Deacons F W Williamson & A F Stickney. On motion a call was extended to Rev E W Hicks to become the Pastor of this Church for another year at $700 a year and the Parsonage. Adjourned.
E B Packer, C C
Sep 4, 1886, Sat
Regular covenant meeting of the church opened by the pastor. After covenant exercises the following business was transacted.
The com on putting in the Baptistry reported that the Baptistry had been put in and was ready for use. On motion Sister Mary TWISS was granted a letter of dismission to unite with the Baptist Church of Grafton, Nebraska. On motion the Pastor & Clerk were appointed a com to prepare a letter to send to the Peoria Bapt Asso. which meets at Peoria.
On motion Elder E W Hicks & Mrs E M Hicks his wife, and as many other members of the Ch as could attend the Asso. should be delegates from this Church.
E B Packer, C C
Sep 5, 1886, Sun
After morning services Sister Mattie KERNEY was received into full membership of this ch by letter from the Western Avenue Bap Ch of Chicago.
E B Packer, C C
Sep 12, 1886, Sun
After morning services, Sister Fanny May WINANS was received into full membership of this ch by letter from the Lyons Farms Bap Ch. On motion Mrs Melvin BASS and Mrs John BALENTINE were received as candidates for baptism and membership with this ch.
E B Packer, C C
Sep 22, 1886 Sunday evening
After evening services the ordinance of Baptism was administered to Mrs. Melvin BASS and Mrs. John BALENTINE.
E B Packer, C C
Sep 19, 1886 Sunday
After morning services the letter to be sent to the Peoria Bap. Asso. held in Peoria, was read and approved.
E B Packer, C C
Oct 1, 1886 Sat.
Regular covenant meeting of the Ch opened by the Pastor. After covenant exercises adjourned.
E B Packer, C C
Nov 6, 1886 Sat
Regular covenant meeting opened by the Pastor. After covenant exercises adjourned.
E B Packer, C C
Dec 4, 1886, Sat.
The regular covenant meeting of the Ch was dispensed with on account of the revival meetings being held at the time.
E B Packer, C C
Dec 4, 1886, Sat.
After evening services the following named persons were received as candidates for baptism and membership with this Church.
Mrs. SORNSON Miss Carrie WHITE
Miss Hattie WHITE Miss Bessie STICKNEY
E B Packer, C C
Dec 5, 1886, Sun.
After evening services the ordinance of baptism was administered to,
Miss Carrie WHITE Miss Hattie WHITE
Dec 9, 1886 Thur.
After evening services Mr. John BALENTINE was received as a candidate for baptism and membership with this church.
Dec 11, 1886 Sat.
After evening services Mr Christre SORNSON and Miss Anna SORNSON his daughter were received as candidates for baptism and membership with this church.
Dec 12, 1886, Sun
After morning service Mrs Elizabeth THOMPSON and Miss Maud BALENTINE were received as candidates for baptism and membership with this ch.
E B Packer C C
Dec 12, 1886, Sun
After evening services the ordinance of baptism was administered to Mr Christre SORNSON and Miss Anna SORNSON.
Dec 29, 1886 Wed
After evening service Mr B F THOMPSON was received as a candidate for baptism and membership with this ch.
E B Packer, C C
Jan 8, 1887, Sat.
Regular annual meeting of the chuirch opened by the Pastor. After covenant exercises Earl THOMPSON was received as a candidate for baptism and membership with this Church. On motion it was decided to divide the collections of the Sunday-school for the quarter ending Jan 1, 1887 in the following manner.
To State Missions $5
To State Bible Work 13.63
On motion Bro A F Stickney was reelected Tres. and E B Packer Ch Clerk for the ensuing year. On motion the election of a Trustee to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Bro Owen THOMAS was postponed one month.
Jan 9, 1887, Sun.
After evening services the ordinance of baptism was administered to the following named persons.
Mrs Elizabeth THOMPSON Miss Maud BALENTINE
E B Packer, C C
Feb 5, 1887 Sat
The regular meeting of the Ch was postponed because the sexton forgot to open the house.
Mar 5, 1887, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting of the church opened by the Pastor. After covenant exercises the following business was transacted.
On motion Bro B F Thompson was elected Trustee to fill the place of Bro Owen Thomas, deceased.
On motion it was decided to use the funds collected on communion days for the benefit of the poor in our Ch.
On motion a letter of dismission was granted Bro Charles EICHOLZ to unite with the Bap Ch of Pittsfield, Illinois.
Apr 2, 1887 Sat
Regular covenant meeting of the Ch opened by the Pastor. There being no business to attend to the meeting adjourned.
E B Packer, C C
Apr 30, 1887 Sat.
Regular covenant exercises, letters of dismission were granted to Bro M A PACKER and Sister Avilla E PACKER to unite with the Bap Ch of Morgan Park, IL
E B Packer, C C
May 22, 1887, Sun.
After morning services letters of dismission were granted to Sister Eliza BEERS and Sister Eva BEERS to unite with the Bap Ch of Nelson, Neb.
Jun 4, 1887, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting of the church opened by the Pastor.
After covenant exercises the following business was transacted.
On motion the hand of church fellowship was withdrawn from Mrs. Kate GEER, she having first withdrawn from us.
On motion the question of excluding Avery GEER for unchristian conduct was laid on the table for one month.
Jul 2, 1887 Sat.
After covenant meeting the Pastor retired and Rev J M Stickney was called to the chair. Moved and carrried that the Ch request Rev E W Hicks to remain as our pastor as long as both parties are agreed, at a salary of $700 and parsonage with the understanding that when either party becomes dissatisfied or think best to make a change they are to give the other party three months notice. On motion adjourned.
A F Stickney, clk pro tem
Jul 24, 1887, Sun.
After morning service the following named persons were received as candidates for baptism and membership in this Ch.
Miss Amy MAWBY Miss Anna MAWBY
Mrs. Wm Barton was baptized in the river east of the Jug Run school house in the afternoon. Mrs. Blood, Misses Amy Mawby, Anna Mawby & Lizzie Bass and Alva Balentine were baptized in the evening at the Ch.
Aug 6, 1887, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting of the Ch. After covenant exercises the following business was transacted.
On motion Sister Harrison MINER was granted a letter of dismission to unite with the Bap Ch of Kewanee. Adjourned.
E B Packer, C C
Sep 2, 1887, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting of the Ch. The church having previously voted their old communion set to the Bap Ch at Nelson, Neb received a letter of thanks.
On motion Mr. Avery GEER was excluded from the Ch for unchristian conduct. Adjourned.
E B Packer, C C
Oct 1, 1887, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting of the Ch. After covenant exercises there being no business to attend to the meeting adjourned.
E B Packer, C C
Oct 9, 1887, Sun.
Rev Therah Smith of Canton, IL having been invited to assist in holding revival meetings here commenced his labors today.
Oct 14, 1887, Fri.
After evening services the following named persons were received as candidates for baptism and membership with this Ch.
Nathan BASS Birdie SORNSON
On motion Mrs MC KANE was received into the membership of this church on her experience.
Oct 16, 1887, Sun.
After morning services Nathan BASS and Geo W BARTON were baptized in the river east of the Jug Run school house. After evening services the following were baptized in the Ch.
Oct 19, 1887, Wed.
After evening services the following were received as candidates for baptism and membership in the ch.
Mr Wm WHITE Mrs Willis GILL
Mr Sam'l BLOOD Miss - GRUB
Alice BERFIELD Mrs. Hattie SLACK
Addie BERFIELD (Aleck Taylor listed but line drawn through name)
On motion Mrs William WHITE was received as a member of this ch on her experience.
Oct 20, 1887, Thur.
After evening services Barney DEWEY was received as a candidate for baptism and membership with this ch; the following were baptized:
Mr Wm WHITE Mrs Willis GILL
Mr Sam'l BLOOD Miss - GRUB
Oct 22, 1887, Sat.
After evening service the following were received as candidates for baptism and membership with this ch.
Harry ROW Mr Geo. SLACK
Oct 23, 1887, Sun.
After evening services the following were baptized.
Mrs Hattie SLACK Fred TAYLOR
Jimmie PIERSON Harry ROW
Oct 28, 1887, Fri.
After evening services the following were received as candidates for baptism and membership with this ch.
Mr Willis GILL Eddie LOWMAN
On motion Mrs. Jennie RUSSEL was received as a member of this ch. on her experience.
Oct 30, 1887, Sun.
After evening services the folowing were baptized.
Mr Willis GILL Eddie LOWMAN
Nov 10, 1887, Thur.
After evening services Mrs Wm TAYLOR and Miss Belle PAUL were received as candidates for baptism and membership with this ch.
Nov 13, 1887, Sun.
After morning services Miss Sarah PAUL was received as a candidate for baptism and membership with this church. Sunday evening the following were baptized:
Mrs Wm TAYLOR Miss Sarah PAUL
Miss Belle PAUL
Nov 5, 1887, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting of the ch opened by the Pastor.
On motion Mrs Harriet HALL received as a member of this ch on her experience.
E B Packer, C C
Dec 3, 1887, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting of the Ch opened by Pastor.
After covenant exercises there being no business to attend to the meeting adjourned.
E B Packer, C C
Dec 31, 1887, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting of the Ch opened by the Pastor.
After covenant exercises the Tres. made his report which was accepted.
On motion Mr William CHEATHAM and his wife Mrs. Jane CHEATHAM and their two daughters ETTA and ELLA were received into the membership of this ch by letters from the Bap Ch of Wayne, Neb.
Feb 4, 1888, Sat.
Covenant meeting of the Ch. The Pastor being absent the clerk was asked to take charge of the meeting. After covenant exercises the meeting adjourned.
E B Packer, C C
Mar 3, 1888, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting of the Ch. After covenant exercises the following business was transacted.
On motion Sister Camilla M PATTERSON was granted a letter of dismission to unite with the Bap Ch of Wyoming, Ill.
On motion Mr. John GEER was received as a candidate for baptism and membership with this ch.
On motion Mrs. Cora GEER was received as a member of this Ch on her experience.
On motion Bro A F Stickney was elected Tres. for the coming year, and E B Packer Clerk. Bro A F Stickney then offered his resignation as Deacon of the Ch. Action by the Ch was deferred until the next meeting. Also the election of a Trustee to fill the
vacancy caused by the removal of Bro H Y Godfrey.
On motion Rev. Messia MESROPIAN was received into the membership of this Ch from the Calvary Bap Ch of N. Haven, Conn.
E B Packer, C C
Mar 18, 1888, Sun.
After evening services the ordinance of baptism was administered to John GEER.
Apr 7, 1888, Sat.
Covenant meeting of the Ch. After covenant exercises the election of a Trustee was postponed one month. Also the action of Bro. Stickney's resignation.
E B Packer, C C
May 5, 1888, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting of the ch. On motion Bro A F Stickney's resignation as "deacon" was accepted and Bro B Packer elected in his place. On motion Bro B Packer was appointed a committee of one to see about fixing up the parsonage and Ch. Adjourned.
E B Packer, C C
June 2, 1888, Sat.
Reg. business meeting of the Ch. On motion Bro Barnard Barton was elected "Trustee" to fill the place of H Y Godfrey removed. The Tres reported the taxes paid. On motion Miss Stella GRIDLEY was received into the membership of this ch by letter from the Bap Ch of Plano, Ill. Adjourned.
E B Packer, C C
June 30, 1888, Sat.
Reg covenant meeting of the Ch. On motion Miss May THOMPSON was received into the membership of this ch by letter from the Bap Ch of Hastings, Neb.
On motion Bro B F Thompson and E B Packer were appointed ushers for the quarter commencing July 1 with Bros S W Blood and Sam'l Johnson as alternates.
On motion Bro B F Thompson was appointed a com of one to see to fixing the steps in front of Ch. Adjourned.
E B Packer, C C
Aug 6, 1888, Sat.
Reg covenant meeting of the ch. After covenant exercises the question of inviting Rev. Terah Smith to assist in holding revival meetings was discussed. A motion was made to invite him to come but action was deferred until after services Sun morning at which time it was carried unanimously. Adjourned.
Elmer B Packer, Church Clerk
Sep 8, 1888
The regular covenant meeting of the church convened at 2 o'clock pm. Rev. Mr. Hicks in the chair. The clerk being absent, Miss Dora Pliter was elected clerk pro tem.
Regular covenant exercises.
The Platform Committee reported a balance of $3.00 unpaid.
The committee appointed to make repairs on the parsonage reported a bill of $7.60 unpaid. It was arranged to pay both bills by collection on the following Sunday.
Arrangements for the yearly meeting of the Baptist Association (Peoria) were then made, and the following committee appointed:
To find places of entertainment for delegates to the Association, B F Thompson, R F Williamson, Mrs. Hicks, Miss Pliter.
To assign places to delegates, Rev. E W Hicks, B F Thompson.
On flowers and decorating church, Misses Martha Berfield, Laura Bass.
To obtain help and have church cleaned, Mrs. Pierson.
To obtain and put in extra rings in wind-break fence, for hitching teams, S W Blood. Adjourned.
Dora Pliter, clerk pro tem
Jan 5, 1889, Sat. Regular covenant meeting
The members of the Baptist Church of Toulon convened in regular covenant meeting in the church, at 2 o'clock pm, Sat. Jan 5, 1889. Rev E W Hicks in the chair.
B F Thompson elected clerk pro tem. After regular covenant exercises the following business was transacted:
Proceeded to the election of church clerk and treasurer for the ensuing year.
B F Thompson was elected clerk.
A F Stickney was unanimously reelected treasurer. A letter from Sister G M GILL, of Jacksonville, Oregon, was read, asking for Letter of Dismissal to join the M.E.Church at Jacksonville, there being no Baptist Church there. On motion, a certificate of the good christian character of Sister Gill, at the time she left here, was granted and forwarded to her.
Bro John GEER, and his wife, Sister Dora GEER, applied for letters to join the LaSalle Avenue Baptist Church (N side), Chicago, and the same were granted.
The treasurer reported the amount of Sunday collections for the year 1888, $82.13.
Bro R F Williamson reported incidental expenses for the year (did not get amount).
No further business. Adjourned.
B F Thompson, clk
Jan 6, 1889, Sun.
Miss Alice G HAGAN presented letter from the First Clinton Center Baptist Church of Waterman, Ill, and was received a member of this church.
Feb 2, 1889, Sat.
Rev. E W Hicks in the chair. Regular covenant exercises.
An invitation from Baptist Church of Sparland, the Pastor and Deacon B Packer and Deacon Williamson were selected delegates to attend that church on Tuesday, Feb 5, 1889, to recognition of Sparland Baptist Church. Adjourned.
B F Thompson, clk
Mar 2, 1889, Covenant meeting
Regular covenant meeting at the church. Rev E W Hicks in the chair.
After regular covenant exercises, the roll of the church memberhsip was called, and twenty eight (28) members responded to their name.
Miss Ida M SCOTT presented a letter of Dismissal from the Baptist Church of Osceola - dated Jan 8, 1889 - to unite with this church, and on motion, she was unanimously received (Osceola Church notified Mar 4, 1889)
On motion, the names of John ARMSTRONG, Fred LEDERER and Miss Flora GILL were dropped from the church rolls.
Letters of Dismissal were granted to Bro William CHEATHAM, and his wife and daughters, Mrs. Jane CHEETHAM, and Etta CHEETHAM and Ella CHEETHAM, to unite with the Baptist Church at Webster, Mass. (Letters forwarded Mar 4, 1889).
No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Apr 6, 1889, Sat.
Rev E W Hicks in the chair. Regular covenant exercises. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Taxes on parsonage reported $11.05. No business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
May 4, 1889, Sat.
Rev E W Hicks in the chair. Regular covenant exercises. No business. Closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Jun 1, 1889, Sat.
Rev E W Hicks in the chair. 20 members present. Regular covenant exercises.
Treasurer reported amount due on subscriptions to pastor's salary, to end of pastoral year, June 20 - $299.30, and amount due pastor $116.66. No other business; closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Aug 31, 1889, Sat.
Rev E W Hicks in the chair. Regular covenant exercises. No business.
B F Thompson, clkk
Jan 4, 1890, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev E W Hicks in the chair. Regular covenant exercises.
Annual roll-call of members - reading letters, etc.
On motion,, it was voted to have an annual roll call of members at the first covenant meeting in each year.
Mr W F PRICE, Miss Kate L PRICE and Miss Hettie E PRICE, being present, were received for baptism, and all were baptized by the Pastor. No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Jan 14, 1890, Special meeting at the church.
Rev E W Hicks in the chair. Bro William H WINANS was received by letter a member of this church.
Harry WINANS, Robert WINANS, Emma WINANS, Frank PRICE, Albert
MC CORKLE, John JACKSON and Edna MC CLENAHAN, being present, were received for baptism, and all were baptized by Rev E W Hicks, the pastor.
B F Thompson, clk
Jan 19, 1890, Sun.
Mrs Martha J BROCKWAY was received a member of this church, on her experience.
Mr George N BROCKWAY was received for baptism, and baptized by the pastor.
Feb 1, 1890, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev E W Hicks in the chair. Regular covenant exercises.
Mrs. Hattie A HALL was received by letter a member of this church.
Mr J Knox HALL was received for baptism, and baptized by the pastor.
William A STRAYER was dismissed by letter to unite with the Baptist Church at Geneseo, Ill.
B F Thompson was reelected clerk, and A F Stickney, Treasurer, for the ensuing year. Earl W Thompson and James M Stickney were elected ushers, and Samuel Johnson and A H Anderson Alternates, for the ensuing year.
No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Feb 22, 1890, Sun.
Mr Elton G COLE and Mrs. Mary M COLE presented Letters of Dismissal from the First Baptist Church of Arkansas City, Kansas, to unite with this church, and were duly received as members of this church, and their former church informed of such action.
Mar 1, 1890, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Covenant exercises.
Mrs. Mary PETERS was duly received on her experience, a member of this church.
No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Mar 23, 1890, Sun.
Rev Messiah MEEROPIAN asked by letter, for a Letter of Dismissal from this church to unite with the Baptist Church at or near Crum? Lynne, Pa., and the same was granted and duly forwarded as requested.
Apr 5, 1890, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev E W Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
The name of Mrs Mary CRUM dropped from the church rolls.
No other business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
May 3, 1890, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
The matter of repairing the church was discussed but no action taken. No other business.
B F Thompson, clk
Jun 5, 1890, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev E W Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Miss Ida M SCOTT was granted letter of dismissal to unite with Kewanee church.
It was voted to repair the church and erect a lecture room as an addition, and a committee to solicit subscriptions and perform the work was appointed, consisting of Deac B Packer, J K Hall, W F Price and B F Thompson. No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
July meeting, 1890
Regular covenant meeting. Rev E W Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises. Mrs. Hicks and Mrs A F Stickney appointed committee to visit Annie Taylor. Clerk absent.
Aug 2, 1890, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev. Mr. Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Mr Hicks reported for committee appointed to visit Annie Taylor.
It was moved and seconded that Annie TAYLOR be excluded from membership with this church, for conduct unbecoming a christian.
On motion, the question was laid on the table for one month.
It was ordered that the name of Harry ROWE be dropped from the church rolls, he having united with the Christian Church.
The Building Committee heretofore appointed, by Deacon Packer, its chairman, made a verbal report that sufficient money had been subscribed to make the contemplated improvements on the church building, and that the contract for such improvements had been made with Mr R F Dickenson.
On motion, the action of the committee was approved and the committee authorized to go ahead and complete the work subject to the approval of the church. No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Sep 21, 1890
J Knox HALL and Mrs Hattie A HALL, his wife, dismissed by letter - removed to Creston, Iowa.
Mrs. Madill A RENNICK granted letter to unite with Bradford Church Sep 28, 1890.
Sep 6, 1890, Sat.
Church closed for repairs. No covenant meeting. Sunday meetings held in court room.
Oct 4, 1890, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting, held in court room. Rev E W Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises. John H STICKNEY was admitted by letter. Annie TAYLOR was excluded. Clerk absent (sick).
Nov 8, 1890, Sat.
Covenant meeting. Mr Hicks in chair. Usual exercises. No business.
Dec 6, 1890, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting in new lecture room. Regular covenant exercises. Rev. E W Hicks in chair.
The following resolutions were offered and unanimously adopted, by a rising vote"
Resolved, That we, as a church, do hereby express our gratitude to Deacon Benjamin Packer for his generous gift of $500 towards the building of the new addition to our meeting house. We recognize not only the largeness of the sum, but also the noble spirit in which it was given, and which imparted a spirit of cheerful liberality to all the following contributions.
Resolved, That we, as a church, do hereby express our gratitude to Bro J H Winans for his generous gift of $200 towards our meeting house repairs, which, supplementing, as it did, the initial contribution of Bro Packer, greatly strengthened our hands, and gave us confidence that we should succeed in our undertaking.
Resolved, That we, as a church, do hereby express our gratitude to each member of the church and to other friends, not members with us, who have in any way, assisted in carrying forward the work now so happily completed. We pray that the Lord may abundantly bless them all.
Resolved, That we, as a church, do hereby acknowledge the good hand of God in this whole matter of our church improvements. It is through his gracious presence that we have seen improvements to the value of over $2,000 made and paid for and we wish to put this acknowledgement on record, that his name be praised and glorified, both by us and by those who, in this church, shall come after us.
The clerk was instructed to cause the foregoing resolutions, to be published, and to furnish a copy of the same to Deacon Packer and to Bro. Winans.
No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Jan 3, 1891, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting in lecture room of church. Rev E W Hicks in the chair.
After the usual covenant exercises the roll of the members of the church was called, and 55 responded in person or by letter.
Letters were read from absent members, and every one present gave in their testimony.
Bro Samuel W Blood was elected Trustee, in place of Bro N F WINANS, dismissed by letter.
The treasurer made report, which seemed satisfactory - no action taken.
It was voted to observe the week of prayer. Deacon Benj. Packer made some remarks to the church, and tendered his resignation as a deacon. Deacon Williamson moved a vote of confidence in Deacon Packer, which was unanimously carried, and the matter was laid over to the next meeting.
It was voted to elect a church janitor every year commencing at new year's.
A F Stickney was reelected Treasurer, and B F Thompson, Clerk
No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Feb 1891 - No covenant meeting
Mar 1891 - No covenant meeting
Apr 1891 - see page 84
Apr 4, 1891, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev E W Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises, all present spoke.
The matter of Deacon Packer's resignation, laid over at the January meeting, was taken up. On motion, it was unanimously voted to request Deacon Packer to withdraw his resignation.
It was moved and seconded that the clerk convey to Bro Packer, our appreciation of his services in the church in the past, and our earnest desire for him to withdraw his resignation. Carried unanimously.
A H Anderson and B F Thompson were elected Ushers, and S W Blood and C Sorenson Alternates.
No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
May 1891 - No covenant meeting
June 20, 1891 Special meetings in lieu of regular May and June meetings.
Covenant meeting. Rev E W Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Delegates were elected to the ordination of Bro Wm P Pearce at Sparland June 26, as follows: The Pastor, J H Stickney, B F Thompson.
It was stated by the Treasurer that subscriptions to pastor's salary, and the pastoral year, now ends on June 20, and it was moved and seconded that the present pastoral year be extended to Dec 31, 1891, and that thereafter the calendar year be our pastoral year.
Carried unanimously.
A H Anderson, S W Blood and B F Thompson were appointed a committee to confer with the other churches in relation to the ringing of church bells on the 4th of July.
It was stated that our pastor had been, and was now, preaching on Sunday afternoons for the Baptist Church at Saxon, and that the Saxon Church had contributed and paid to the Treasurer of this church a sum of money towards the payment of the pastor's salary; and it was moved that the pastor be allowed one-half of all paid by the Saxon church, extra, in addition to his salary. (In margin of page: Motion rescinded Apr 3, 1897).
Deacon Packer moved to pay the pastor $100 out of the Saxon fund, and that the remainder of such fund be divided equally between this church and the pastor. Motion seconded, and carried unanimously.
No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
July 1891 - No covenant meeting
Aug 1, 1891, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises. Good attendance. No business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Sep 5, 1891, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev E W Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
All present spoke.
Letters of Dismissal were granted to Mrs. Rhoda B CLAYBAUGH and Miss Ida CLAYBAUGH, to unite with the Baptist Church at Kearney, Nebraska.
No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Oct 3, 1891, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises - all taking part.
Mrs Nellie S PACKER presented a letter from the Baptist Church of Osceola, and was admitted a member of this church.
Mrs. Cerilda J PLITER and Mrs. Mary J EDMUNDS asked for letters of dismissal to unite with the Baptist Church at Yorkville, Ill. and the same were granted.
No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Oct 31, 1891, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises. No business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Dec 4, 1891
Mrs Annie I SMITH received for baptism and baptized by pastor.
Dec 14, 1891
The following named persons were received for baptism and baptized by the pastor:
Mary Blanche COOLEY Ernest COOLEY
Dec 18, 1891
Fred A HARTER, Karl C BLOOD, John Otto WEST and Thomas W GEMMELL were received for baptism and duly baptized by the pastor.
Dec 23, 1891
Miss Lillian A BEVIER was received for baptism and duly baptized by the pastor.
Jan 1, 1892 Covenant Meeting
Pursuant to previous arrangements the members met at the meeting house on Friday January 1, 1892, at 12 o'clock noon.
It was a rainy disagreeable day, and the roads were very muddy and almost impassable.
Members living in the country could not get in, but nearly all residing in town were present. Tables were spread in the lecture room and a sumptuous lunch, prepared by the ladies, served at one o'clock.
After lunch, the meeting was called to order, and opened by prayer by the pastor, and the following program then carried out.
1. Report of the clerk, showing the gains, losses and present membership of the church.
2. Report of the treasurer, of the finances of the church.
3. Report from the Sunday School.
4. Report of the Woman's Foreign Mission Society.
5. Report of the Woman's Home Mission Society.
6. Report of the Young People's Society.
7. Roll call of members.
8. Reading letters from absent members.
9. Remarks by the pastor and others
B F Thompson was reelected clerk. A F Stickney was reelected treasurer. Earl W Thompson was elected janitor, and his salary fixed at $75 per year.
A vote of thanks was given the church choir for their services during the previous year.
All sang "Praise God from whom all blessings flow," the pastor pronounced the benediction, and the meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Jan 8, 1892
Bro Fred A HARTER was dismissed by letter to unite with another Baptist Church.
Jan 10, 1892, Sun.
Letters of Dismission from the First Baptist Church of Concordia, Kansas, were presented by Mr. John CHASE, Mrs. Mary P CHASE and Miss Bessie CHASE, and all were received as members of the church.
Feb 3, 1892.
Miss Lillian A BEVIER was dismissed by letter to unite with the Baptist Church at Brookfield, MO (United with Brookfield Church Feb 14, 1892)
Feb 6, 1892, Sat.
Regular Covenant Meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises. No business.
B F Thompson, clk
Mar 5, 1892 Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises. No business.
B F Thompson, clk
Apr 2, 1892, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Mrs. Angeline S GILL was dismissed by letter to unite with the Baptist Church at Avon, Ill.
$15 out of salary fund was appropriated to pay Mr. Hicks, money advanced by him to pay Mr. Pearce for meetings at Jug Run. No other business.
B F Thompson, clk
Apr 30, 1892, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises. No business.
June 4, 1892, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant meeting. No business.
B F Thompson, clk
Jul 2, 1892, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises.
The names of James E ATWOOD and Leona? GRUBB were dropped from the church rolls. No other business.
B F Thompson, clk
Aug 6, 1892, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises.
It was moved and seconded that the time of holding the regular monthly covenant meeting be changed from Saturday afternoon, to the Wednesday evening before the first Sunday in each month. On motion, the question was laid over for one month. No other business.
B F Thompson, clk
Sep 3, 1892, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
The question of changing the time of holding the monthly covenant meetings, laid over from last meeting, was taken up and laid over to next meeting. It was voted that when this meeting adjourn, it adjourn to the Wednesday evening before the first Sunday in Oct.
Major A PIERSON, Mrs Sarah E PIERSON and Mrs Sarah A MC KANE made request through Mrs. Pierson for Letters of Dismission from this church to unite with the Baptist Church at Stockton, California, where they now reside, and the same were duly granted.
No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Sep 11, 1892, Sun.
Rev E W Hicks, Mrs Ellen M Hicks, Deacon B Packer and Deacon R F Williamson were elected delegates to the Association to be held at Canton.
Miss Laura WISE was dismissed by letter to unite with the Baptist Church at Canton, Ill.
B F Thompson, clk
Sep 28, 1892 Wed. evening
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant services.
On motion it was voted to adopt a course of evangelistic church work, and Bro S W Blood was elected Superintendent of such work.
Adjourned to Saturday afternoon before first Sunday in November.
B F Thompson, clk
Nov 5, 1892, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Good attendance. Usual covenant exercises. Bro A H Anderson appointed to fix up hitching posts. Adjourned to Wed. evening before first Sunday in December.
B F Thompson, clk
Nov 30, 1893, Wed. evening
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Voted to have roll call of members, and other exercises, Sat. Dec 31, 1892 - lunch at noon. Adjourned to Sat. Dec 31.
B F Thompson, clk
Mrs Sarah IVES joined by letter Oct 30, 1892
Dec 31, 1892, Sat.
Met at the church at 11 o'clock a.m.
Lunch served at 12 o'clock in small room. After lunch, assembled in large room. Rev Mr Hicks in chair, when the following program was carried out, viz:
Report of membership by the clerk
Treasurer's Financial Report
Sunday School Report by E G Cole, Sec'y
Report of Woman's Home Mission Society, by Miss Sarah Berfield
Report of Woman's Foreign Mission Society, by Mrs E M Hicks
Report of Young Peoples' Society, by Miss Alice Berfield
Remarks by Pastor
Roll call of members - responses by those present, and reading letters from absent
Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:
Clerk - B F Thompson
Treasurer - A F Stickney
On motion of A F Stickney, a vote of thanks to the pastor was unanimously adopted.
No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Jan 29, 1893, Sun. evening
Miss Nancy WHITE received for baptism.
Feb 1, 1893, Wed. evening
Miss Delany S CONGER, Miss Maude JOHNSTON, Maude CLAYBAUGH,
Clarence CLAYBAUGH and Jessie JOHNSON received for baptism.
All, and Miss White baptized Feb 5, 1893.
Mar 4, 1893
Covenant meeting. Rev Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Mrs. - NELSON received for baptism.
Voted to pay Mr Hicks $17 out of Saxon fund, for money advanced by him to pay Rev. Martin. No other business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Apr 1, 1893
Covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises. No other business.
B F Thompson, clk
May 6, 1893
Covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises. E G Cole and Samuel Johnson elected ushers for three months - May, June & July. No other business.
B F Thompson, clk
June 3, 1893, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Voted to observe "Childrens' Day" Sunday June 11 - and that the money raised on that day by collection and otherwise be appropriated for the assistance of the Wyoming Baptist Church. Voted to put electric lights in the church. No other business.
B F Thompson, clk
Jul 2, 1893, Sun.
The church voted unanimously to grant our Pastor a vacation, and to pay him $50 extra for expenses, etc., during his vacation.
Jul 23, 1893, Sun.
Upon request of the Baptist Church of La Marsh, our Pastor and Deacons Packer and Williamson were elected delegates to sit in council with the La Marsh church, July 27, 1893, to consider the propriety of ordaining to the ministry Bro Fred A Harter of La Marsh Church.
Jul 26, 1893
At prayer meeting. Dora B PLITER granted letter of dismission to unite with Baptist Church at Lockport, Ill.
Sep 2, 1893
Covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises. Resignation of Earl W Thompson, as janitor, accepted, and Trustees authorized to employ a janitor. No further business - meeting closed.
Sep 30, 1893
Covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Mrs Nellie E BUERMAN received as a member by letter from First Baptist Church of Peoria.
It was suggested by the Pastor, - and moved and carried, - that a series of special meetings be held in Nov. for at least one week, for the especial benefit of members of the church. No further business. Meeting closed.
Nov 4, 1893
Covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Mrs Sarah IVES dismissed by letter to unite with the Baptist Church at Spencer, Iowa.
Mrs Nancy E WALLING dismissed by letter to unite with the Calvary Baptist Church of Davenport, Iowa.
No further business. Meeting closed.
The special meetings referred to above were held in Nov - preaching every evening by the Pastor, assisted by neighboring pastors, with special reference to the members of the church.
No covenant meeting in Dec - storm - and fire, - Mr Shallenberger's residence burned, - prevented meeting.
Dec 17, 1893, Sun.
Mrs. Rhoda B CLAYBAUGH and Miss Ida CLAYBAUGH received as members, on Letters from First Baptist Church of Kearney, Neb.
Jan 6, 1894, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises.
The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Treasurer A F Stickney
Clerk B F Thompson
Janitor Chas. M Dewey
No further business. Meeting closed.
Feb 3, 1894, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Pastor and Clerk both absent.
Mrs E M Hicks, chairman and clerk pro tem.
Usual covenant exercises. Mrs C A HULL, nee Laney CONGER, requested Letter to unite with a church at Stark. As there is no Baptist Church at Stark, it was voted to grant a certificate that Mrs Hull is a member of this church in good standing, and commending her to the fellowship of the Christian people of Stark, etc.
No further business. Meeting closed.
Mar 3, 1894, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Letter of dismission granted to Mrs Rose WHITWELL of Kewanee to unite with Baptist Church of Kewanee.
Mrs Mary A HEADLEY was received for baptism. Baptized Mar 21, 1894. No further business.
Special meetings were held in the church every evening (except Saturday) beginning Feb 12, 1894 and ending March 5, 1894. Preaching by Rev A J Young of Galva, assisted by our pastor.
A good attendance and considerable interest, but few conversions - mostly children, and members of the Sabbath School.
Mar 11, 1894, Sun.
Ralph A CLAYBAUGH, Edith E CLAYBAUGH, Ella M SORENSON and Grace H GEMMELL were received for baptism.
All, and also Mrs Mary A HEADLEY, were baptized Wednesday evening, March 21, 1894.
Mar 31, 1894, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Edwin C Stickney, clerk pro tem. Usual covenant services.
Mrs Sarah I (PAUL) FOWLER was granted a certificate of good standing as a member of this church. Married, and wishes to unite with the Presbyterian Church at Elmira.
Rev E W Hicks was appointed a committee to inquire into the conduct, etc. of Edward LOWMAN and report at the next meeting.
Mrs Headley and Mrs Hicks were appointed to inquire as to Walter TAYLOR and Fred TAYLOR and report at next church meeting.
The pastor was authorized to make arrangements for instruction of young people of church in vocal music, provided there shall be no expense to the church, and use of small room was granted for that purpose. No further business. Meeting closed.
Apr 11, 1894, Wed. evening
Regular prayer meeting of the church. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair.
Edson E BASSETT was received as a member of the church upon his baptism.
Rev. John C HART, Mrs. Mary E HART, Miss Jane T HART and Miss Iva E HART presented a letter of dismission from the Baptist church of Walnut, Ill and were unanimously received as members of this church.
Apr 15, 1894, Sun. evening
Edson E BASSETT baptized after Sunday evening services.
May 5, 1894, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
The pastor reported that he had written to Bro Edward Lowman, in accordance with his instructions of Mar 31 and had received no reply.
On motion, report accepted and committee discharged. On motion the name of Edward LOWMAN was dropped from the church records on account of his neglect of his church covenant and fellowship.
The committee appointed at the March meeting, Mrs Hicks and Mrs Headley, to inquire as to Walter and Fred Taylor, continued to next meeting.
The following resolution was offered and unanimously adopted by a rising vote.
Resolved, That we do hereby request and urge Bro Benj Packer to withdraw his resignation, and resume his official services, as a deacon of this church. We sincerely desire his official counsel and influence and confidently hope he may withdraw his resignation.
On motion Bro N F Winans was elected Trustee in place of Bro Stephen W EASTMAN, deceased.
On motion it was voted to defer the election of a Deacon to fill vacancy caused by the death of Deacon Eastman, and that a deacon be elected at the next covenant meeting. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
June 2, 1894, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev E W Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Bro J H Winans was placed in nomination for Deacon, in place of Bro S W Eastman deceased. On motion the nomination was laid on the table until next covenant meeting. No other business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
June 30, 1894, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev E W Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
The nomination of Bro J H Winans for Deacon made at last meeting, was withdrawn at his own request, he being unable to serve.
Bro John H Stickney was nominated and unanimously elected Deacon, in place of Bro S W Eastman, deceased. No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Aug 4, 1894, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev E W Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
The question of providing dinner on Old Settlers' Day was discussed, pro and con, and it was voted that this church do not provide the dinner on that occasion. No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Sep 1, 1894, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev E W Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
A H Anderson, B F Thompson, N F Winans and R F Williamson were elected Ushers for three months - first two present to act.
The trustees were authorized and directed to make such repairs as may be necessary to church, furnace, walls, and on parsonage. It was voted to pay B F Thompson expenses for living in attending Sunday School in the Ham District.
The Pastor, and any others who can attend, were elected Delegates to the District Association at Sparland - all present to be considered as delegates, and clerk was instructed to prepare the Church Letter, and submit same at meeting Sep 9.
The following resolution was offered and unanimously adopted:
Resolved, that the Board of Deacons be appointed a committee to confer with a like committee from Saxon Church, to perfect a plan for preaching at Saxon, and for cooperation between the two fields, and report, that same may be a matter of record.
No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Sep 22, 1894, Sat., 1:40 a.m.
Church struck by lightning, and destroyed by fire. Walls standing. Furniture, etc. mostly saved.
Sep 23, Sun.
Services held in the Methodist Church, the pastor of that church being absent.
Sep 25, 1894, Tues.
At a business meeting of the members of the Baptist Church, held in the Town Hall, to take into consideration the matter of rebuilding the church. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair - the following proceedings were had:
The trustees were instructed to take measures at once to secure the walls of the building.
Mr R Dickinson being present, presented a plan for rebuilding and remodeling the building, and estimated the cost, ready to seat, at about $3200. After considerable discussion Bro W F Price moved that we adopt the new plan, and that we go ahead and rebuild and finish the building. Motion seconded, and being put was carried nearly unanimously.
A Finance Committee consisting of Deacon Benjamin Packer and Bros J H Winans and A F Stickney, was appointed to solicit subscriptions for rebuilding the church, and the committee was empowered to appoint any member of the church as a sub-committee to assist the finance committee.
Rev Mr Hicks offered the following resolutions, which were adopted unanimously:
(resolution not given)
Oct 1, 1894
Business meeting of members of the church, held in B F Thompson's office. Rev E W Hicks chairman.
Meeting opened with prayer by Rev Mr Hicks. Finance committee, by Bro B Packer chairman, reported amount of subscriptions to date.
On motion, it was voted that the church proceed to rebuild at once on the plan proposed by Mr Dickinson, in the main; that a building committee of three be appointed, and that the committee obtain plans and specifications and furnish the material and let the contract for labor.
Dea. Benj. Packer, W F Price and B F Thompson were appointed a Building Committee.
Nov 3, 1894, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting, in Council Room, Town Hall. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises. No business. Meeting closed.
Dec 1, 1894, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting - in Council Room, in Town Hall Building. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
The matter of having special meetings, beginning with, and following dedication of church was discussed, and deferred by common consent - no action taken.
The question of holding the regular annual roll-call of members of the church was taken up, and after considerable discussion, it was voted to hold the Annual roll-call in the hall, on New Years' Day, and to have a dinner in connection with the roll-call; and Mrs A F Stickney, Mrs E M Hicks and Mrs John Chase were appointed an Executive Committee, with power to appoint sub-committees and make all necessary arrangements. No other business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Jan 1, 1895, Tues.
The annual reunion and roll-call of the members of the church and Sunday School was held in the Town Hall. Dinner was served for all.
71 members of the church responded to roll-call; and letters were read from several absent members.
The clerk reported the present membership of the church 165.
Gained during the year 1894 by baptism 6, by letter 4, total 10.
Lost during the year 1894 by death 7, dismissed 3, dropped 1, total 11.
Reports were also made by the Church Treasurer, the Woman's Mission Circle and the Sunday School and Baptist Young Peoples' Union.
Dea. Packer, chairman of soliciting and of Building Committee, also made verbal report of what his committee had done.
The reunion was pleasant and profitable to the church and Sunday School as a whole and to each individual member, and all, especially the children, seemed to enjoy the occasion and feel the happier by reason of it.
Jul 5, 1895, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
On motion, the hand of church fellowship was withdrawn from Erle W THOMPSON, for neglect of church covenant and unchristian conduct.
The names of George N BROCKWAY and Margaret A CONOVER were ordered dropped from the church rolls, both having united with other churches.
The names of Margaret GREER, Josephine RANKIN and Charlotte WOODS were dropped from the church rolls for neglect of covenant obligations - neither having been heard from for many years.
The Church Treasurer's Annual report for the year 1894 was read, received and placed on file.
Bro Andrew F Stickney was unanimously re-elected Church Treasurer for the ensuing year.
B F Thompson was re-elected Church Clerk for the ensuing year, and until his successor shall be elected.
The following resolution was offerd and adopted: Resolved, That hereafter the names of members of this church may be dropped from the church rolls after an absence of two years, and failure to report, for neglect of their church covenant.
On motion, the clerk was instructed to express to the Baptist Church of Galva the sincere thanks of this church for their voluntary contribution of $35 to our building fund.
No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Jan 6, 1895, Sun.
Mrs Chase, Mrs Sorenson, Misses Maude Johnston, Addie Berfield and Eva Edwards appointed a committee to solicit aid for western sufferers.
Feb 2, 1895, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises.
A committee was appointed, consisting of Mrs Williamson, Mrs B Packer, Mrs A F Stickney, Mrs Sorenson, Mrs Chase and Mrs Hart, to select carpet for the church.
No other business. Meeting closed.
Feb 3, 1895, Sun.
At the request of the Baptist Church of Galva, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Hicks, Deacon Packer, Deacon Williamson and REv J C Hart were elected delegates to sit in council and assist in the ordination of Rev W H Whelan into the Baptist Ministry, at Galva, at 2 o'clock pm on Thursday, Feb 21, 1895.
Mar 2, 1895
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises. No business.
Mar 31, 1895, Sun.
New church edifice (rebuilt) dedicated. Dedicatory Sermon by Dr. Keitley of Peoria.
A series of meetings beginning Monday evening April 1, 1895, held until April 19, conducted by the Pastor assisted by several neighboring pastors.
Apr 6, 1895, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Misses Eva EDWARDS, Bertha BERFIELD and Kate DOWNEND received for baptism. No other business.
April 17, 1895, Wed. evening
Mrs Edith R EASTMAN and Miss Ada DOWNEND received for baptism.
Apr 18, 1895, Thur. evening
Mr. John E EASTMAN received for baptism.
April 19, 1895, Fri. evening
Mr John E EASTMAN, Mrs. Edith R EASTMAN, Miss Bertha BERFIELD, Miss Eva EDWARDS and Miss Kate DOWNEND were baptized by Rev. Mr Hicks, the pastor.
Apr 28, 1895, Sun.
Resolution adopted extending vote of thanks to Rev H S Black of Kewanee for his assistance in the series of revival meetings, and also to the Baptist Church of Kewanee for consenting to his absence, and to other pastors who have assisted.
May 4, 1895, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises. Voted to adopt mite barrels for distribution among members of the church, to raise money to pay balance due on the building - in charge of Missionary Com of Y.P.U. No other business.
May 19, 1895, Sun.
Bro William W MAGGARELL presented letter from Baptist Church of Tuscola, Ill and was received as a member of this church.
June 1, 1895, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises.
The building committee made report of moneys received and expended in rebuilding church as follows:
Subscriptions in material, etc $ 580.93
Cash sub. recd thro bank 4522.51
Recd from all sources 5103.44
Paid out 5073.30
Bal on hand in bank 30.14
Liabilities - indebtedness
Due Cole Bros 395.00
John Chase 30.00
Total 425.00
Unpaid sub. 289.00
Cash 30.14 319.14
Deficiency 105.86
On motion, report was accepted and committee continued.
Upon request, Letters of Dismissal were granted to Samuel L JOHNSON and Ida C JOHNSON to unite with the Baptist Church of Kewanee.
John E Eastman and Charles H Sorenson were elected Ushers for ensuing three months.
The Deacons of this church and of the Saxon Baptist Church having conferred together in relation to supplying the Saxon Church with preaching, made report, recommending that the Pastor of this church supply the church at Saxon, and that whenever a Pastor is employed here he be employed with the understanding that he also supply the church at Saxon, and that whatever is paid by the Church at Saxon be paid to this church. Report accepted.
No further business, meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Jul 6, 1895, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Mr Hicks called Deacon A F Williamson to the chair and withdrew from the meeting.
The chairman stated that Rev Mr Hicks had tendered his resignation as Pastor of this church, to take effect at the end of three months, and that the question before this meeting was to accept or decline to accept his resignation.
It was moved and seconded that his resignation be accepted. After remarks by several, a rising vote was taken with the following result:
For accepting the resignation 8
Against accepting the resignation 55
and the motion was declared lost.
The clerk stated that he had received communications from members of the church not present at this meeting, exercising their choice on this question as follows:
For accepting the resignation 6
Against accepting resignation 29
It was moved and seconded, that Bro Hicks be requested to withdraw his resignation and that a call be extended to him to remain as Pastor of this church for one year from July 1, 1895. The motion was carried.
On motion Bros W F Price, J H Stickney and J H Winans were appointed a committee to inform Mr Hicks of the result of the meeting. No further business - meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
Jul 7, 1895, Sun.
The committee appointed to inform Mr Hicks of the action of the church at the meeting on Saturday - the day before, reported that they had performed that duty, and that Mr Hicks desired a little time to consider the matter.
On motion, a Letter of Dismissal was granted to Bro Wm W MAGGARELL to unite with the Baptist Church at Tuscola, Ill, - he having returned to Tuscola.
Jul 14, 1895, Sun.
Preaching by Rev Mr Reynolds of Sparland. Rev Mr Hicks absent - attending lectures in Chicago.
The clerk read a communication from Mr Hicks as members of this church upon relation of their experience (both having been baptized).
Evening meeting
Albert LINDBLOOM, Jennie LINDBLOOM, Kate DEWEY, Ruby PIERSON and Jasper BERFIELD received for baptism. Harvey GOODALE.
Feb 7, evening
Bert MC GINNIS recd for baptism
Feb 9, Sunday
Thomas HOGG and Gustav A LINDBLOOM recd for baptism.Mrs. Anna R FOGLESONG (Frank's wife) recd as member of the church on relation of her experience.
Feb 11, afternoon
Baptized: Jennie LINDBLOOM, Gustav A LINDBLOOM, Thomas HOGG, Bert Mc GINNIS, Thomas Arthur COOLEY, Jasper Berfield
Evening, baptized Selina JOHNSON, Ruby PIERSON, Annie BALLENTINE, Albert LINDBLOOM, Harvey GOODALE.
Feb 12
Oscar C ROWE, Leo C HART recd for baptism.
Afternoon - Stella WHITE recd for baptism
Evening - Harry F PACKER, Henry J STICKNEY and Arthur JAMES recd for baptism.
Feb 14, evening
Elsie GOODALE and Cora GOODALE recd for baptism.
Feb 15, afternoon
Ora E WHITE recd for baptism. Ora E WHITE and Estella A WHITE baptized. Mrs. Dora B LONG recd by letter from Baptist Church of Lockport, Ill.
Feb 26
Fred JAMES recd for baptism and baptized. Elsie GOODALE and Cora GOODALE baptized.
Oscar C ROWE, Leo C HART, Henry J STICKNEY, Arthur JAMES Harry F PACKER baptized.
Feb 1, 1896, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting of the church. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair.
All unfinished business, laid over from Jan meeting, deferred until next meeting.
Dea R F Williamson moved that the records on pages 159, 160, 168 to 172, inclusive, 180 and 181 in the old record book of the First Baptist Church of this place, be expunged, and that the clerk of this church be hereby authorized and directed to expunge the same.
Motion seconded and carried unanimously.
A letter addressed to the church was read from Mrs. Ida C JOHNSON and Mrs. Rhoda B CLAYBAUGH, requesting that their names be taken from the church books.
Mrs Johnson stated that her Letter of Dismission, granted June 1, 1895, had not been used.
On motion both were excluded from the church "at her own request."
No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, clk
The record above record referred to expunged as directed.
(the following appears, typewritten, on pasted-in sheets)
Feb 19, 1896
(Record) Building Committee made report of progress, showing that but $111 of unpaid subscriptions yet remained to be collected. Report received, and Committee continued, to complete the work of collection. On motion the following resolutions were offered for adoption:
We give grateful thanks to God for the success that has crowned our work of building, and for his temporal and spiritual mercies toward us as a church.
We heartily acknowledge the self-denying services of the Building Committee, Brethren Benjamin Packer, B F Thompson and W F Price, who have for a year and a half given freely of their thought and time to the work of building and collecting, and we congratulate them on the near approach of the period when their work will be happily completed. We recognize especially the invaluable labors of the chairman of the Committee, Bro. Benjamin Packer, in: First, securing the subscriptions to the building fund, in which, by the Lord's blessing, he had extraordinary success. Second, in paying out the money as the work went on. We wish as a church to put it on record that the funds were economically administered, and every cent accounted for by proper vouchers. Third,
in giving almost his entire time, for several months, without charge, to the overseeing of the work; a task that probably no other among us could have done. We feel that for this service a vote of thanks, however unanimous and hearty, is but a slight return.
(added in pencil) Thanks to John Chase Builder.
Feb 29, 1896
Regular covenant meeting of church. Usual covenant exercises. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair.
Officers of the church (postponed from Jan meeting) were then elected as follows:
Clerk B F Thompson
Assistant Clerk May Anderson
Treasurer A F Stickney
Solicitor W F Price
Apr 4, 1896
Usual covenant exercises. Rev Mr Hicks in chair
A H Anderson and Charles Sorenson elected Ushers, and W A Fell and Albert Lindbloom alternates, for three months. No other business.
May 2, 1896
Regular covenant meeting of church. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Letter of dismission granted to Samuel S JOHNSON June 1, 1895 (at request of his wife) rescinded and he is restored to membership in this church.
It was voted, that all funds raised and appropriated for "ministerial education" be sent to Shurtleff College.
No further business.
Jun 6, 1896
Regular covenant meeting of Church. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Mr Hicks called Deacon J H Stickney to the chair, and retired from the meeting.
It was moved and seconded, That this church extend a call to Elder Hicks, as Pastor, for one year, to expire July 1, 1897 - at same salary as at present - $700 and Parsonage, and one-half the amount paid by the Saxon Church.
It was moved and seconded to amend the motion by making the call indefinite - pastor to remain as long as agreeable to both parties - services to be terminated upon three months notice by either party. Amendment was lost.
The question was then put on the original motion, and it was carried - nearly unanimous.
Jul 4, 1896
No covenant meeting.
Aug 1, 1896
Regular covenant meeting. Elder Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises. No business.
Sep 5, 1896
Regular Covenant meeting. Elder Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Letter from Mrs. Harriet M BLAIR, requesting that her name be erased from the church rolls, was read, and, on motion, laid on the table.
The pastor and clerk were appointed to prepare Church Letter to Association.
The following messengers to the District Association, to be held here Sept 15-7, inst., were appointed: Rev E W Hicks and Mrs E M Hicks, Rev J C Hart and Mrs M E Hart, Dea B Packer, Mrs C K Stickney and Joseph T Cole.
The following committees were also appointed: On reception of delegates, A F Stickney and Bert McGinnis, with power to appoint assistants.
To assign delegates to places, E G Cole, with power to appoint assistants.
On decorations, Flower Com of BYPU.
No further business.
Sep 13, 1896, Sun.
Church letter read and approved by the church.
Oct 3, 1896
Regular covenant meeting of the church. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
It was voted, To endorse the movement to procure a Church Library, and W F Price and Joseph T Cole were appointed a Church Committee to raise funds for the library, and have the matter in charge.
No further business.
Oct 31, 1896, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Mrs. Mary WEST received as member of this church by letter from Baptist Church of Arkansas City, Kans. dated Sep 5, 1896 and clerk of that church informed by letter.
Dec 5, 1896.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Voted to hold annual roll call and dinner in Town Hall, Jan 1, 1897. Committees appointed. No further business.
Jan 1, 1897
Annual Roll Call. Assembled in Town Hall at 10 o'clock a.m. Dinner in Hall at 12 o'clock pm. Roll call; responses by members present and reading of letters from absent members.
Reports were read by the Church Clerk, Treasurer, Sunday School, BYPU and Junior BYPU, Wman's Societies, etc.
Remarks by the Pastor and others. Andrew F Stickney elected Treasurer. Election of Clerk postponed (present incumbent declines re-election).
On motion, B F Thompson, W F Price, E G Cole, W H Winans and A F Stickney were appointed a Finance Committee to devise ways and means of raising money, solicit subscriptions, etc.
No further business.
Jan 2, 1897, Sat.
No covenant meeting.
Feb 6, 1897
Regular covenant meeting. Usual covenant exercises only.
Mar 6, 1897
Regular covenant meeting. Usual covenant exercises only.
Mrs. FLEMING and Mrs. MAHANY received for baptism, and baptized. See next page.
Jan 3, 1897, Sun.
Special meetings commenced, conducted by Pastor assisted by Rev G E Farr of Iowa.
Jan 10, 1897
The following named presented Letters of Dismission from other churches and were received as members of this church: (churches notified Jan 28, 1897)
Mr Wheeler B SWEET Mrs Elizabeth L SWEET
Miss Marietta W SWEET Miss Edna G SWEET
Mrs Eliza G COX Miss Norah COX
Jan 22, 1897
Erle W THOMPSON and James E ATWOOD restored to membership in the church. James H WHITE and William A HALL received for baptism.
Jan 26, 1897
James H WHITE and William A HALL baptized.
Jan 29, 1897
Chauncey B SEARS received for baptism. Baptized Feb 5, 1897.
Mar 6, 1897
Mrs Laura J FLEMING and Mrs Nancy B MAHANY received for baptism - and baptized.
Apr 3, 1897, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting of church. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Letter of Mrs BLAIR, of date Sep 4, 1896 - laid on table Sep 6, 1896 - requesting her name be dropped from church rolls, - was withdrawn.
On motion, the Trustees were directed to cause necessary repairs to be made of the parsonage, and to employ Bro John Chase to make such repairs.
The Finance Committee, appointed at the January annual meeting, made verbal report, recommending weekly payments, as far as practicable, of subscriptions to Pastor's salary and other church expenses, and the use of envelopes in making such payments. On motion, the recommendations of the committee were adopted.
It was moved and seconded, and requested by the Pastor, that the action of the church of Jun 20, 1891 (Record p 83) in relation to the Saxon fund, be rescinded, and that, hereafter, all moneys collected from the Saxon Church be paid into the Treasury of this church. Motion carried.
Bro C Sorenson reported balance of $2.24 in his hands of amount raised for payment of Mrs. BARTON'S funeral expenses, and he was directed to pay the same to the Treasurer, to be added to the "Poor Fund."
It was moved that the Trustees of the Church constitute an Auditing Committee, to examine and report upon all bills and accounts against the church, and to audit the treasurer's account. No action taken.
B F Thompson was elected clerk, and Miss May Anderson assistant clerk, for the current year.
The Trustees were authorized to employ a janitor for the present year, upon the same terms as last year.
Charles H Sorenson, Erle W Thompson and C P Sears, were elected Ushers for the ensuing three months.
No further business. Meeting closed.
May 1, 1897, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting of the church. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Mrs. Louisa F BURTON was received as a member of the church upon her baptism.
A C Bowers was appointed a committee of one to remove hitching posts from fence.
Claude Claybaugh was appointed a member of the Library Committee, to act as Librarian.
Mrs Laura Anderson, Mrs. Mary O Chase and Miss Sarah J Silliman were elected Deaconesses of the Church for one year.
No further business. Meeting closed.
May 2, 1897, Sun.
Bro Frank ROYCE and Effie ROYCE, his wife, presented letter of dismission from the Baptist Church of Galva, Ill. and were received as members of this church.
May 26, 1897, Wed.
Regular prayer meeting of the church.
Miss Kate O DEWEY was received as a member of this church upon her baptism.
Miss Maggie (GEMMELL) BROWN was granted letter of dismission to unite with the Baptist Church of Galva, Ill.
May 28, 1897, Fri.
Special covenant meeting of the church - held at this time on account of Memorial services on Saturday, and intended absence of the Pastor on the regular covenant meeting day June 5.
Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Minutes of last meetings read and approved. It was moved and seconded, and unanimously carried, that the Pastor's salary be fixed at $800 per annum, and use of parsonage, from Jan 1, 1897.
It was moved and seconded, and unanimously carried, that Rev Mr Hicks be called as Pastor of this church, for one year from July 1, 1897, at a salary of $800 per annum and the use of the parsonage. (Question put by clerk).
Mrs May M THOMPSON was received as a member of this church upon her baptism; after which Mrs May M THOMPSON, Miss Kate P DEWEY, and Mrs Louisa F BURTON were baptized by the Pastor.
Meeting closed with benediction.
June 13, 1897, Sun.
Letters of Dismission granted to Charles S PACKER, Mary L PACKER, Bessie PACKER and Harry F PACKER to unite with the Baptist Church at Wilton Junction, Iowa.
June 30, 1897, Wed. evening
Gus Otto LARSON received for baptism.
Jul 2, 1897, Fri.
Regular covenant meeting - called on Friday on account of celebration on Saturday. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Bills for repairs on parsonage:
C S Worley 5.35
John Chase 8.15
Gill & Williams 4.88
Repairs etc last year 6.00
Making total 24.38
were presented. No action taken.
Charles H Sorenson and Erle W Thompson were elected Ushers for the ensuing three months. Gus Otto LARSON baptized.
No further business. Meeting closed.
Jul 31, 1897, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
The following bills were presented: David & Fell, $2.95; Frank Berfield $8.00; John Chase $1.25 - total $12.20, for materials and repairs on parsonage. Treasurer was instructed to pay bills.
Committee appointed to repair furnace: Jos T Cole, S W Blood, B Packer.
It was voted that this church provide the dinner at the Old Settlers Annual Reunion, and the following executive committee was appointed, with power to appoint all other necessary committees, viz: E G Cole, A F Stickney, A H Anderson, Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Chase, Mrs. Fell and Mrs. Williamson.
No further business. Meeting closed.
Aug 11, 1897, Wed. evening
Letter of Dismission granted to Mrs Samantha S SNYDER to unite with the Baptist Church at Decatur, Ill.
Sep 4, 1897, Sat.
Regular covenant meeting. Rev. Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Committee on Furnace made verbal report and continued.
Executive Committee of Old Settlers dinner made the following report:
Total amount received 231.20
Expenses 35.83
Net receipts 195.37
Vote of thanks extended to Ex. Com. No further business. Meeting closed.
Oct 2, 1897, Sat.
Regular church covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Mr Stickney reported action of Com on Furnace, and repairing tank, etc. Com. authorized to continue the work and Treasurer to pay the bills.
Matter of church subscription laid over until next month.
Charles H Sorenson and Erle W Thompson were elected Ushers for ensuing three months.
The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That W F Price, E G Cole and E W Thompson be, and they are hereby, appointed a committee to consider and investigate the matter of erecting or purchasing a new parsonage, or of selling or trading the present parsonage for other property for a parsonage, and report to church.
No further business. Meeting closed.
Nov 6, 1897, Sat.
Regular Church covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
C Sorenson, A C Bowers and J T Cole appointed committee to see about fixing up hitching posts, fence, etc.
Mrs Stickney, Mrs Sorenson and Mrs Anderson were appointed a committee on cleaning the church.
The Treasurer was directed to settle the bill of Cole Bros. against the church out of Old Settlers' dinner fund.
No further business. Meeting closed.
Dec 4, 1897, Sat.
Regular church covenant meeting. Rev Mr Hicks in the chair. Usual covenant exercises.
Dec 12, 1897, Sun.
By vote of the church Rev G W Ballinger of (blank), was invited to hold special meetings beginning Jan 3, 1898, to continue as long as required, and pastor instructed to request him to fix amount of remuneration for his services, expected by him.
(several blank pages, then a typewritten page was pasted in, reading as follows:)
The records for some time were not posted, but following are the chief matters of business attended to from January to October, 1898.
Jan Ada DOWEND dismissed by letter to unite at Peoria, 1st church.
Feb Mrs MAHANEY, having united with the Christian church, was dropped from the roll.
Mar 5 - Regular covenant meeting. On motion, voted to authorize the parsonage committee, Earl Thompson, chairman, to accept John Pierson's offer of $900 for the old parsonage, possession to be given Aug 1.
Apr 2 - Parsonage committee instructed to look up another property nearer the church for a parsonage.
July - A committee having been appointed, consisting of the parsonage committee to which was added A F Stickney and E G Cole, a canvass was made of the church to see if a sufficient amount could be raised to buy or build this year, and about $1200 was subscribed, payable in 3 equal annual payments. Several properties were examined, and the committee reported progress at a number of regular and adjourned meetings of the church, but union could be had on no one. The majority however were in favor of building on the church lot, but not all.
July 9 - Adjourned meetring. After much discussion the committee were instructed to offer the Board of Supervisors $400 for the old jail lot: if that failed, to buy a designated property if in their judgment advisable; if both these failed then to rent for this year.
Aug 6 - The church finally being unanimous on the church lot, and additional land having been purchased of Mrs. Culbertson, a building committee was appointed consisting of B Packer, A F Stickney, E G Cole, A H Anderson, N F Winans, R F Williamson.
Sep 3 - Edna McCLENNAHAN granted a certificate of membership, wishing to unite with the Methodist Church at Lafayette.
Oct 1 - Building committee reported plans adopted for the parsonage, and contract let. Committee appointed, C Sorenson, chairman, to look after the furnace and see that it is safe.
Oct 2 - Church convened and the following received as members of the church on their baptism, the result of evangelistic meetings now being held by Bro Terah Smith: Mrs Chatherine HOGG, Nellie HOGG, E K THORNTON, Adraian ALDEN, Kate BERFIELD, Stella ALEEN (ALLEN?), Mary SLACK, Mrs E G COLE, Wilkins PERKS. The last seven were baptized Oct 6.
Oct 7 - The following were received as members of the church on their baptism: Samuel CALDBECK, Ira BEESON, Willie FOGLESONG, Clinton FOGLESONG, Charles SLACK. Were baptized Oct 11; also Mrs HOGG and NELLIE.
Oct 9 - The following were received and baptized: Stella SHIRLEY, Luella SHIRLEY, Maude ANDERSON, Willie PERKS. Baptized Oct 11.
Oct 15 - David FELL received. Baptized Oct 19.
Oct 19 - Gertrude SHIRLEY received and baptized. Mrs PLITNER granted a letter of dismission to Gardner.
(again, handwritten records)
Jul 21, 1898
At a special business meeting of the members of the church, called for the purpose of considering the subject of building a new parsonage, Rev E M Hicks took the chair and B F Thompson was elected clerk pro tem.
The committee heretofore appointed to solicit subscriptions reported that about $1400 had been subscribed, which with the amount received for the parsonage ($900), and cash in bank, would make about $2400 for building purposes.
It was moved and seconded that the parsonage be erected on the church lot - it being understood that part of the adjoining lot south could be procured of Mrs. Culbertson.
After some discussion the motion was carried - no votes against the motion.
A building committee was appointed consisting of Brethren Benj Packer, A F Stickney, R F Williamson, E G Cole, A H Anderson and N F Winans.
On motion, duly seconded, the building committee was instructed to procure 62 feet, or as much as possible, off the east end of Lot 4 in Block 14, of Mrs Culbertson upon the best terms possible; and to adopt plans for, and let the contract for the erection of a parsonage on the church lot.
E W Thompson was appointed to procure a lease, of the purchaser, of the old parsonage from Aug 1, 1898, until new parsonage is completed. No further business. Meeting closed.
B F Thompson, Clerk pro tem
Oct 19, 1898
Mrs PLITER dismissed to unite with Baptist Church at Gardner.
Oct 26, 1898
Mr and Mrs Alexander CHESLEY received on letters of dismission from the Baptist Church at Kewanee.
Dec 31, 1898
The following were elected officers of the church for the ensuing year:
Treasurer A F Stickney
Clerk B F Thompson
Asst Clerk Anna M Gemmell
Trustee in place of S M Blood C Sorenson
Janitor Henry Foglesong, at $1.50 a week and .25 each
for extra meetings
Ushers David J Fell, Ralph Claybaugh, James M Stickney
Reports recd from the various depts of the church
Apr 30, 1899
A committee of five, with the pastor, was appointed to consider the names on the church roll, and to make such recommendations to the church as they may deem wise.
Committee: R F Williamson, B F Thompson, C Sorenson, Mrs E B Culbertson, Mrs A H Anderson
The letter voted Miss Leona GRUBB was returned to the clerk, whereby she was again restored to her place on the roll. She is now Mrs. Robert BROOKS.
Aug 5, 1899
Pastor called for another year, from July 1, at same salary. 12 present, and all voted unanimously.
The pastor, for the committee on membership, asked for further time.
A F Stickney for building committee reported insurance on the parsonage in the Home of New York, at a cost of $24 for five years. Approved.
Sep 10, 1899
Mrs C J PLITER received on letter of dismission from Gardner, Ill.
Sep 30, 1899
Mrs Dora LONG granted a certificate of good standing, she desiring to unite with her husband with the Cong. Ch.
June 3 (year not recorded)
Walter and Fred TAYLOR were dropped from church membership for neglect of duty.
Mar 31, 1900
On recommendation of the committee on discipline, the following were excluded from membership for immoral conduct.
Oscar ROWE, Edward BIGGS, Mrs. OVERMAN
Mrs OAKES was excluded at last meeting for joining a Christian Science church in Iowa.
Voted to change the time of holding the covenant meeting from Saturday afternoon to Wednesday evening, before the first Sunday in each month.
May 23, 1900
Stephen B BARTON dismissed to unite with the Baptist Church in Blair, Neb.
Frank M ROYCE and Effie M ROYCE dismissed to unite with the Baptist Church at Murray, Ia.
May 2, 1900
Committee on church revision reported not ready for further recommendations.
Chas. Sorenson and David Fell elected church ushers, to act until successors were appointed.
June 27, 1900
Voted that the funds of Ministerial Education be sent to Shurtleff College.
Voted that we recommend the Envelope System, with Calendar, for our church financial methods.
Aug 1, 1900
Committee on revision of church list reported, recommending withdrawal of church fellowship from Clinton FOGLESONG. Adopted.
Aug 29, 1900
Mrs C J PLITER dismissed to unite with the Baptist Church at Tiskilwa.
Dr. Elmer B PACKER received by letter of dismission from the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia, Pa.
Mrs Artie Colly (Colby) PACKER received by letter of dismission from Market Street Baptist Church of Mansfield, Ohio.
Jan 1, 1901
Members of church assembled in the meeting house at 10:30 am for Annual Roll call and transaction of business. Rev E W Hicks in chair. After the usual reports and roll call, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year.
Church Clerk James M Stickney
Treasurer Andrew L Stickney
Janitor John H White
Ushers David J Fell, Charles Slack
Ralph R Claybaugh, Charles H Sorenson
Mr A L Winans sent in his resignation as Trustee which was accepted, and Mr W H Winans was elected a Trustee in his place.
A committee was appointed, consisting of A F Stickney, W H Winans and W F Price, to solicit and collect subscriptions for payment of indebtedness on Church and Parsonage.
A soliciting committee was appointed consisting of Dr E B Packer, E G Cole and E W Thompson to solicit and collect subscription for payment of Pastors salary and ordinary expenses (taxes, lights and fuel) for ensuing year and pay same to Treasurer.
A call having heretofore been extended to the pastor and amount of salary not fixed, it was voted that his salary be fixed at the sum of $800, per annum, and the use of the parsonage.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned to the parsonage for refreshment followed by a social.
Feb 22, 1901
Friday eve special meeting after revival by John Lane. The following were recd for baptism:
Feb 26, 1901
Tuesday afternoon, two more received. Mamie SMITH and Sarah ALDEN.
Sheby and Fannie WHITE were also received for baptism.
Mar 2, 1901
The ten named above were baptized.
Mar 6, 1901
Wed evening Miss Laura MURCHISON and Miss Pearl APPENHEIMER were recd for baptism. Were baptized soon after.
Apr 3, 1901
Wednesday evening regular monthly meeting held in the church at 7:30 led by the pastor. No special business transacted. Number present - 21.
Date not given
Mr E M GALLUP received by letter from Hammond, La. - dated Apr 9, 1901.
May 1, 1901
Wednesday evening regular monthly meeting of the church led by pastor. No special business transacted. 19 present.
May 5, 1901
Sunday am, Misses Laura MURCHISON and Pearl APPENHEIMER received the hand of fellowship.
May 12, 1901, Sun. a.m.
Mr and Mrs A F Stickney appointed Delegates to the May anniversary at Springfield, Mass.
May 29, 1901, Wed. evening
Regular monthly meeting, 11 present. No special business transacted. Led by pastor.
Jul 3, 1901
Regular monthly meeting held in the church at 7:30 pm, led by pastor. After the usual exercises, the following business was transacted. Moved and carried that the Baptists have charge of the Old Settlers dinner on Aug 22, 1901 also that an ex-Com. of eight be appointed to have the whole matter in charge. The following were appointed by the church:
A H Anderson Mrs Dow Smith
E G Cole Mrs E W Hicks
W H Winans Mrs A L Stickney
Christy Sorenson Mrs R L Williamson
Number present nineteen.
Jul 14, 1901, Sun. a.m.
At the close of the morning service the following motions were made and carried. That our evening services be suspended until Sep 1, beginning this date: That we grant our Pastor one months vacation after Sunday July 21.
Sep 4, 1901, Wed. evening
Regular meeting of the church led by the Pastor. twelve present. A motion was made and carried that we notify a member before excluding him from the church giving the time and place when his case will be considered, and requesting him to be present to defend himself if he so desires.
Moved and carried that the net proceeds of the Old Settlers dinner be applied on our furnace note.
Sep 22, 1901, Sun. am.
At the close of the service a motion was made and carried that the Pastor and any others who may go, act as our delegates at the Associational meeting at Lacon to be held Sep 24, 1901.
Oct 2, 1901, Wed. pm
Regular monthly meeting of the church led by the pastor, twelve present. No business.
Oct 30, 1901, Wed. pm
Regular monthly meeting of the church led by the pastor, twenty-two present. Moved and carried that Fred JAMES be notified that his case would be considered at our next regular meeting, and if not present to defend himself, we would vote as to whether we would retain him as a member.
J M Stickney, clk
Nov 27, 1901 Wed. pm
Regular monthly meeting led by pastor. An expression of the church was taken (but no vote) in regard to having the dinner with our Roll call on New Years day. The majority seemed to favor a lunch. 15 present.
Dec 1, 1901, Sun. am.
At the close of the service a motion was made and carried that we have a lunch on New Years Day in connection with our Roll call.
Dec 8, 1901
At the close of our Sunday School it was voted to dispense with our evening preaching servcie for two Sundays beginning tonight.
Dec 15, 1901, Sun. am.
At the close of the morning service the following were appointed to have charge of the lunch of New Years Day: James M Stickney, Wm Bartram, Mrs E B Packer, Mrs Wm Barton, Mrs Dow Smith.
J M Stickney clk
Jan 1, 1902
The Annual Roll Call was held in the church Wed Jan 1 beginning at 10 am, the pastor acting as chairman. After the usual reports and roll call some remarks were made suggesting a new financial system. Remarks by Dr Packer on behalf of the Finance Com. Moved and carried that we adopt what is known as the Calendar System for raising our church funds. The election of officers resulted as follows:
Clerk James M Stickney
Treas A F Stickney
Ushers for 1 year David Fell, Chas. Slack
Janitor John White
Finance Com E G Cole, Dr Packer, E W Thompson
Deacon Christy Sorenson
39 responded personally, 6 by letter, visitors 10.
Lunch and Social in the Sunday School Room.
Jan 5, 1902, Sun. am.
At the close of the morning service a motion was made and carried that we observe the week of prayer.
Moved and carried that Mrs. Bessie Stickney act as our Assistant Treasurer.
Jan 12, 1902, Sun. am.
At the close of the morning service it was voted that we include the incidental expenses with the Pastor's salary in soliciting subscriptions for the church expenses for the year 1902.
Jan 19, 1902, Sun. am.
At the close of the morning service it was voted to suspend our evening preaching services for a time, on account of the condition of our Pastor's wife.
Jan 29, 1902
The regular monthly covenant meeting was held in the church on Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. After the usual testimonies were given the Pastor reported that he had visited Fred JAMES and found him to be on friendly terms with the church. He did not express any desire however to return and take up his duties and thought it better for himself and the church to cease his membership with us. In accordance with this report the motion was made and carried "That Fred JAMES be dismissed on account of neglect of the church covenant." It was also reported b the Pastor that two letters had been written to Ira BEESON, one to Galesburg, Ill, and one to Mendota, Ill. and that both were returned. In view of this fact, a motion was made and carried that the hand of fellowship be withdrawn from Ira BEESON. Number present at the meeting, 14.
James H Stickney, clk
Feb 19, 1902, Wed. evening
Regular monthly meeting of the church led by the Pastor. It was moved and carried that we grant James E ATWOOD a letter of dismissal to unite with the First Bap Church of Galesburg, Ill. Said letter to simply state his relations with us while here.
Apr 2, 1902, Wed. evening
Regular monthly meeting of the church at 7:30 led by the pastor. After the usual exercises, a motion was made and carried that Bro Henry FOGLESONG's name be dropped from our membership list (we learn that he has joined the Christian Church.
Apr 30, 1902, Wed. evening
Regular monthly meeting of the church at 7:30 led by the pastor. 17 present.
James M Stickney, clk
(typed sheet pasted in book) MRS HICKS
In Memoriam: We, the members of the Baptist Church of Toulon, assembled for public worship, on Sunday, the 16th of February, 1902, desire to express in writing, and cause the same to be spread upon our church records, our appreciation of the consecrated life and christian example of the beloved wife of our pastor, and of our profound sorrow on account of her death.
Ever faithful and zealous in the service of her Master, Mrs. Hicks labored incessantly, in season and out of season, until health and strength failed her, for the upbuilding of His Kingdom and the spiritual and material welfare of her church.
In the Church, in the Sunday School, in the Young People's Union, in the Juniors, and in the other auxiliary societies of the church, she was ever present, ever hopeful and helpful, ever diligent and earnest, always a leader, never lukewarm in her love for the work, never discouraged at obstacles nor doubtful as to results.
But she has gone from among us - gone to meet her Savior, whom she so dearly loved - promoted from her christian work on earth to a higher and better sphere of usefulness in Heaven. Her Lord needed her,- He called, and she obeyed His voice.
Her accustomed place among us is vacant; we miss her voice, her kindly greeting, her helpful suggestions, her ever ready and ever willing offers of counsel and assistance.
No, her place is not vacant; we miss her bodily presence, but the influence of a consecrated life, of her christian example, of her unbounded faith in, and love for, her Savior, of a true and noble womanhood fills her place, and sheds its bright light upon us. Who can estimate the measure of her influence in this church and in this community? And that influence will be ever living, and will be passed on and on to future generations.
She sowed good seed; and while some of it may have fallen among thorns, or in stony places, or thin soil, much of it fell upon good ground, where it took deep root, and will grow and bring forth much fruit, to the honor of the sower and the glory of her Lord in whose name she toiled.
To our pastor, and her old father, and other relatives, we extend our sincere and tender sympathy. Words cannot assuage their grief; but they know where to look for, and where to find, comfort and consolation in their bereavement. God reigns. He doeth all things well. Let us cherish the memory and profit by the example of our departed sister, and humbly and reverently bow to God's will, with the utmost confidence in His goodness and wisdom.
(typed page, pasted in book)
In Memoriam. Resolutions adopted by the Baptist Church of Toulon, Sunday April 20, 1902.
In view of the long and faithful service of Rev. John C HART as a servant of his Master, in the pulpit and in the pew, and as a teacher in the Sunday School, be it
Resolved, That this church, of which he was a loved and honored member, place upon record its appreciation of his christian life and character.
Bro Hart was an earnest, faithful, zealous christian - one whose example, in all the walks of life, we may safely follow.
He was full and overflowing with the spirit of grace and supplication, and in prayer and speech - especially in the prayer meeting - his earnest words were an encouragement and an inspiration to all his hearers.
We deplore and mourn his death; but we bow submissively to the will of him who giveth and who taketh away.
We extend to his bereaved widow and family our sincere sympathy and condolence: but they mourn not in vain; they know they will meet him on the other side of the mystic river, and that henceforth there will be no death, no parting, no tears.
Bro Hart not only taught us how to live,-he taught us how to die. He died the death of a true christian, whose faith was undimmed by the grim messenger whom we all dread, and whose confidence in his Lord and Saviour was unshaken by the summons to his presence.
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them."
May 18, 1902, Sun am.
At the close of the morning service a motion was made and carried, that our pastor be sent as our delegate to the May Anniversaries to be held in St. Paul and that $15 be appropriated from our church funds to defray his expenses.
May 28, 1902, Wed. eve.
Regular monthly meeting in the church led by A F Stickney, the pastor being absent for special business transacted. number present 10.
Jul 2, 1902, Wed. pm.
Regular monthly meeting of the church led by pastor. No business transacted. Number present 7.
Jul 30, 1902, Wed. pm.
Regular monthly meeting, number present 8. Mrs Harry WINANS received for baptism.
Sep 21, 1902, Sunday
Associational letter read and approved. Our pastor to be our delegate, with power to add any others who may attend.
Oct 1, 1902, Wed. pm.
Regular Covenant meeting at the church. Number present 12.
Nov 1, 1902, Sat.
Regular meeting Saturday afternoon on account of baptisms. Rena and Lola EASTMAN were baptized.
J M Stickney, clk
Nov 2, 1902, Sun.
Moved that on the profession of their faith and their baptism, Rena and Lola EASTMAN be received as members of this church.
Dec 3, 1902
Regular monthly meeting. Mrs P S COMPTON (nee Jessie JOHNSON) was granted a letter to join the Baptist church at Monmouth, Ill.
Dec 7, 1902, Sun. am.
Moved that we have a lap lunch at the parsonage in connection with our Roll Call on New Years Day.
Moved that we have printed invitations for our Roll Call to be sent to all members of the church.
Dec 28, 1902, Sun. evening
Mrs W A BARTON is granted a letter to unite with the First Baptist Church of Monroe City, Mo.
J W Stickney, clk
Jan 1, 1903
The Annual Roll Call and business meeting was held in the church with Rev E W Hicks in the chair. The reports from the various departments of the church were given. It was moved that we extend to Brother John JACKSON, our sympathy in his affliction (his wife dying on New Years morning). Mrs Hart and Mrs A F Stickney was appointed to draw up our Resolutions.
The following officers were elected.
Clerk James M Stickney
Treasurer Dr E B Packer
A vote of thanks was given to the retiring Treas Finance Com - E G Cole, Dr. Packer, E W Thompson and A F Stickney
Janitor John White
Ushers C Sorenson, A H Anderson
Miss Lizzie Fuller, Choir Leader on terms of $1 per week, the expenses to be met out of church funds.
A lunch and social in the Sunday School Rooms at the close.
In memory of Mrs JACKSON, Resolution
Jan 5, 1903 Whereas, on the first day of January A D 1903, death again entered our midst and removed from our Church, a worthy member, from the home, a loving wife, a fond and indulgent mother,
That the Toulon Baptist Church extend to the family our sincerest sympathy in this their great bereavement, and commend them to the Heavenly Father, in their sorrow and sadness, having faith to believe that He doeth all things well. Done by order of the church Jan 1st, 1903.
Mrs M E Hart, Mrs A F Stickney, com.
Feb 25, 1903, Wed. eve.
Regular monthly meeting of the church. After the usual exercises the following business was transacted. Recommended that the names of Wilkins PERKS, Wm PERKS, and Thomas GEMMELL be erased from the church list, for neglect of the church covenant. Moved that we adopt the wheel plan in our church benevolences. Number present 11.
Mar 25, 1903
Regular meeting. No business.
Apr 29, 1903, Wed. eve.
Regular meeting. Number present 13. Motion made and carried that our trustees get estimates for needed repairs on the church and parsonage, and report in one week.
May 6, 1903, Wed. pm.
At the close of the prayer meeting the Trustees reported that estimates were about as follows:
Papering parsonage about $45.00
Painting same about $75.00
Cleaning & new carpet where needed-platform etc. $25.00
Total $270.00
After some discussion it was decided to see if enough money could be raised to make the necessary repairs and on motion a Com consisting of Mrs E B Packer and Mr Hicks were appointed to solicit the members and see if the amount could be raised.
J M Stickney, clk
May 24, 1903, Sun. am.
Special meeting after preaching service to hear report of soliciting Com. for repairs on church and parsonage. Com. reported $130 subscribed. After some discussion a motion was made and carried that the Com. make another effort to see if required amount could not be raised.
Jun 3, 1903, Wed. pm.
Regular monthly meeting, present 6 members, 2 visitors.
After some discussion in regard to the repairs it was decided that we fix the church as best we could for Sunday pm June 7. Miss May Thompson was appointed to fix the carpet in Mrs W's class. Mrs Pliter, the pulpit platform. A decorating Com was also appointed, consisting of Grace Claybaugh, Nellie Hogg, Dean Hart, with others added if needed. Moved that the repairing begin on the parsonage.
June 21, 1903, Sun. am.
E G Cole elected Trustee to fill the vacancy caused by the death of W H WINANS. Moved that our Trustees with Mrs A F Stickney and Mrs Don Smith be a Com to look after the matter of cleaning the church.
June 28, 1903, Sun. am.
Dave Fell and Adrian Alden were appointed to secure subscriptions for money to defray the expenses of cleaning the church.
James M Stickney, clk
Jul 1, 1903, Wed. eve.
Regular monthly meeting. Moved that the Trustees be directed to use their best judgment in regard to painting the church, after consulting several of the members.
Jul 19, 1903, Sun. am.
At a meeting at the close of Sunday School it was moved and carried that we grant our chorister, Miss Fuller, three weeks vacation.
Aug 5, 1903, Wed. eve.
Regular meeting. 9 present. No business.
Sep 5, 1903
Regular monthly meeting held on Saturday afternoon. Mrs H C WINANS baptized.
Sep 16, 1903, Wed. eve. prayer meeting
Mr and Mrs. BIGGS received by letter from Peoria Bethany Church. The following delegates were named, for the Peoria Associational meeting at Galva Sep 22-24. Rev E W Hicks, R F Williamson and wife, Mrs Winans, W F Price, Mrs Stickney, N L Winans and Christie Sorenson.
Oct 7, 1903
No business.
Oct 14, 1903
After prayer meeting a special meeting was called, and the following persons appointed as Delegates to the state General Association at Chicago. Mrs E W Hicks, Mr & Mrs A F Stickney and Miss Sarah Silliman.
Oct 28, 1903, Wed. eve.
Prayer and covenant meeting. No business.
Dec 2, 1903
Regular covenant meeting postponed for one week.
Dec 9, 1903
Regular monthly covenant meeting. The committee appointed to revise our membership list made a report recommending that the hand of fellowship be withdrawn from Thos. HOGG for neglect of the church Covenant. A motion to this effect was made and carried.
By an informal vote it was decided to have a lunch in connection with our roll call on New Year's Day.
Motion made and carried that the Pastor appoint a committee of five (5) to have charge of the lunch on New Year's Day.
Jan 1, 1904
Meeting called at 11:10 a.m. Devotional exercises led by Pastor. Report from BYPU by V. Pres. Miss A Berfield. Report from WBMC by Pres Mrs E B Packer. Report of SS read by clerk.
Motion that we refund our Supt Mr Thompson, the amount in SS Treasury ($4.25) for supplies that he has paid for himself. Motion that we extend to our Treas Brother Packer a vote of thanks for his work as Treas. during the past year.
Remarks by Pastor.
Election of Officers
Clerk Grace Claybaugh
Treas. E B Packer
Motion that the matter of electing janitor be left to the trustees.
Ushers David Fell, Chas Slack
Motion that a finance Com of three be elected.
Motion that A F Stickney, E G Cole and E W Thompson serve as Finance Com for the coming year.
Motion that the clerk be directed to record a digest of the reports in the church book.
Motion that Miss Lizzie Fuller act as our Chorister for the coming year.
Motion that Mrs. Bessie RIDER'S name be dropped from our list on account of her having united with the Christian Church.
Motion that the matter of church calendar be left to the Treas. and Finance Com.
Motion that we as a church observe the week of prayer.
Respond 41
Additions by Baptism 1, by letter 2, Losses by death 2, Dropped 4.
Present membership 203
Mar 20, 1904
Special meetings have been held and Evangelist Coad, the following were received for baptism:
Clarissa I SORENSON, Nelson J KILBY, Flora B HAM
Mar 21, 1904
Received for baptism:
John Francis BERRY, Wm. Harvey PRICE,
J Mora COLE, Leslie H WINANS
Mar 22, 1904
Letter of dismissal granted Mrs Laura MURCHISON SPAULDING from Toulon Baptist Ch to unite with Baptist Ch in Kewanee (letter returned in April as she had moved to Toulon).
Members received for baptism
Mr John H PIERSON, George H HIMES, Mrs. John PIERSON,
John Wesley MORRELL, Rollo H COLE
Apr 3, 1904
At communion service Rev Hicks tendered his resignation as pastor of Toulon Baptist Church - resignation to take effect May 29.
Following pulpit committee was appointed: R F Williamson, B F Thompson, and Christie Sorenson.
Following new converts received the right hand of fellowship:
James MC CULLOUGH, George B FELL, R Dean HART,
Ed. J WHITE, Nelson J KILBY, Flora B HAM, Rollo H COLE,
John Wesley MORRELL, George H HIMES, Mr. John H
PIERSON, Mrs Fanny PIERSON, John F BERRY, Wm. Harvey
PRICE, J Mora COLE, Leslie H WINANS (15 baptized)
May 24, 1904 (typed sheet pasted in record book - noted in pencil that it was adopted unanimously by the church Sunday, May 29, 1904, Clerk)
WHEREAS, the Rev E W Hicks, after nineteen years of faithful and consecrated service as Pastor of the Baptist Church of Toulon, has resigned the pastorate of the church, and is about to depart from among us to continue his work for the Master in other fields and among a new people,-therefore be it
RESOLVED, That we acknowledge our great and many obligations to him for his long and faithful service, and patient and christian bearing among us, as the Pastor of this church; and that we recognize and appreciate his good works in this church and community.
As a Pastor he has ever been zealous, earnest, faithful, untiring, unselfish in his work,-all for Christ and His church, nothing for himself,-always consecrated to the upbuilding, and to the advancement and honor and glory of the Kingdom of the Master,-nothing for worldly honors or popular applause.
As a man and citizen he early won, and retained, and deserved, the respect and confidence of all the people of this community, without distinction of creed or station. He has been a friend to all, and all are his friends; and all regret his departure from among us.
We heartily commend him as a faithful and conscientious pastor, a true christian, an upright man and citizen, a friend to all mankind, and especially to the poor and lowly, whose appeals for aid and sympathy have ever found in him a ready and willing listener and a prompt and liberal helper.
We pray that God's choicest blessing may rest upon him, wherever he may go and in whatsoever he may be engaged, and that his life may be full of joy and happiness.
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. (Ps.1:3)
Jul 17, 1904
Church voted, practically unanimously to extend Rev. Joseph Jenkins, of Walworth, Wis. a call to become our pastor beginning with Sept. first. The call to extend until Jan first, 1906, salary $1000 per year and use of parsonage.
Sep 4, 1904
Mrs BUFFUM, Miss Maye BUFFUM and Miss Bertha DUNBAR received by letter as members of the Baptist Church.
Oct 5, 1904
Business meeting. Meeting opened with the pastor in the chair. After a song and reading of the 122d Psalm the Pastor made a few well-chosen remarks on the meaning and the necessity of the business meeting, after which the church proceeded to the business of the evening.
Letters were read from the Baptist Church of Bradford, Ill., recommending Mr. and Mrs. EDMUNDS to the fellowship of this church. On motion they were received.
Motion that a letter of recommendation be sent Mrs Amy HOLMES who wished to unite with the M E Church at Scranton, Iowa, the original letter having been lost.
There being no report from the trustees, the deacon's report was given, having three recommendations: (1) the appointment of one new deacon (this was not acted upon), (2) The appointment of an advisory committee for the hearing of all new members before coming before the church (this recommendation was accepted and on motion pastor and deacons were appointed to serve as com.), (3) That the church roll be revised and an active and delinquent list be made, the latter to consist of all members who had not been heard from for a long time (this also was accepted and on motion the church clerk and Miss May Thompson were appointed to serve as this committee).
Moved and seconded that it be henceforth understood that no bill shall be paid by the church Treasurer without an order from the clerk, having been passed upon by the church. Carried. Motion RESCINDED April 1, 1908
Anna Gemmell and Bess Stickney were appointed a committee to investigate the organ business and report at the next business meeting.
The treasurer gave an informal report showing an overdraft of about $160. Adjourned.
Bess M Stickney, clk pro tem
Nov 2, 1904
Regular covenant meeting. At its close letters from Walworth, Wis were read dismissing Rev and Mrs. JENKINS and Wilber and George PEETS; members received. Letter of recommendation from Lafayette Christian Church dismissing J H & Mrs BAKER and daus Ida and Rena was read. On motion they were received by experience.
Moved that 500 copies of the church covenant be printed, as many as necessary be circulated among members, remainder to be kept on hand for distribution.
Voted that a relief committee be appointed to look after needs of poor in church and community.
Voted that a census committee be appointed to take a religious census of village and community that pastor be informed thus and better able to work.
The organ committee reported and it was voted to accept report and continue the committee, also authorize them to circulate subscription for organ.
Deacons were authorized to appoint four ushers to serve to January first. Adjourned.
Grace Claybaugh, clerk
Nov 30, 1904 Special business meeting
The organ committee reported the field canvassed and amount promised $305, of this unpaid $131. Report accepted and committee continued. The following purchasing committee was appointed: Bess Stickney, Mrs. Edmunds, Dr. Packer. The following committee to see about enlarging platform was appointed: Mr John Berry, Mr Ed K Thornton.
Addie Berfield, clk pro tem
Dec 6, 1904 Regular business meeting
Letter received from Rev HICKS asking dismission of himself and children to unite at Maywood, Ill. where he has become pastor. Letters granted.
Bills of Pierce Bros. (charcoal) $.25; A Sundquist (round table) $2.50; H E Wilson (window lights) $.35 were read, and clerk directed to draw an order on treasurer for payment of same, and Pastor's bill for $88 - one months salary and arrearage granted.
Motion made that clerk draw order on treasurer first of each month for pastor's salary without bringing matter before church. Motion carried. Adjourned.
Maye Thompson, clk pro tem
Dec 28, 1904 Regular covenant meeting.
Jan 1, 1905
Miss Mary COLBY received by letter into membership, from Market Street Baptist Church of Mansfield, Ohio.
Jan 2, 1905 Annual Business meeting and roll-call of church.
Meeting called to order by pastor, and after singing, scripture reading, and prayer, the minutes of last meeting were read and declared approved. The following reports were then given and accepted - all reports showing improvement over previous ones:
Mission Circle Mrs A F Stickney, pres.
Sunday School A A Alden, Supt.
Deacons C Sorenson
BYPU Mrs Grace Cole, secy
Trustees B F Thompson
Treasurer's report was given and accepted. Organ committee also gave report. Bill of $270 for organ and a bill for choir platform were then allowed.
On motion it was decided to elect the officers by acclamation. On motion the office of trustees was declared vacant. The following were elected:
Trustees: E G Cole, three years
J H Baker, two years
E K Thornton, one year
Treasurer C B Packer
Clerk Zana P Hart
Finance Committee Messrs Stickney, C Sorenson, John Berry
Organist Bessie M Stickney
Asst. Organist Ora E White
On motion the deacons were authorized to appoint ushers.
J H Baker was elected as third deacon to serve during his membership with this church as such.
On motion the deficiency in treasury was carried over to be included in budget of expenses for 1905 and provided for by subscription.
On motion Miss Fuller was retained as church chorister for another year. On motion it was decided to observe the week of prayer.
Then followed roll call to which members responded, by proxy or by letter.
Motion carried to extend vote of thanks to treasurer, chorister, choir, and clerk for services during year.
Clerk was authorized to respond to each letter from absent members and inclose church covenant in same.
Bill for contribution baskets ($.50) allowed A F Stickney.
Adjourned after the reading of church covenant, followed by prayer.
Grace Claybaugh, clk
membership - 227
Feb 11, 1905
At the close of the prayer meeting the following named persons were commended by the credential committee as candidates for baptism. After listening to their individual experiences, they were accepted by the church as members after baptism, viz.
Flossie STOVER, Ethel WIHR, Clara SORENSON, Edmund CHASE,
Evan EDMUNDS, Dora COX, Mrs Thos. HOGG, Nellie BLUNT,
A bill was presented by the clerk for printing yearly letters, postage & c. bill allowed and order drawn for the amount.
Feb 18, 1905
Winn RIST having appeared before the credential committee was commended to the church. Moved and carried that he be accepted as a member of the church after baptism. At the close of the service seven were baptized, viz:
Flossie STOVER, Ethel WIHR, Clara SORENSON, Edmund CHASE,
Evan EDMUNDS, Dora COX, Winn RIST.
Mar 1, 1905
On motion Mrs E K Thornton was elected by the church as Church Clerk. Wed. eve prayer meeting.
At the close of the covenant meeting Maude MORRELL and Ethel BIGGS were presented for church membership and accepted for baptism. Then came the baptism of Mrs. Thos. HOGG, Nellie BLUNT, Ethel BIGGS, Maude MORRELL, Oscar MORRELL.
Mr MORRELL was accepted as a member of the church upon letter presented Feb and the giving of his experience.
A bill of $1.50 for filling the baptisty was presented. It was moved and carried that the bill be allowed and an order drawn for the amount.
Mrs Sadie Thornton, clk
Mar 5, 1905
At the opening of the morning service, the church letters of the following persons from the Bradford Baptist Church were presented: Bro and Sis. James LESAU, Chas. LESAU, Bessie LESAU, Mrs Ella HARMEN. Moved and carried that said persons be accepted upon letters presented.
At the close of sermon the right hand of fellowship was extended to eighteen members.
Mrs Sadie Thornton, clk
Mar 21, 1905
At the close of prayer meeting a bill of $4.28 was presented for materials and finishing work on choir enclosure. It was moved and carried it be allowed and order be drawn on Treas.
Mrs Sadie Thornton, clk
Apr 16, 1905
At the close of the morning service letters were presented by Bro and Sis A C HIMES, Bro and Sis Grant DEXTER, Mary HIMES and Mary WARD. Moved and carried that said persons be accepted upon letters presented.
Mrs Sadie Thornton, clk
Apr 23, 1905
At close of an appropriate Easter Sermon the right hand of fellowship was extended to Bro & Sis A C HIMES, Bro & Sis Grant DEXTER, Mary HIMES, Nellie BLUNT, Mrs Mary WARD.
Mrs Sadie Thornton, clk
Apr 26, 1905
At the close of prayer meeting, it was moved and carried that a letter be granted Mr. Jas. STICKNEY to unite with the Russell St. Baptist Church of Nashville, Tenn.
Moved and carried that a letter of commendation be given Sister Elisabeth A HENDERSON, to unite with the church of her choice in the City of Chicago, Ill.
Mrs Sadie Thornton, clk
May 23, 1905
At the close of the covenant meeting the following business was transacted:
After the reading of a communication from the Baptist Church of Lacon, Ill request that this church send its Pastor and two delegates to sit in an ordination council of Mr W I Lapp.
It was moved and carried that Deacons R F Williamson and J H Baker be the delegates.
It was moved and carried that the $260 tendered by the Saxon Baptist Church be received and before disbanking (disbanding) to us as a trust to be returned only on condition and at such a time as should another Regular Bapt. church be organized and sustained in that community.
Moved and carried that a letter of thanks be given to the Church of Saxon who thus kindly remembered us.
Moved and carried that the money above received be placed on interest by the Treasurer until such a time as the church votes its use for permanent improvements.
Moved and carried that the former organ purchasing Com. be authorized to secure a desirable organ cover for the organ. Adjourned.
Mrs Sadie Thornton, clk
May 31, 1905
At the close of Prayer meeting, the following business was transacted: Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
The organ com. reported the cost of a cover for the new organ $1.50.
The report was accepted and the com. continued.
The com. on church improvement submitted the following report - cost on repairs of door and skylight $235.00
Moved and carried that the Trustees and Mr Edmunds and Mr Price be a com. to consider the cost of the several improvements of the church and report at next business meeting. On motion, we adjourned.
Mrs Sadie Thornton, clk
Aug 2, 1905
After the reading of few verses of Scripture and prayer by the pastor, the following business was transacted.
Min. of last meeting read and approved.
The credential Com commended the names of Mr WAGNER and Mr MORRELL as candidates for baptism.
Mr WAGNER gave his experience and was accepted by the church as member after baptism.
Com on church improvements submitted the following report: cost of the several improvements would be $880.00
The report was accepted and the com continued.
Moved and carried the question of church improvements be postponed 2 weeks.
Moved and carried we have the Old Settlers Dinner this year.
Moved and carried that a com of seven be the ex com to make arrangements for the same.
Moved and carried the Deacons, Trustees and the Pastor appoint this ex. com. Adjourned.
Mrs Sadie Thornton, clk
Aug 14, 1905 A special bus. meeting
Meeting opened by reading of a few verses of Scripture and prayer by pastor.
After the reading of the minutes the following bus. was transacted:
Ex Com reported the following com for Old Settlers: Mr Cole Sorenson, Stickney and Anderson and Mrs Packer, Hart and Maude Price. Report was accepted and com. continued.
Moved and carried the money from Saxon Baptist Church be set aside for the building of the rooms on west.
Moved and carried we reconsider this motion until some future time.
Moved and carried we bring this motion before the church four weeks from Wed. night.
Moved we adjourn. The motion lost. Moved we put off the church improvements until after Old Settlers. The motion lost.
Moved the 1st imp be skylight, carried.
Moved the 2d imp be painting, lost
Moved the 2d imp fixing N room, carried
Moved the 3d imp painting, carried
Moved the 4th imp repairing & chimney, carried
Moved and carried the church give our pastor a two weeks vacation. Adjourned.
Mrs Sadie Thornton, clk
Aug 30, 1905
At the close of covenant meeting Mr WAGNER received the ordinance of baptism.
Mrs Sadie Thornton, clk
Sep 13, 1905
At the close of Wed eve prayer meeting it was moved and carried that the motion on the table made by Mr Edmunds be laid over until the next bus. meeting.
Mrs Sadie Thornton, clk
Sep 20, 1905
Moved and carried that the following be our delegates to the convention at Kirkwood: Mrs Pliter, Stickney, Winans, Jenkins and Mis Stella White, Grace Claybaugh and Mr Jenkins.
Moved and carried the church letter read be our letter to the association.
Wed eve prayer meeting.
Mrs Sadie Thornton, clk
Oct 4, 1905
Regular bus. meeting. Min. read and approved. Old Settlers com reported $300.41 from the dinner.
Moved and carried the bill of $16 for plates be granted.
Moved and carried the motion made by Mr Edmunds be laid on the table indefinitely. Moved we adjourn.
Mrs Sadie Thornton, clk
Nov 29, 1905
Regular bus. meeting. Moved and carried we hold the annual roll call on Jan 1st. Moved and carried the clerk send church letters to each member. Moved and carried that an ex com of three be appointed with power to appoint sub com.
Moved and carried that letters be granted Bro and Sister KILBY to unite with the Baptist Church of Rock Island.
Moved and carried that Mr. John PIERSONS name be dropped from the church roll at his request. Moved we adjourn.
Dean Hart, clk pro tem
Dec 13, 1905
After the close of prayer meeting it was moved and carried that a church letter be granted Sister May GAYMON.
Mrs Sadie Thornton, clk
1905 - Summary (on stationery of Mrs M E Hart, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Ladies' Furnishing Goods)
Visitors during year 102 Average 1 49/53 per Sunday
Average attendance for year 1st quarter: 90 9/13
2nd " 102 1/13
3d " 94 1/13
4th " 93 1/7
Total aver for year 95
Largest attendance 117 on May 21
Smallest attendance 45 on Nov 5
Collection for year $126.23 Average per $2.36 95/182
1st quarter 28.23 average per $2.17 2/13
2d " 26.58 average per 2.04 6/13
3d " 26.08 average per 2.00 8/13
4th " 45.34 average per 3.23 6/7
Total 126/23 9.46 8/91
$9.46 8/91 divided by 4 = 2.36 95/182
Jan 8 paid for supplies 24.08
Jan 15 paid Norman Carr on pledge to Shurtleff 1.50
Apr 16 paid for call bell for Supt. 1.50
Feb 26 paid to Home Missions from pledge of last Sun 3.54
Feb 26 paid to " " " " " " " 6.03
Feb 26 paid to Foreign Missions " " " " " 3.33
Feb 26 paid Pub. Society 5.77
Mar 26 paid to State Missions 1.86
Apr 16 paid for supplies 20.00
Apr 30 paid to State Missions 2.14
Apr 30 paid for expense of Easter 5.83
May 28 paid to Education Shurtleff 2.18
May 28 paid to Mr Baker delegate to State convention 4.50
June 18 paid expense of Childrens day 4.33
June 25 paid to Education Shurtleff 2.34
Jul 2 paid for supplies 20.00
Jul 16 paid to Publication Soc from Childrens Day .80
Aug 27 paid Missionaries Children home/Morgan Park 5.18
Sep 24 paid to Foreign Missions as pledlge 1.82
Oct 15 paid to Miss McKenzie for State & Co work 4.00
Oct 29 paid to Foreign Missions as pledge 2.31
Nov 26 paid to Pub Soc as pledge 2.00
Dec 31 paid for candy & boxes for Christmas 14.32
Dec 31 paid to Pub Soc as pledge 2.90
Dec 31 paid for supplies 21.15
Total $ 163.41
Officers enrolled - 3
1st quarter 2 11/13
2d " 2 10/13
3d " 2 3/13
4th " 2
Average for year 2 6/13
Teachers enrolled - 12 with exception of 16 Sundays when 11
1st quarter 10 8 with 12 and 5 with 11
2nd " 10 9/22 11 with 11 and 2 with 12
3d " 8 10/13 with 12
4th " 10 5/7 with 12
Average for year 9 7/8
Scholars enrolled Jan 1905 - 146 Dec 1905 - 169
gain of 23 during year
1st quarter 78 4/13
2nd " 86 3/13
3d " 80 11/13
4th " 79 1/14
Average for year 81 83/728
Jan 29 Received of Miss Bessie Stickney from Jug Run .60
Apr 30 Received Coll for Easter 3.18
June 18 Received Childrens day coll 5.13
July 9 Received from SS picnic our share 2.06
July 9 Received from Mrs Winans home dept. 3.25
Dec 3 " " " " " " 2.53
Dec 31 Received from Cantata for use 2.10
Total 18.85
Laid away for future investment $50
(on outside of the sheets as copied just above, was this list:)
At roll call Jan 1, 1906, Letters received from -
Mr & Mrs Alex Chesley Mrs Blair
Mrs Wells White Izona B Watson
J H Stickney Edmund Chase
Grace Robson Mrs Hilliard
Mr J T Cole Mrs Lucy Hixson
Mrs John White
Jan 1, 1906
Annual business meeting and roll call of Church. Meeting opened with pastor in the chair. After a song and reading of the 121st Psalm the pastor led in prayher. Following the singing of another hymn, the church proceeded to the business of the day.
The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
The following reports were then given and accepted, all reports showing constant growth and improvement -
1. Deacons C Sorenson
2. Sunday School Dean Hart, Secy
3. Sunday School May Edwards, Treas.
4. BYPU Maud Morrell, Secy
Wilbur Peets, Treas
5. Mission Circle Mrs Grace Cole, secy
Mrs A F Stickney, Pres.
Mrs M E Hart, Treas, F.M. Supt
6. SS Home Dept Mrs Harriet Winans
7. Church Treas. Dr E B Packer
The treasurer reported the following.
Total receipts from all sources including
Old Settlers dinner $300.41) and Saxon Fund 2150.79
Deficit Jan 1905 269.07
Total expenses 2285.09
Deficit Jan 1, 1906 (overdrawn) 243.61
Enough of reliable unpaid subscriptions to more than cover all indebtedness.
Moved and carried that the Treas. report be accepted and placed on file.
8. Trustees E G Cole
9. Special Improvement C E G Cole
Moved and carried that the reports as far given be adopted and the committee continued.
On motion the resignation of J H Baker as church trustee for two years was accepted.
10. Finance Com A F Stickney
Election of officers. Moved and carried that hereafter this church elect its officers by ballot.
Dean Hart and George Himes were appointed tellers.
Moved that the rules be suspended and the candidates be voted upon by acclamation. Motion lost.
The following were elected:
Trustees John Chase, 3 yrs, Martin Downing
Clerk Mary Himes
Moved and carried that the rules be suspended and clerk be instructed to cast the ballot for Dr E B Packer as Church Treasurer.
On motion the Finance Committee was voted upon by acclamation.
Finance Committee A F Stickney, C Sorenson, Austin Himes
On motion the following officers were voted upon by acclamation.
Organist Bess M Stickney
Asst. " Bertha Grayne
Chorister Elizabeth Fuller
Moved and carried that the church give present pastor an indefinite call with three month's notice on either side.
Moved and carried that the proper apportionment of the pastor's salary of $1000, be paid at the end of each month.
On motion the reading of the letters was deferred until the dinner hour.
Then followed Roll Call to which 70 members responded by proxy and 24 by letter.
Motion carried that the request of Mr and Mrs J T COLE for letters to join Baptist Church of Broken Bow, Nebr. be granted.
Motion carried that letters be granted Mr and Mrs Dow SMITH and daughter Mary SMITH to join the Woodland Park Baptist Church of Seattle Wash.
On motion the meeting adjourned. Dinner was then served in the lecture room.
Anna Gemmell, clk pro tem
Jan 7, 1906 Sunday morn.
Motion made and carried that Brother George LEE and his wife, sister -- LEE be received on their experience as members of this church. Right hand of fellowship given to them the same day.
Jan 24, 1906 Prayer meeting
Special business meeting. Motion made by Mrs Edmunds that Geneva J GUYRE be received after baptism as a member of this church.
Moved by Bro Stickney and carried that Maude RHODES and Mary LEASON be received as members of this church after baptism.
Moved by Bro Cole and carried that James MORRELL be received after baptism as a member of this church.
Motion made by Bro Baker and carried that special services begin Wednesday evening, January 31, and continue two weeks.
Motion made by Sister Winans that we as a church send to our Senator, Mr. Hopkins, our disapproval of the seating of the Utah man, Mr Smoot as a U S Senator.
Jan 31, 1906
At the opening evening of the special services the ordinance of baptism was administered to Miss Mary LEASON.
Feb 13, 1906
Moved and carried that Celestia RHODES be received after baptism as a member of this church.
Moved and carried that Winifred MOREHOUSE be received after baptism as a member of this church.
Motion made and carried that Ella PLOTNER and Maude VANDYKE be received as members of this church after baptism.
Feb 14, 1906
At the close of the special meetings the ordinance of baptism was administered to five young ladies:
Geneva J GUYRE, Maude RHODES, Ella PLOTNER, Winifred MOREHOUSE, Celestia RHODES.
Feb 28, 1906
At prayer meeting, a motion was made and carried that granting of letters to Bro J H BAKERS be left until the regular business meeting of the church.
Motion made and carried that Mrs Minnie L SNYDER be received after baptism as a member of the church.
Ordinance of baptism was administered to Mrs Minnie L SNYDER after prayer meeting.
Mar 4, 1906, Sun. morning
Before communion service, the right hand of fellowship given by the church to Mary LEASON, Geneva J GUYRE, Maude RHODES, Winifred MOREHOUSE, Celestia RHODES and Mrs Minnie L SNYDER.
Mar 7, 1906 Regular covenant meeting
After covenant service, motion made and carried that letters of recommendation be given to Bro and Sister J H BAKER and their daughters IDA and IRENE to unite with the Christian Church of Lafayette, Ill.
Mar 28 1906
At prayer meeting, motion made and carried that Bro John STATEN be received by letter of dismission from the Walworth, Wisconsin, Baptist Church, as a member of this church. Mary L Himes, clk
Apr 4, 1906
Prayer and business meeting. After scripture reading and prayer, the minutes of meetings since January 7 were read, corrected and approved. About 40 in attendance.
Motion made by Mr Thompson and carried that the names of Mrs Ollie STANDIFORD, Mrs May DEWEY WOLFE, Mrs Clara HURLBUT and George WISE be placed on the delinquent list of church members.
Motion made and carried that there be two deacons added to the present number which is only two at present.
Mary L Himes, clk
Apr 18, 1906 Special business meeting called for the election of two deacons
After a short talk by the pastor on the Bible selection of deacons and their duties, a motion was made by Bro Thompson that we adopt a rule in this church that the deacons serve for a term of four years, the present two deacons Bros Sorenson and Williamson serving four years from Jan 1, 1906 and the two new ones be elected for two years from Jan 1, 1906. Carried.
Election by ballot to fill the two offices of deacon. On the formal ballot of 35 votes, Bro E B Packer received 24 votes and Bro A C Himes, 23 votes, so are declared elected to be deacons for two years.
A bill was presented by Bro Packer for money paid out for incidentals for the church by Bro Jenkins to the amount of $6.10.
Motion made and carried that Mrs Clara MOLINE be received as a member of this church by letter from the Swedish Baptist Church of Quincy, Massachusetts.
Motion made and carried that a letter of commendation be granted Henry STICKNEY of Clark Co., Washington, to unite with a M E church there. Motion carried that we adjourn.
Apr 21, 1906 On Sunday morning
Motion made by Bro Thompson that we as a church subscribe ten dollars to the relief funds for the unfortunate people of San Francisco who have been rendered homeless by the earthquake and fire of Apr 18, 1906, and an order be drawn on the treasury for that amount.
May 2, 1906
Covenant meeting. Good attendance. Minutes of last meetings read and approved. No other business.
May 6, 1906 Sunday morn.
Right hand of fellowship given to Bro John STATEN
May 9, 1906 Prayer meeting
Motion made by Mr Thompson that the time of ringing the bell Sabbath morning be changed to 10 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Carried.
June 27, 1906 Covenant meeting
31 present. Motion made by Bro Thompson that Bro and Sister J Knox HALL be received on experience as members of this church. Carried.
M L Himes, clk
Aug 1, 1906 Regular business meeting
40 present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Mrs Maye THOMPSON GAYMON is considered still a member of this church by virtue of the fact that her letter given her in December 1905 had never been deposited in any other church. Motion made by Mr Stickney that trustees be ordered to furnish a curtain of suitable material to cover the little window over the pulpit in order to protect the eyes of the audience. Carried.
After the report of a member of the trustees' board, on improvements, a motion was made by Bro Thompson that the trustees be instructed to proceed with the improvements suggested, such as fixing basement, getting new carpet, etc. provided the money could be raised, then amended by Bro Stickney that trustees first get definite estimates of the prices of the work to be done. (In margin: this motion rescinded Sep 12, 1906)
Carried as amended.
Motion by Bro Cole made, that chair appoint a committee of two as finance committee to act in connection with trustees as building committee.
Motion made that as long as plenty of light in the church was secured by the repairs on the north end, the motion about putting in a skylight (of Aug 14, 1906) be recalled. Carried. Motion carried to adjourn.
M L Himes, clk
Aug 8, 1906 Prayer meeting
A motion was made by Mrs Hart, granting to Bro Jenkins, our pastor, a vacation beginning after next Sabbath, Aug 12, and lasting until September 1, without his supplying the pulpit. Carried unanimously.
Motion made that the matter of having services those two Sabbaths be left to the deacons.
No preaching service Aug 19 or 26.
Sep 5, 1906 Regular business meeting
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
The chair appointed Dr Packer and Mr Sorenson on the committee to act in connection with the trustees as building committee.
By the report of the building committee, the basement improvements were considered not advisable for various reasons, and an addition on the west of the church was suggested.
Motion made that meeting be adjourned until next Wednesday, Sep 12, with instructions to clerk to send invitations to all resident members to be present at that meeting.
On motion, we adjourned.
M L Himes, clk
Clerk sent out about seventy invitations to the families in which there are members of the church.
Sep 12, 1906 Special business meeting, Wed. eve.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Motion made by Bro Thompson that whatever improvements be made on west side of the house that the permanent part of west side of the alcove of the church be left as it is. Amended by Mrs Hart that the round window be left as it is in the alcove. Motion carried as amended.
By motion of Dr Packer, we voted that an addition be built on the west side of the church not over twenty feet in length from north to south and extend as far west as the lot will allow and amendment by Bro Stickney that this building be done if sufficient money can be raised. Carried as amended.
On motion by Bro Thompson, voted to reconsider the action taken Aug 1, 1906 of appointing a committee to proceed with fixing basement, etc. provided money could be raised.
On motion by Bro Stickney, the motion of Aug 1, 1906 was rescinded.
Motion made by Mrs Hart that same committee be reappointed as building com for the west room. Carried.
On motion made by Mr Stickney, the amount necessary for carpet for the whole church was added to amount to be raised for repairs to the church.
On motion, the following: Mr Jenkins, Mr and Mrs Stickney, Mr Edmunds, Mrs Sorenson were appointed as our delegates to the Peoria Association to be held in Glasford, Sept 25 to 27.
On motion by Mr Stickney, that we should invite the Association to hold the next annual meeting with the Baptist Church of Toulon. Carried. Motion carried that we adjourn.
M L Hines, clk
Invitation not accepted by Association.
Oct 31, 1906 Regular Business and Covenant meeting
Well attended. A good covenant meeting, and the only business was a motion made that we send three dollars from church treasury to clerk of Peoria Association to pay for the minutes; carried. Adjourned.
Dec 19, 1906 Special business meeeting in connection with prayer meeting.
Motion made that Mr Sam'l JOHNSON be granted a letter to unite with the Baptist Church in Kewanee. Carried.
Motion made that our Annual Business meeting and Roll Call be held on New Year's Day, Jan 1, 1906 (sic) that lunch be served, and that a committee be appointed to have charge of the lunch. Such committee is: (blank)
Motion made and carried that a letter be granted to Bro Leo. HART to the new Baptist Church at Ft Smith, Arkansas. Adjourned.
M L Himes, clk
Jan 1, 1907 Annual Business meeting postponed by order of Board of Health of Toulon, on account of the liability of the spread of the disease, small pox, in our midst.
Jan 2, 1907 Covenant meeting.
21 present. Motion made by Mr Sorenson, that Sister Bertha DUNBAR HALL be granted a letter of dismission from this church to the Baptist Church at Alpha, Illinois. Carried.
After having listened to his experience, a motion was made that Paul MOREHOUSE be received as a member of this church after baptism. Carried.
After hearing also the experience of Bruce MOREHOUSE, motion was made that he be received, after baptism, as a member of this church. Adjourned.
Jan 4, 1907
Funeral services of Mrs. Letitia SILLIMAN, one of the constituent members.
Jan 6, 1907, Sun.
A motion was made that the annual business meeting be held on Wednesday evening, Jan. 9. Then motion was amended and carried as amended that the meeting should be held on Friday eve, Jan 11.
Jan 9, 1907, Wed eve at prayer meeting
On account of the necessary absence of the pastor this week, the 11th, the motion was made that the annual business meeting be held on Wed eve, Jan 16. Then amended that it should be held on Monday evening, Jan 14. The motion carried as amended.
Jan 14, 1907 Monday eve, 7:30 o'clock
Annual business meeting and roll call. Meeting opened with pastor in the chair. After a song and reading of the 122nd and 127th Psalm, the pastor offered prayer then the meeting opened for business.
The minutes of last meeting read and approved.
The books show thirteen received into the church this year, and twenty dismissed by letter, erasure or dropped, and one death, that of Mrs DEWEY of Iowa, making a present membership of 235.
The following reports were then read and accepted, all showing constant improvement and good growth.
1. BYPU Winifred Morehouse, Secy
2. Mission Circle Maye Alden, Secy
3. Home Department Adelle Berfield, Asst.
4. Trustees E G Cole
5. SS Secretary Wilber Peets
6. SS Treasurer Maye Edwards
Motion made that report be received and placed on file. Carried.
Secy reported average attendance for year, 116
Treasurer reported
Total receipts of S S
Total Expenditures of S S
Left in Treasury
7. Church Treasurer E B Packer
Reported as follows:
Total receipts (exclusive of building fund of $473.50) 1688.17
Total expenditures (exclusive of improvement paid by
building fund $285.61) 1790.07
Leaving deficit in Treasury of $ 101.90
This amount is probably covered by good subscriptions
not yet paid
Moved and carried that his report be received and placed on file.
8. Finance committee A F Stickney
Election of Officers
Geo Himes and John Winans were appointed as tellers.
Motion made that rules be suspended and that Mr M B Downend be elected as trustees for three years. Motion lost.
Motion made and carried that the first ballot be informal.
Mr Downend having received the majority of votes on the informal ballot, motion was made and carried that the informal ballot be declared formal and that he be declared elected for three years as trustee; to serve with Mr E G Cole, one year, and John Chase, 2 yrs.
Moved and carried that Bro J Knox Hall be appointed a committee to write resolutions of our regret to Bro B F Thompson, our S S Superintendent, that he can not be with us on account of sickness.
Mary L Himes, clerk. Motion made that informal ballot be declared formal and Miss Himes be C Clerk for coming year.
Dr E B Packer, Treasurer. Motion made that informal ballot be declared formal and Bro Packer be our treasurer.
Finance Committee A F Stickney, A C Himes, C Sorenson. Motion made that these three be our finance committee for another year, by declaring the informal ballot made formal.
Organist, Miss Bess Stickney. Motion carried that Miss Stickney be our organist, by declaring the informal ballot formal.
Ass't Organist, Miss Ora White. Motion carried that Miss White be our assistant organist by declaring the informal ballot formal.
Chorister, Miss Mary Tuttle. Motion carried that informal ballot be declared formal and Miss Tuttle be our chorister.
A letter was then read from the clerk of the Glasford church asking for the presence of our pastor and another delegate at the ordination of their pastor, Mr G E Scheerer, on January 24.
On motion, this report was received and voted that the request be complied with that our pastor and a delegate be sent to Glasford.
Motion carried that Bro Stickney be the delegate to go with Rev. Jenkins.
Motion carried that the church extend to Miss Elizabeth Fuller a vote of thanks for her work among us as chorister and regret very much that her health will not permit her to continue her work here.
Motion made that the Annual Business Meetings of the Church be held on the Saturday in the daytime, following the first day of January. Lost.
Motion made that the Annual Business Meetings be held on New Year's day in daytime, but amended and carried as amended that they shall be held on New Year's Eve.
Then followed Roll Call to which 51 responded in person and 26 by letter.
Lunch was then served to all.
Mary L Himes, clk
Jan 25, 1907
Funeral services of Mrs. Mary PETERS
Feb 6, 1907 Prayer and business meeting
After regular prayer meeting Bro E G Cole gave the following report.
Statement of funeral expenses of Mrs. Mary J PETERS
Certificate of deposit 27.57
Cash on person 8.00
Subscriptions 22.45
Lot 5.00
Burial 5.00
Flowers 2.50
Marker 20.00
Sundquist & Son 25.00
Cash balance 58.02
Respectfully submitted: E G Cole, E B Packer, Jos Jenkins, committee
Motion made that this report be received and placed on file.
M L Himes, clk
Feb 17, 1907 Sun. evening
Ordinance of baptism administered to Bruce and Paul MOREHOUSE by their father, Rev. L C Morehouse.
Feb 20, 1907 Wed Eve Prayer meeting
Motion made by Mr Cole that Bro Charles FULK be received as a member of this church after baptism. Carried. After prayer meeting he was baptised.
Feb 23, 1907
Funeral services of Mrs. Caroline PIERSON, one of the constituent members of this church.
Feb 24, 1907 Sun. eve.
Motion made by Dr Packer that we invite Rev Geo H Thompson, the harp evangelist, to held us in special meetings beginning the first of April. Carried.
Mar 1, 1907, Fri. pm
Funeral services of Mr Barnard BARTON
Mar 3, 1907, Sun am
Right hand of fellowship was given to Bruce and Paul MOREHOUSE and Mrs. Clara MOLIN.
Mar 6, 1907, At prayer meeting
After hearing the experiences of the following, a motion was made by Bro A C Himes, that Mabel MORRELL, Arthur SNYDER and Tillie SNYDER and Ruby FOGLESONG be received as members of this church after their baptism. Carried.
Mar 13, 1907 Prayer meeting
Motion that a letter be granted to Sister Grace CLAYBAUGH to unite with the LaSalle Avenue Baptist Church, Chicago, Ill, was carried.
After the meeting the ordinance of baptism was administered to Arthur SNYDER, Ruby FOGLESONG, Tillie SNYDER and Mabel MORRELL.
Mar 24, 1907
Bro Geo Thompson, the evangelist was with us from Mar 24 to Apr 5, 1907.
Apr 10, 1907 Prayer meeting Wed. eve
After the report of the deacons by Mr Sorenson as to the examination of the following persons and the experience given by each one, motion was made by Bro Thompson that they be received after baptism as members of the church.
Hazel PACKER, Grace HALL, Mabel REMINGTON, Addie REMINGTON, Laura FLEMING, Bertha HAM, Esther PANTZER, Bernice RHODES, Fay DEXTER and Grace DEXTER. After experience given by Mrs John HAM motion carried that she be received as a member on her own experience.
After prayer meeting the ordinance of baptism was administered to the above named ten young ladies.
Apr 17, 1907 Prayer meeting Wed. eve
After experience and expression of the desire of each of the following: -
A separate motion for each was made that they be received as members of the church of their baptism, and carried.
After report as to the examination of the following: -
Nellie EDWARDS, Fannie JACKSON, Gladys DEXTER, Nellie McCORKLE, Elber WINANS, Ray McCORKLE, Henry PRICE, Mary HAM
A motion was made that they be received as members of this church upon their baptism.
Motion made by Mrs Packer that the names of Mr Robert BIGGS and of Mrs. Anna CAVERLY be dropped from our membership as they have united with the Methodist Church and Congregational church respectively. Carried.
Apr 21, 1907, Sun. eve
The ordinance of baptism was administered to the following:
Ruth COLE, Sarah FLEMING, Mary HAM, Nellie FLEMING, Emily JENKINS, Nellie EDWARDS, Clara DAILEY, Ray MC CORKLE, Elber WINANS, Leslie EASTMAN, Glen PIERSON, Otto MC CULLOCH, Henry PRICE (13 baptised)
May 5, 1907, Sun morning
The right hand of fellowship was given by the pastor to the following new members: (23)
May 1, 1907 Prayer and Covenant meeting
After the covenant meeting the following business was transacted.
Moved and carried that Mrs Rhoda CLAYBAUGH of the Congregational Church of Toulon, be received as a member of this church upon her experience as given.
Moved and carried that Mr. and Mrs Joseph REMINGTON be received on their experience as members of this church.
Board of trustees reported through Bro E G Cole that Mon eve an estimate was received from some man as follows:
$39 for cleaning the interior of the church (all halls, rooms, ceiling, etc.) but $4.00 extra for the varnishing and decorating of the two new rooms on the west.
Motion carried empowering the trustees to attend to carrying out the above and have the work done.
The committee to select the new carpet (Mrs Hart, Winans, and A Packer) were empowered to dispose of the old carpet as they wished, also to see about covering the floor of the two west rooms.
Trustees ordered to have roof leaks stopped by putting in tin where necessary and painting it. They had offered the work at $15 (fifteen) and had received a bid of fifteen dollars. They could use their judgment to accept.
Trustees also ordered to put in another electric light in west part of north room. Meeting adjourned.
Paul Morehouse, clk pro tem
June 2, 1907, Sunday morning
Right hand of fellowship was given to the following:
Bertha HAM, Henry PRICE, Nellie FLEMING, Glenn PIERSON, Mary HAM (5)
July 3, 1907 Wed Eve Regular covenant meeting
After the covenant meeting the following business was done.
Motion made and carried to grant to Mrs Laura SPAULDING a letter of commendation to unite with a Church at Sandy Hook, New York.
After hearing the experience of Mrs Harry MURCHISON, motion was made by Bro Himes that she be received as a member of this church on her experience. Motion made that pastors confer together as to changing the hour of prayer meeting from 7:30 pm to 7:45 pm. Meeting adjourned.
M L Himes, clk
July 7, 1907 Sunday morning
Right hand of fellowship was given to the following:
July 10, 1907
At prayer meeting the pastor reported that the other pastors were not able to change time of prayer meeting on account of conflicts so we left ours as usual at 7:30 pm.
Aug 7, 1907 Business Meeting, Wed. eve.
After the regular prayer meeting the following business was transacted. The minutes of a number of meetings past were read, corrected and approved.
Motion made and carried that clerk be authorized to write the letter from this church to the association to be held in Farmington. Delegates appointed were: Mr and Mrs Jenkins, Mr and Mrs Stickney, Paul Morehousek, Maude Price, Mrs Ezra Packer, Miss M Himes. Motion made that these be our delegates, but if any can not go, he may seek some one else as delegate in his place. (Sept 24 Mrs Packer, Miss Price and Mr Morehouse could not go, but Mrs Winans, Miss Stella White and Miss Bess Stickney did go.)
Motion made that we extend a cordial invitation to the Peoria Baptist Association to meet with the Toulon Church next year.
The reports of committees can be seen by what they have done, in the carpet being ready for use about June 12, 1907 and new west rooms finished and floor covered with new lineoleum.
Motion made and carried that we adjourn.
Aug 28, 1907, Regular Covenant Meeting
No business transacted.
Sep 18, 1907 At prayer meeting
After the prayer meeting service, the letter to the P B Association as written by the clerk was read and approved.
A letter from Kirkwood was read, inviting our pastor and two delegates to meet with them October 2, 1907, to consider the propriety of ordaining Mr J D Gunter as a minister of the gospel. Motion made and carried that the invitation be accepted and that a committee be appointed consisting of our pastor and Bros Stickney and Williamson.
Sep 26, 1907
Our invitation to the Association was accepted.
Oct 2, 1907
Mr Jenkins and Bro A C Himes went to Kirkwood as per request.
Oct 30, 1907 Regular Covenant meeting
No business
Nov 14, 1907 Prayer meeting
Motion made and carried that a letter be sent to Bro Arthur COOLEY at his request to unite with the First Baptist Church at Galesburg, Ill.
Nov 27, 1907 Regular business meeting
Reading of minutes of last meetings read and approved.
Motion made that special evangelistic meeting be held some time during the winter, and carried.
Motion made by Bro Sorenson that this matter be laid on the table for another week, seconded, then withdrawn by Mr Sorenson with the consent of Mrs Winans who had seconded.
Motion made and seconded that we extend to Bro J W Buffum an invitation to hold meetings with us this winter.
Motion made and carried that we vote by ballot. Result 30 voted for him, six voted against. So motion carried that we call Bro Buffum.
Dec 11, 1907 At prayer meeting
A letter of dismission was read from Pleasant Valley Ch of Green Co, Ky, for Mr and Mrs E C COAKLEY. Motion made that Mr and Mrs Coakley be received by letter as members of this church.
Motion made that an order be drawn on the treasury for three dollars to pay for the Minutes of the Peoria Baptist Association.
Jan 1, 1908 At prayer meeting
Motion made and carried that letters of dismission be granted at their request to Bro W D EDMUNDS, Sister Mamie EDMUNDS, and son, EVAN, and Sister Cerilda PLITER, to unite with the Baptist Church at Como, Mississippi, as they are now residing in that place.
M L Himes, clk
Dec 31, 1907 Annual Business Meeting and Roll Call
Our meeting opened by singing a hymn and reading of the twelfth chapter of Romans by the pastor, then after the pastor led in prayer, and the choir sang an anthem, the church proceeded to business.
Minutes of the last annual meeting were read and approved.
A bill of $3 (three dollars) to pay for invitations and cards for Roll call for 1906 and 1907 to the Stark County News was read and also one for $3.90 to pay for the stationery and postage for these invitations to the clerk. Moved and carried that these bills be allowed and an order be drawn on the treasury for the two bills.
Letter read from Canton requesting our pastor and two delegates be present January 6, 1908, to advise as to the ordination of Bro G E Sheerer, acting pastor of the church at Glasford, whose ordination a year ago was postponed for some good reason.
Motion made that our pastor and two deacons, Bros Williamson and Sorenson, go to Canton as per request. Carried.
After hearing the experience of Bro and Sister George TERRELL given by themselves, a motion was made and carried that they be received as members of this church after their baptism.
The ordinance of baptism was administered to them immediately by the pastor. Another anthem was sung by the choir, and then we listened to reports from a number of officers.
Trustees report, E G Cole, who reported that all their work laid out was completed and nothing more was to be done just now; the west addition had been made, the new carpet was down, the parsonage repaired and walls cleaned after the fire, by putting on a slate roof, newly papering, and a coat of paint on the outside.
Deacons - C Sorenson
SS Supt - B F Thompson
SS Treasurer - Jessie Guyre
SS Secretary - Mary Lesan
Jug Run SS - Paul Morehouse
Junior Union - Edmund Chase
BYPU - Paul Morehouse
Women's Mission Circle - Mrs Jenkins
Home Department - Mrs Winans
Church Treasurer - Dr. Packer
Motion made that report of Treasurer be accepted, adopted and placed on file.
Finance Com - Mrs Stickney
Then pastor appointed Paul Morehouse and George Himes tellers.
1. For deacons for four years - A C Himes and E B Packer
Motion made that clerk be instructed to cast a ballot of seventy votes for Bros Himes and Packer as deacons. Ballot so cast and so declared elected.
2. Informal ballot for trustee. Trustee for three years, J Knox Hall to serve with M B Downend 2 yrs and John Chase 1 yr. Motion made that informal ballot be declared formal and Bro Hall be declared trustee.
3. Clerk, Mary L Himes
Motion made that chairman cast the ballot of seventy votes for Miss Himes for clerk, ballot so cast and she is declared elected.
4. Treasurer, Dr. Packer
Motion made that clerk cast a ballot of seventy votes for Dr Packer as treasurer. Ballot so cast and he is declared treasurer.
5. Organist, Miss Bess Stickney
Motion made that clerk cast a ballot of seventy votes for Miss Stickney as organist. Ballot so cast and she is declared elected.
6. Asst. Organist, Miss Bess Winans
Motion made that clerk be instructed to cast a ballot of seventy votes for Miss Winans for assistant organist. Ballot so cast and she is declared elected.
7. Chorister, Miss Mary Tuttle
Motion made that clerk be instructed to cast a ballot seventy votes for Miss Tuttle as our chorister. Ballot so cast and she is declared elected.
8. Finance committee, A F Stickney, C Sorenson, James McCullogh
Motion made that clerk cast a ballot of seventy votes for each of these three men. Ballot so cast and they are declared elected.
On motion by Bro Sorenson that the church extend a vote of thanks to Bro E G Cole for his efficient work given so willingly as trustee, and in the church and BYPU. Motion carried unanimously by a rising vote.
Motion carried that finance committee through the treasurer give a quarterly report at regular covenant meeting of the condition of the church finances at each time.
Motion made by Bro Downend that the church extend to Sister E G Cole a vote of thanks for her very efficient work in church and Sunday School and in training of children for special exercises carried by a rising vote.
Received during year Dismissed
32 by baptism 4 by death
2 by letter 2 by letter
5 by experience 2 dropped
1 commendation
39 in all 9 in all
Leaving 265 as present membership.
Lunch was then served. Afterwards we listened with delight to a trip to Europe, given by Dean Hart, a speech by Bro Thompson, and a recitation by Miss Grace Pierce.
Moved that we adjourn.
M L Himes, clk
Jan 5, 1908 Sunday morn.
Right hand of fellowship was given by the pastor to Bro & Sister George TERRELL.
Jan 6, 1908
Our pastor and Bro Sorenson went to Canton as per request to the ordination of Bro Sheerer of Glasford.
Jan 15, 1908, Wed morning
Funeral services of Sister Laura BASS.
Jan 19, 1908, Sunday morn
Brother J W Buffum began his evangelistic services and continued for three weeks until Feb 9.
Feb 16, 1908 Sunday morning
Motion made and carried that brother and sister, Ivan and Irene MURCHISON be received as members of this church after baptism.
Sunday eve. After preaching service, the ordinance of baptism was administered to Ivan and Irene MURCHISON.
Feb 26, 1908 Regular covenant meeting, Wed. eve.
After the regular covenant service, a motion was made that Brother Everett MINER and his wife, Mrs Lottie MINER, be received as members of this church by letters of dismission from the First Baptist Church of Kewanee, Illinois.
Another motion made and carried that Paul KINKADE be received by letter of dismission from the Wyaconda Church of Clark Co., Mo.
Apr 1, 1908 Regular business meeting, 35 present
After singing, prayer and scripture reading, meeting was opened for business.
Minutes of last meetings were read and approved. Minutes of annual business meeting were read and approved.
Quarterly report of the church treasurer was then read. Motion made that report be received and placed on file: - as follows:
Amt rec'd 626.26
This includes money raised for evangelistist of 145.10
Paid out
Pastor's salary 337.00
Janitor 20.25
Coal 22.55
Incidentals 14.30
Poor Fund 3.42
Improv. including bills
not yet paid for 1907 32.08
Publication Soc 26.70
Home Missions 56.08
Evangelist 100.00
Deficit Jan 1 357.23 Deficit Apr 1 343.35
Total paid out 969.61
Motion carried that an office of collector be created in the church who shall work together with the treasurer, in getting reports from him quarterly and see those members of the church who are in arrears in their subscription.
Bill read for one dollar for church letter blanks to the clerk. Motion carried that bill be allowed and ordered paid.
On motion, letters of dimission were granted at their own request to Mr John STAYTON, and his wife Maude RHODES STAYTON, to unite with the Baptist Church in Portage, Wisconsin.
Motion carried that the motion made on Oct 5, 1904 (page 167) in reference to paying of bills after being ordered by the church be rescinded.
Moved and carried that all bills be approved by chairman of board of trustees, then presented to the clerk, who will give an order on the treasurer for the amount of the bill.
Motion by Bro Thompson that the choosing of collector for this year be left to a committee consisting of the deacons, the pastor and the treasurer, subject to the ratification of the church.
Meeting adjourned.
M L Himes, clk
Apr 12, 1908 Sunday eve
Motion made that Bro Robert PLOTNER be received as a member of this church after his baptism.
The ordinance of baptism was administered to him directly after the evening service.
Apr 24, 1908
Death of Bro E M GALLUP of Lafayette
Apr 29, 1908 Wed eve regular covenant meeting
Motion made and carried that letters of dismission from this church be granted to Bro and Sister E G COLE and their daughter, RUTH, to unite with the Baptist Church of Garden City, Kansas.
May 13, 1908 Wed eve prayer meeting
Motion made and carried that Bro and Sister A F Stickney be appointed as delegates from this church to the May Anniversaries to be held in Oklahoma City, Ok. May 21-29, 1908, and clerk be instructed to make out credentials for them to certify that they are appointed delegates.
May 17, 1908 Sunday morning, Mr Sorenson, chairman
Motion made and carried that we appoint our pastor as a delegate also to the May anniversaries in Oklahoma City and that we raise the money to pay his expenses.
Motion carried that we grant our pastor a vacation of four weeks to be taken whenever he desires.
Motion carried that Mr Stickney be appointed to take the names and to collect the money from those who wish to contribute towards the pastor's expenses as a delegate.
M L Himes
May 19, 1908
Our pastor left this morning and attended the Convention until the 29th.
May 27 1908 At prayer meeting, Mr Sorenson, chairman
Motion made that we grant to Miss Mabel MORRELL a letter of dismission to the church at (blank) at her own request as she is soon to leave. Motion carried.
July 1, 1908 Regular covenant meeting
After the meeting was opened by song, prayer, scripture reading, and the reading of the covenant in unison, the minutes of previous meetings were read and approved.
Treasurer's report given as follows:
Collected 1st quarter 626;.26
Collected 2nd quarter 293.60
Paid out in qr - calendars 8.00
Printing 1.00
Pastor's salary 249.00
Janitor 25.00
Chorister 21.00
Light 24.90
Coal 2.31
Fill Baptistry 2.50
for 1907
Haul brick & fill Bap. 4.50
hardware 13.40
State Missions 59.33
410.94 ex
Deficit of 1st qtr 343.35
Total expenses 734.29
Definict 2nd quarter 450.69
Moved and carried that report be received and placed on file.
At her own request that her connection with our church be severed, it was moved and carried that the request of Mrs Maye THOMPSON GAYMON be granted as she had become a Christian Science believer.
Motion made that we unite with other churches of this town in union revival meetings. Carried.
Motion carried that we object to holding those meetings in September on account of the fairs and the Peoria associational meeting which is to be held with us.
Jul 23, 1908 Prayer meeting
Motion carried that a committee of five (consisting of Mr Thompson, Mrs Hart, Mrs Winans, Dr Packer) be appointed to nominate the members of several committees to act during the union revival meetings, with pastor as chairman in connection with those from other churches. Following committees were nominated and approved by church:
1. Building & Seating A H Anderson, M B Downend
2. Finance A F Stickney
3. Entertainment Mrs E L Packer, Mrs May Alden
4. Choir E K Thornton, Bess M Stickney
5. Ushers Geo Himes, Bert McCorkle,
Paul Morehouse, Charles Foulk
6. Secretary J Knox Hall, W F Price,
Mrs Miner, Mary Himes
Moved that we suggest to the Association that we are sorry not to be able to entertain them at regular date, but will be glad to do so later, if that will suit them. Carried.
Aug 5, 1908 At prayer meeting
A request was read from Sparland asking our pastor, and two delegates to be present at the examination and ordination of Bro Geo W Chessman. Motion carried that Rev Jenkins and Bros Sorenson and Stickney be our delegates on Aug 27, 1908.
Sep 1, 1908 At prayer meeting
Motion carried that clerk aided by the pastor, be instructed to write the letter from the church to the Peoria Association to be held in Monmouth instead of Toulon, to which the place was changed on account of our union revival meetings. Motion carried that those
delegates who can go from our church be enrolled at the Association as delegates from this church.
Sep 20, 1908 Sun morning
Motion made that we invite the association to meet with us in 1909. Motion carried. Invitation accepted. Letter to the association read by the clerk, and approved by the church.
Sep 6, 1908, Sunday pm
The Evangelists Hicks and Scholfield opened their union revival meetings to be held for one month in the Lehman Auditorium.
Oct 5, 1908 Monday eve
The last service held by the evangelists.
Oct 7, 1908 Wed eve regular prayer meeting at which over 80 were present. Following business was transacted: -
After hearing the experience of Mrs Rolla COLE, a motion was carried that she be received as a member of this church after baptism.
After hearing the experiences of George COAKLEY, Clarence LE SAGE, Mary SORENSON, Zoela CHAPMAN and Nellie CHAPMAN, a separate motion was carried that each be received as a member of this church after baptism.
James WHITE gave his experience of having been far away from God and the church, but now he wished to renew his obligation to both and come back to the church. Motion was carried that he be so received.
Mr E B COX gave his experience of having been at one time a member of a Baptist Church in Nebraska, but he had wandered away but now having determined anew by God's help to live a Christian life, he wished to join our church. Motion carried that he be received upon his experience.
Oct 11, 1908, Sun morning
During service, after listening to the experience of Bert CHURCHILL, Bliss BALENTINE, Bessie COLEMAN and Myrtle COLEMAN, a motion was carried for each separately, that they become members of this church after baptism.
Oct 11, 1908, Sun evening
After hearing the experiences of Marcus PLOTNER, Charles CHAPMAN and Ethel CHAPMAN, a motion was carried that each be received as members of this church after baptism.
After the preaching service the ordinance of baptism was administered to 12 young people:
Oct 14, 1908 Prayer meeting, Wed eve, about 125 present
After regular prayer meeting following business was transacted.
After hearing the experience of Gladys DEXTER, Frazier WINANS, motion made separately that each be received as member of this church after baptism. Then the experiences of Mrs Elizabeth MABREY and her husband Mr Walker MABREY, a motion was carried that each be received as member of this church after baptism. Motion carried that Mr Arthur ANDERSON be received as a member by letter from a Baptist Church at Tempe, Arizona.
Ordinance of baptism administered to Gladys DEXTER, Frazier WINANS, Mrs Rollo COLE.
Oct 18, 1908 Sunday eve after preaching service
After hearing the experience of Bertha BRADY and her brother Robert BRADY a motion was carried that they be received as members of this church after baptism.
Ordinance of baptism was administered to Bertha BRADY and Robert BRADY.
Oct 21, 1908 Wed Eve. regular prayer meeting, over 50 present
After hearing the experience of Mr and Mrs Nelson KILBY, a motion was carried that each be received as member of this church upon experience.
Theodosia BROOKS, Ruby BIGGS and Willie BIGGS, having been examined by the deacons, and giving clear testimony of a change in heart, are by motion received as members of this church after baptism.
Mrs Gertrude ROWE and Mrs Stella ROWE having asked for their names to be dropped from our record, as they have decided to join the Christian Church with their husbands, a motion was carried that their request be granted and their names dropped.
Motion made that a letter of commendation be given Mrs Maude PRICE SILLIMAN at her request to unite with the Congregational Church.
Motion carried that a letter of commendation be granted Miss Maude MORRELL that her request to unite with a Congregational Church in Carthage, S. Dak. as there is no Baptist Church there.
Motion carried that the name of Dora COX be dropped as she has united with the Congregational Church. Motion carried that a letter of dismission be granted to Miss Anna GEMMELL at her request to unite with the Baptist Church at Independence, Kansas.
Oct 25, 1908 Sun eve.
After hearing the experience of Mrs Della GERMAN, Mr Albert GERMAN and Mr Ezra PACKER, motions were made for each separately that they be received as members of this church after baptism.
The ordinance of baptism was administered to those three: Mrs GERMAN, Mr GERMAN, Mr E PACKER.
Oct 28, 1908, Wed eve. regular covenant meeting, about 75 present
After the regular covenant service, we listened to the experience and request of Mrs Frank WHITE that she might become a member. A motion was carried that she be received upon her experience as a member of this church.
After Mrs John GRUBB and Mrs Tom BIGGS gave their experience, they were received by a motion of the church as members after baptism.
Oct 18, 1908
Ordinance of Baptism was then administered to the following candidates.
Willie BIGGS Mrs John GRUBB
Nov 1, 1908 Sun morning
Regular Communion Service. Right hand of fellowship was given to
Bertha BRADY Bessie COLEMAN Clarence LE SAGE
Willie BIGGS Mrs Albert GERMAN Mrs Frank WHITE
Mrs Tom BIGGS Mrs John GRUBB Mr James WHITE
Mrs Rolla COLE Mr Nels KILBY Frazier WINANS
Nov 4, 1908 Prayer meeting Wed eve. Over 40 present
Moved and carried that at his own request a letter of dismission be granted to Bro Paul KINKADE, from this church to First Baptist Church of Sedalia, Mo. Motion carried that a committee be appointed to report Sun morning as to when the reception shall be held for new members.
Nov 11, 1908, Wed Eve. prayer meetring
After hearing the experience of Roy GERMAN, Laura BESS and Daisy STURGEON, and their desire to become members of this church, a separate motion was carried for each that they be received after baptism as members of this church. Motion carried that a letter of dismission be granted to Clarence LeSAGE to unite with the Union Baptist Church of Nena, Wisconsin. Motion carried that letters be granted to Mr Geo SLACK and wife and Chas. and Mary SLACK to unite with B church in Kewanee.
Ordinance of baptism administered to Roy GERMAN.
Nov 15, 1908, Sun eve.
Ordinance of baptism was administered to Miss Daisy STURGEON and Mr Aaron PLOTNER.
Nov 19, 1908
Reception held at the church for new members, about 125 present.
Nov 18, 1908 Wed eve. prayer meeting
Motion carried that Mrs Jennie REES be received as a member of this church on her Christian experience.
Motion carried that Miss Iona STANDARD be received as a member of this church after baptism.
Motion carried that Miss Anna REES be received upon her experience as a member of this church.
Motion carried that Mr Aaron PLOTNER be received on his experience as a member of this church.
A communication from the Farmington Church asking our pastor and two delegates to be present at the examination of Mr Geo Gibbs for the ministry.
Motion carried that our pastor and Deacs Himes and Williamson be our delegates.
Nov 22, 1908 Sun eve.
Ordinance of baptism was administered to Miss Laura BESS.
Nov 25, 1908
Death of Mr Hugh Y GODFREY of Fontaine, Wisconsin, one of the constituent members.
Dec 2, 1908 Wed eve prayer and business meeting, about 50 present.
After hearing the experience of Earnest ECKLEY, and his desire to unite with the church, a motion was carried that he be received as a member of this church after baptism.
Ordinance of baptism was then administered to Iona STANDARD and Earnest ECKLEY.
Minutes of last meetings since July 1 read and approved.
Since the time of the yearly business meeting had already been decided of New Year's eve, the motion was carried that the pastor appoint a committee to have charge of the lunch at that meeting: Mr & Mrs Adrian Alden, Mr & Mrs John Eastman, Mr & Mrs Will Fell, Maye Nicholson, D Fell.
Dec 27, Sun morn.
After preaching service, the right hand of fellowship was given to the following: Misses Zoela, Nellie and Ethel CHAPMAN, Miss Daisy STURGEON, Mr Charles CHAPMAN, Mr Aaron PLOTNER and Roy GERMAN.
Jan 3, 1909 Sun morning
After preaching service, the right hand of fellowship was given by the pastor to the following: Mrs Jennie REES, Mr Ernest ECKLEY, Anna REES, Miss Iona STANDARD.
Dec 31, 1908 Annual Business Meeting, Roll Call
Our meeting opened by the singing of two hymns and reading of a passage of scripture, and talk by the pastor, after he led in an earnest prayer, and we sang another hymn, the meeting opened for business.
Minutes of last yearly meeting were read and approved.
Trustees had no special report to give.
Deacons - Bros Williamson & Himes
Treasurer - E B Packer
Motion that his report be received, adopted and placed on file. Carried and following is the report condensed:
Rec'd during year Paid out
$2043.72 $2061.22
still unpaid for miss. 125.00
" " " pub soc 40.00
Leaving a deficit of $182.50
Paid out:
coal 24.86 pub soc 26.70
lights 58.10 home miss 56.08
organ repairs 9.00 State miss. 61.15
repairs on church 5.75 Minis. Educ. 18.20
incidentals 27.40 Chorister 42.45
linoleum 13.00 Janitor 100.00
Recep/new members 13.25 Pastor 1087.00
fill baptistry 2.50 building 49.98
interest at bank 1.40 revival in Jan. 104.75
Poor fund 3.42 overdraft 357.23
S S Superintendent - B F Thompson who reported our average attendance as being the largest yet i.e. 118, but we want to make it grow next year, and money ahead in Treasury with every thing all paid
SS Secretary - Maye Alden
SS at Jug Run - by pastor
Primary Dept - no report
BYPU - Pres
BYPU - Treasurer
Junior Union - Emily Jenkins
Home Dept - Mrs Winans
W M Circle - Mary Himes, secy
Finance Com - written by Mr Stickney, read by the pastor
Then we proceeded to the election of officers, and George Himes and Wilber Peets were appointed Tellers. After several ballots
For trustee - Bro Ezra Packer for 3 years to serve with J K Hall, 2 years and M B Downend one year
For clerk - Mary L Himes
For treasurer - A F Stickney - after Dr Packer said very decidedly that he would refuse to take the office as he was too busy to do the work.
For organist - Bess Stickney. Motion carried that clerk cast the ballot of 75 votes for Bess Stickney
For Asst Organist - Bess Winans. Motion carried that clerk cast the ballot of 75 votes for Bess Winans, as assistant, which also carried the position of organist for prayer meeting.
For Chorister, by ballot - Miss Tuttle
For Finance Committee, informal ballot: Dr Packer 18, Mr Sorenson 13, Mrs Hart 15, Mr Dexter 16.
Motion carried that these four who received the highest on the informal ballot be our finance committee to work with the treasurer.
Motion carried that we elect a fourth member to the board of trustees and that member be a woman. By ballot Mrs Artie Packer was elected.
A nice supper was then served to all by the committee who had that in charge.
The Roll Call after supper was given by the clerk to which 95 responded in person and 13 by letter, these letters we were very glad to hear. The pastor then read the report of the church as follows and made a few appropriate remarks.
Total membership at beginning of 1908 265
Recd: Lost
By baptism 33 By letter 17
By letter 4 By death 3
By experience 7 Dropped or excluded 6
Total 44 26
Making a gain of 18
Total membership at close of year 283
Non resident 53
Resident 230
Motion carried that the church instruct the finance committee to make out two budgets, one for missionary and the other for other expenses.
Closed the service and the old year by singing of a hymn and the benediction by the pastor.
Jan 27, 1909 Wed eve at prayer meeting, about 40 present
The following business was transacted. Motion was made that the church give one Sunday evening service a month to be taken charge of by the Christian Men's League and held as a union meeting. Motion carried.
The first Union meeting to be held on the first Sunday in February.
Then as Miss Tuttle had declined to fill the position as chorister to which she had been elected by the church at the yearly meeting, a motion was made that the church elect Mrs Artie Packer to fill that position this year. It was carried unanimously by rising vote.
Jan 31, 1909
Death of Miss Fannie WHITE of Fresno, Cal.
Feb 3, 1909 Wed evening regular business meeting
Minutes of meetings since December first read, also of the yearly meetings read then both were approved.
As Miss Bess Stickney is unable to fill the position of organist, motion carried that Miss Bess Winans be elected as organist. Motion carried that Miss Ora White be elected as assistant organist.
Motion that a committee of three be appointed to investigate the prices and see about the purchase of a piano for the primary room and the use of the church. Mr A F
Stickney, Miss Tuttle, Dr Packer and Mrs Jenkins were nominated. Motion for each separately and carried that the former and two latter be the committee with Miss Tuttle as adviser.
As Chas STICKNEY had joined a Congregational Church in Oakland, California, a motion was carried that clerk be instructed to take his name from our church roll.
Mar 3, 1909 Regular covenant meeting, Wed eve. 33 present
After very earnest and prayerful covenant service, the following business was transacted.
The clerk read letters of dismission from Derby, Iowa dismissing Mr and Mrs CHURCHILL, and daughter, Fern, also one from Wilton Junction, Iowa, for Mrs Bessie PACKER BUFFUM, and one from Galva, Illinois, for Dr. Roy BUFFUM.
Motion carried that Mr & Mrs H A CHURCHILL and daughter Fern be received as members of this church upon their dismission from Derby, Iowa.
Motion carried that Mrs Bessie PACKER BUFFUM be received as a member of this church upon her dismission from Wilton Junction, Iowa.
Motion carried that Dr Roy L BUFFUM be received as a member of this church by letter of dismission from the church at Galva, Ill.
(What is in parenthesis was lined through - Motion carried that a letter of dismission be granted to Mrs Grace COLE to unite with the First Baptist Church of Bloomington, Ill. - Not taken at this time)
Mar 7, 1909 Sun morning
Just before the regular communion service, the right hand of fellowship was given to the following new members, with appropriate remarks by the pastor:
Dr and Mrs Roy L BUFFUM
Mr Bert and Miss Fern CHURCHILL
Miss Myrtle COLEMAN
Mar 31, 1909 Regular business meeting
Minutes of the last meetings read and approved.
Committee on piano not ready to report. No other special business.
Treasurer's report as printed for first quarter:
Amt recd from old sub. 239.25
Amt recd from new sub & Misc 446.93
Paid out
State Bank bal due 17.50
Pastor's salary 253.00
Janitor 22.82
lights 12.45
Calendars 10.23
drayage on piano 1.00
ice cream, yearly meet. 4.40
coal, church 12.70
taxes on parsonage 35.40
misc. filing envelopes 1.95
Davis & Fell, old bill 11.06
Chas Foster, old bill .60
for oil .40
coal & help for poor 12.70
Foreign missions 125.00
Home Missions 110.00
Publication soc. 40.00
Bal on hand 15.67
Apr 25, 1909 Sun morn
After Sabbath School this morning the ordinance of baptism was administered to Mr and Mrs Walker MABRY who were received for baptism Oct 14, 1908.
May 2, 1909, Sun morn
Before the communion service the pastor extended the right hand of fellowship with appropriate remarks to Mr and Mrs Walker MABRY.
May 5, 1909 Wed eve regular prayer meeting
After the prayer service, Clifford ANDERSON presented himself to the church as a candidate for baptism and membership. Motion made and carried that he be received as a member of this church after baptism.
Ordinance of baptism was then administered to Clifford ANDERSON by the pastor.
June 30, 1909 Regular covenant meeting. No business.
July 1, 1909
Report of Treas for 2d Quarter ending June 30, 1909
Bal on hand Apr 1 15.67
Recd for Pas. sal & other ex 295.39
Recd for Missions 74.35
Pd for coal 4.75 Wire screen, parsonage 1.30
repair parsonage furnace 2.00 Printing Treas. report 1.50
postage, roll call 1.00 Treasurer's book 1.00
pastor 249.00 Treas.coupon & receipt file .35
lights 12.45 Treas. letter box .15
7 sockets for lights 1.75 Treas. express on envelopes .60
coal for poor 2.80 State missions 75.00
Janitor 24.00
Total 378.64
Balance on hand 6.77
Jul 28, 1909 Regular business meeting
Minutes of last meetings read and approved.
Motion made and carried that we appoint a committee who will have entire charge of the dinner on Old Settler's Day Aug 26, 1909.
Motion made and carried that the pastor, trustees and deacons be a committee to appoint the executive committee as above stated.
Motion made and carried that the clerk be authorized to write the letter from this church to the Peoria Association to be presented at the next business meeting.
Executive Committee as appointed
Dr E B Packer Mrs Artie Packer
Christie Sorenson Mrs Mary Hart
Albert Anderson Mrs Maye Alden
J Knox Hall
Aug 26, 1909 Old Settler's Day
Dinner provided by this church and the proceeds after expenses were all paid were about $360.
Sep 8, 1909 Business Meeting, Wed. eve
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Motion carried that the church extend to the executive committee for Old Settler's Day a vote of thanks for their faithful work for that day.
Letter to Peoria Association read by clerk. Motion made that the letter read be the letter to the Association, with any additional suggestions that may come to the clerk.
Motion carried that we entertain the Association free of charge to the delegates who come to us.
Motion carried that an advisory committee of which the pastor be chairman and he have power to appoint the rest of five, meet and consider a number of questions concerning our entertainment of the Association, such as where to have the meals, who to serve them, etc. and report next Wednesday evening.
Sep 15, 1909 Special business at prayer meeting
Advisory committee report thru the chairman, three things:
1. Ask the Christian Church to serve dinners and suppers on Wednesday and Thursday and each person pay for their meals.
2. Ask the Ch Ch as before, except that this church pay for the meals of the delegates by a special subscription.
3. That this church rent the basement of the Methodist church and furnish meals free.
As so few comparitively were present motion carried that we submit this report to the church on Sunday morning.
Sep 19, 1909
After the sermon Sunday morning the chairman of the advisory committee submitted their report to the church, and by a rising vote the second plan carried, that of asking the Christian Church to serve the meals and that money be raised by special subscription to pay for the same. Bros Stickney and Sorenson were appointed to act as solicitors.
Sep 22, 1909, Wed eve prayer meeting
Following were appointed as delegates from our church to the Association:
Bros A C Himes, A F Stickney, C Sorenson, Dr E B Packer, G Dexter and the pastor.
Sisters H Winans, Nellie Packer and Sarah Berfield
Sep 28 to 30, 1909
The Peoria Association held their meeting with us as per invitation, and every session was a very interesting one.
Nov 3, 1909, Wed eve at prayer meeting
Motion made and carried that we grant to Mrs Anna BIGGS a letter of commendation from this church as she wishes to unite with the Methodist Church of this place.
Dec 15, 1909 At prayer meeting
Motion carried that the committee on piano appointed Feb 3, 1909, be given full authority to act as they see best in purchasing a piano, also to buy the piano and settle for it.
Dec 27, 1909 Monday afternoon
The funeral services of Miss Edna SWEET were held.
Dec 31, 1909 Annual Business meeting and Roll Call
Our Annual meeting opened by singing "Onward Christian Soldiers" and Blest be the Tie that Binds," an appropriate scripture selection read by the pastor, who also led in prayer. After a talk by the pastor, and the singing of another song, the meeting was opened for business.
Minutes of last yearly meeting read by the clerk and approved by the church. Report of officers:
Trustees M B Downend
Deacons Deas Sorenson & Hines
Sunday School B F Thompson who reported our average attendance as
119 - one larger than last year, but his desire is to make
much larger next year
SS Treas. read by Mr Thompson who reported everything paid and
money remaining in Treasury
Home Dept Mrs Winans
Mission Circle Secretary
Treasurer A F Stickney
Recd for reg church expenses 1387.24
Recd for Missions 618.15
Recd for Old Settlers din 443.17
Recd for dinners for Peoria Assn. 81.25
Paid out
State Bank bal due 1908 17.50 Mrs McGinnis dinners 30.00
Calendars 10.23 Fixing church clock 1.00
Drayage on piano 1.00 Load cobs 1.00
Ice cream for yearly mtg 4.40 Fix chair .25
Taxes on parsonage 35.40 Glass in cellar window .40
Miss. & filing envelopes 1.95 Concrete walk west of church 14.00
Davis & Fell 11.06 Piano 225.00
Chas Foster .60 Edna Sweet's funeral 6.75
Oil .40 Poor coal etc. 22.30
Repair Parsonage furnace 2.00 Janitor 97.79
Postage & printing, 2 yrs ARC 3.65 Lights 49.80
Seven sockets for lights 1.75 Pastor 1000.00
Wire screen parsonage 1.30 Coal 31.82
Treasurer's book 1.00 Missions --
Coupon & receipt file .35 Foreign 325.00
Letter box .15 Home 110.00
Express on envelopes .65 State 75.00
Minutes P Assn 3.00 Pub Soc. 80.00
Old Settlers - ice cream 70.85 Shurtleff Col. 15.00
Rent of grounds 5.00 Printing Treas reports 4.06
Nails .90
Automobiles 6.75 Bal on hand 218.44
Lumber 10.86
Ad/Remington dinner/Peoria A 1.50 Total $ 2529.81
Balance on hand made up as follows:
Old Settlers Fund 123.81
Peoria Association din. 29.75
Reg church fund 64.88
Poor fund 24.09
Sing Praise God from whom all blessings flow to know that we have closed the year free from debt thru every month of the year, as well as at the close.
Motion carried that report of Treasurer of church and Sunday School be referred to an auditing committee. Motion carried that such committee be appointed.
Piano committee report that they had purchased the piano at the cost of $225. Peoria Association committee report that of the $81.25 raised by special subscription for the purpose, $50.50 was paid out for dinner purposes for the delegates to the Association Sept 29 and 30.
Home Dept story was read by Miss Adelle Berfield.
Tellers appointed Geo Himes & Wilber Peets. Assistant Tellers Bert Churchill and Frazee Winans appointed.
Election of officers by ballot
For deacons for 4 years. First ballot declared formal and Bros Sorenson and Williamson were declared re-elected.
Trustee - M B Downend to serve for three years to serve with Bros Ezra Packer for two years and J K Hall for one year.
Clerk - Mary L Himes
Treasurer - A F Stickney
Organist - Ida Baker
Asst Organist - Bess Winans. As she received the second highest number of votes, motion carried that clerk cast ballot for her as assistant.
Chorister - Ora White
Finance Committee - E B Packer, C Sorenson, G Dexter and Mrs Hart. Motion carried that clerk cast ballot for Mrs Hart as Assistant treasurer.
Business closed for supper which was then served to all present by the committee who had that in charge.
Roll call showed
95 members present, about 25 visitors and children, and letters from
14 members who were not able to be prseent
Report of church for year 1909
Recd by baptism 3 Lost by death 2
by letter 5 Dropped 1
Let of com. 1
8 4
Total membership Jan 1, 1909 283
Gain 4
Total membership Jan 1, 1910 287
Closed the year and the service by music and the benediction by the pastor (after a motion was carried that a committee should be appointed to select and buy new hymnals for the church). (Books were first used in September)
Jan 24, 1910 Monday, 10:30 am.
Funeral services of A C HIMES
Feb 2, 1910 Wed
Funeral services of A BOWERS
Feb 2, 1910 Wed eve at prayer meeting
A letter of commendation from Lafayette Christian Church read, commending to our fellowship Bro and Sister J H BAKER and their daughters, Ida and Irene BAKER.
Motion carried that they be received as members of this church.
Feb 9, 1910 Wed eve at prayer meeting
Dea Sorenson in the chair, as the pastor was holding meetings in Stringtown. After Mrs George SPRINGER had given her Christian experience and requested baptism and membership with us, a motion was made and carried that she be received as a member of this church upon her baptism.
Mar 2, 1910 Wed eve Regular Covenant meeting, 30 present
After Miss Jennie SPRINGER gave her Christian experience and made request for baptism and membership, a motion was made and carried that she be received as a member of this church after baptism.
Miss Dayle BUSKIRK gave her experience as a new convert, after which a motion was made that she be received after baptism as a member of this church.
Mar 6, 1910, Sun morning service
During the service, Miss Gladys FRITZ gave her new experience as a Christian after which motion carried that she be received as a member of this church after baptism.
Mar 6, 1910
The ordinance of baptism was administered by the pastor to following:
Mrs George SPRINGER, Miss Jennie SPRINGER, Miss Gladys FRITZ
Mar 9, 1910 Wed eve at prayer meeting
As Mrs Hattie COLE (nee WHITE) had decided to unite with her husband in the Methodist Church, and hence asked for a letter, a motion was carried that she be granted a letter of commendation from us to unite with the M E Church here.
Mar 23, 1910, Wed eve at prayer meeting
After the experience of Ethel BUSKIRK was given, a motion carried that she become a member of this church after baptism.
At the request of Mrs PLITER, she was received by letter from Como, Miss. as a member of this church.
Mar 27, 1910, Sun evening
At the close of the Easter service the ordinance of baptism was administered by the pastor to the following: Miss Ethel BUSKIRK and Miss Dayle BUSKIRK.
Mar 30, 1910 Wed eve
Motion carried that Mrs Chas FOULK be received as a member of this church upon her experience she having been immersed.
Apr 3, 1910 Sun morning
Previous to the observing of the ordinance of the Lord's Supper, the pastor extended the right hand of fellowship to the following members: Mrs Geo SPRINGER, Mrs Chas. FOULK, Miss Ethel BUSKIRK, Miss Dayle BUSKIRK, Ida and Irene BAKER.
Apr 27, 1910 Regular Covenant meeting, Wed eve, 24 present
After the regular covenant service in which all took part the following business was transacted.
Motion made and carried that Mr and Mrs George TERRELL be granted letters from this church to a Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentujcky.
As a contribution was asked from this church to help support the Aged Ministers' Home in Fenton, Michigan, it was decided that the contribution Sunday morn, May 1, after communion, be given for this purpose.
The auditing committee, appointed December 31, 1909, reported as follows:
We, the auditing committee having examined the treasurer's books, find them to be correct. R L Buffum, E L Packer, committee
Motion carried that this report be accepted.
The following were appointed as the delegates from our church to the Northern Baptist Convention to be held in Chicago, May 6 to 13. Rev Jenkins, Mr Stickney and Mrs Winans.
May 1, 1910, Sun morning, during morn. service
As delegates to the Women's Foreign Mission Society in Chicago, May 4, Mrs Jenkins, Mrs Stickney and Mrs Winans were appointed. Mrs Stickney and Mrs Jenkins were also appointed as alternate delegates to the Northern Baptist Convention. Also decided to have no preaching services at the church next Sabbath, May 8, as the pastor was sent as a delegate to Chicago.
Before the communion service the right hand of fellowship was extended by the pastor to Miss Jennie SPRINGER.
A contribution of $8.00 was taken up to send to Fenton, Michigan.
M L Himes, clk
June 29, 1910 Regular business meeting, Wed eve
After the opening of the meeting by song and prayer, the minutes of the meetings since Feb 2, were read by the clerk and approved by the church.
Resignation of Ora White as chorister was sent in, as she did not have the time to attend to the work. Motion carried that her resignation be accepted. Motion carried that the choir with Miss Ida Baker as chairman act as a committee to select a chorister for the next six months.
After the reading of the third chapter of Timothy by the pastor, the matter of choosing a deacon to complete the unexpired term until Jan 1, 1912 of Bro A C HIMES, now deceased, was discussed. Motion carried that we fill the vacancy by nomination and acclamation. Bro J H Baker, nominated. Unanimous vote was then given in favor of J Herbert Baker.
Report of deacons as to money used from poor fund; how some is used for furnishing coal for our needy ones, hiring house cleaned, and paying taxes, etc.
Motion carried that the deacons with the trustees serve on the committee to consider the question of a new baptistry, also having power to act.
(Pasted in - typewritten - as follows)
Annual Report Toulon Baptist Sunday School, Sep 1, 1909 to Sep 1, 1910.
Officers and Teachers 19
Scholars 143
Total 162
Average attendance 124
(All officers except Supt and Secy reported as teachers or scholars)
Supplies 110.05
Christmas 20.88
Childrens Day 3.55
Picnic 4.20
Paid for Benevolent and Charitable Objects:
Foreign Missions 7.71
Publication Society 5.59
Children's Day Collection 4.12 9.71
Home Missions 10.04
State Missions 7.24
Ministerial Education 5.98
Baptist Orphanage 28.00
County Work 5.00
Sep 21, 1910, Wed eve prayer meeting
After the regular prayer service, the following business was transacted.
The clerk read the letter from this church to the Peoria Association, assembling in Kewanee, Sep 27-30.
Motion carried that this be our letter to the Association, subject to any further correction seen necessary.
Our delegates were appointed as follows as we were entitled to ten: Mr & Mrs Jenkins, Mrs Colby, Winans, Buffum, Miss Silliman, Miss Himes, Mr & Mrs Dexter, Mrs Springer
Oct 5, 1910, Wed Eve prayer meeting, special
Motion carried that clerk be authorized to draw a check on the Treasurer for three dollars to pay as our share toward the printing of the Minutes of the Peoria Association.
Motion carried that letters be granted to Mrs John PIERSON and son Glenn PIERSON to unite with the Baptist Church in Benton City, Missouri.
Oct 19, 1910 Wed eve prayer meeting
Pastor absent at State Convention in Urbana. Motion carried that a letter be granted to Mr Chas SORRENSON to unite with the Baptist Church at Longmont, Col.
Motion carried that the pastor as delegate from this church to our State Convention be paid his expenses while at that convention and that clerk be authorized to draw order on treasurer for amount of his expenses.
Nov 3, 1910 Regular covenant meeting, Wed eve.
During this service Mr George SPRINGER gave his Christian experience and asked to unite with this church as he had been immersed before. Upon motion, he was received as a member of this church by experience.
Nov 6, 1910 Sunday morning
Before Communion service the pastor gave the right hand of fellowship to Mr George SPRINGER.
Nov 13, 1910 Sunday morning
After the usual services, the church was very much surprised to have the pastor tender his resignation to take effect the last Sunday in December.
Nov 20, 1910 Sun morning
After the usual service, Mr Sorrenson was called to the chair to act as chairman for action of the church upon the pastor's resignation.
Motion made by Mr Thompson that we accept the resignation of Rev Jenkins. As very few members were willing to vote in favor of this motion a rising vote was called for. So after several had expressed their regret at having to lose our pastor, who had already accepted a call as pastor of a church at Macomb, Illinois, a motion was carried that we release him from his obligation to us with much regret, but wishing God's blessing to go with him whither he is going.
Motion carried that a committee be appointed consisting of Judge Thompson, Dr E B Packer and the Church clerk, to draw up resolutions expressing our regret and sorrow for removal of our pastor and the thought of the church with regard to his work among us in these six and one-third years, and amended that the resolutions be given at a meeting to be held as a farewell reception sometime before Jan 1, 1911.
M L H, clk
Nov 23, 1910 Wed eve prayer meeting
Motion carried that a letter of dismission be granted to Mrs Grace ROBSON of Scranton, Iowa, at her own request.
Nov 27, 1910 Sun morning service
Motion carried that the deacons, with B F Thompson and A F Stickney act as the pulpit committee.
Nov 30, 1910 Regular business meeting, Wed eve.
After reading of the scripture and prayer by the pastor, the clerk was called upon to read the minutes of the meetings since June 29, these were read and approved.
The pastor reported for the choir committee that they had chosen Mrs Edith Kilby as leader for the choir.
Mr Sorrenson reported for the committee on the new baptistry that a new cement block baptistry had been put in, a heater also, to heat the water in the baptistry and the baptistry had been filled with water; but the committee did not feel as if they were ready to report quite done, so the committee was continued.
Pastor thanked the church very much for their kindness in paying his expenses, which were $6.80, as a delegate to the State Convention at Urbana.
Motion carried that a committee of three ladies be appointed by the chair to see about curtains to place above the baptistry and have them in place before Sunday, Dec 4. Such committee as appointed were: Mrs Harriet Winans, Mrs Artie Packer and Mrs Downend.
Motion carried that a committee be appointed to determine the time, prepare the program and invite the other churches to a farewell reception to be held in honor of our departing pastor and his wife. Such committee: Judge Thompson, Mrs Kilby, Miss Ida Baker, Mrs Hart, Mrs Ezra Packer, Dr E B Packer and Dr R L Buffum.
Miss Georgia TRIMMER gave her Christian experience and asked for baptism and to unite with this church. Motion carried that she be received as a member of this church upon her baptism.
Dec 4, 1910, Sun eve
After having appeared before the deacons Mr Thomas CHAUDOIN gave his Christian experience before the church, and asked for baptism and to unite with the church.
Motion carried that he be received as a member of this church after baptism. Miss Sadie PORTER also gave her experience and motion was carried that she be received after baptism as a member.
Following the evening sermon, our pastor administered the ordinance of baptism to Misses Georgia TRIMMER and Sadie PORTER and to Mr Thomas CHAUDOIN.
Dec 7, 1910 Wed eve prayer meeting
Motion carried that the reception for the pastor and his family be held on Thursday evening, Dec 22. Suggested that we decide as to time of Roll Call on Sun morn.
Dec 11, 1910, Sun morning
Motion carreid that motion of Wed eve Dec 7 be reconsidered and that the reception be held on Tuesday evening,Dec 27, 1910. Motion also carried that our Annual Business and Roll Call be held on Wed evening, Jan 4.
Dec 14, 1910, Wed eve prayer meeting
After Robert PYLE very earnestly gave his young Christian experience, and desire to be baptised, a motion was carried that he be received after baptism as a member.
Dec 18, 1910 Sun morn
During the service, the pastor gave the right hand of fellowship for the church, with very earnest remarks to:
Misses Georgia TRIMMER and Sadie PORTER and Mr Thomas CHAUDOIN.
Dec 18, 1910 Sun eve
After the sermon, our pastor administered the ordinance of baptism to little Robert PYLE.
Dec 25, 1910 Sun morn
During the service the pastor gave the hand of fellowship to Robert PYLE.
In the absence of the pastor, it was suggested that the church give to the pastor and his family some token as a farewell remembrance, so a motion was carried that committee consisting of Mr Stickney, Mr Sorenson and Mr Thompson, Mrs Hart and Mrs Artie Packer take a contribution and select some appropriate gift or gifts.
Dec 27, 1910 Tues eve
A farewell reception was held at the church for our pastor and his wife, ere they left us for their new field of work at Macomb, Ill where after appropriate remarks by brother pastors of the town and others of the congregation there was presented to the pastor and his wife on behalf of the church, a mission style rocking chair and some silverware, consisting of knives, forks, spoons, berry spoon, gravy ladle and meat fork.
(on typed sheet, pasted in book)
The following Resolutions adopted by the Baptist Church of Toulon Dec 27, 1910 at the reception.
Whereas, Rev Joseph JENKINS has resigned the pastorate of this church, and accepted a call to preach the Gospel elsewhere, and he and his family are about to remove to their new field of labor, and the members of the church desire to express their appreciation of his services here, - both in the church and in the community - therefore be it
Resolved, That we regret, exceedingly, the parting of the ways between pastor and people. The relation has been replete with pleasure and profitable to the church. During Mr Jenkin's pastorate the church has increased in numbers and in Christian work and enterprise and benevolences. Prayer-meetings - an infallible index to the spiritual standing of a church - have been well attended and full of interest. The Young Peoples' Union has kept pace with the church in increase of numbers and interest in their work. The Sunday School has increased from an average yearly attendance of less than 100 to an average attendance of 127 in the year 1910. All branches of our church work are in excellent condition, and are constantly improving.
Mr Jenkins has been an indefatigable and enthusiastic worker, in the pulpit and as pastor, and his example and influence have inspired others to more active efforts in behalf of their Lord and Master.
But Mr Jenkins is not entitled to all the credit for the prosperous condition of the church. He must divide the honors with Mrs Jenkins, for she has earned, and should receive, equal commendation at our hands. As a leader in all good works, in the church, in the Young Peoples' Union, in the Sunday School and in the community her services and influence have been invaluable; and at all social functions her presence and cheery smile and hearty good will have been a joy and a pleasure to all. But she will be missed most of all by her fine class of young ladies in the Sunday School.
We are reluctant to say "good bye" to them; but if it be God's will that they shall depart from us and seek new fields of labor in his vineyard then they ought to go; and may his choicest blessings rest upon them, and may his Holy Spirit lead and guide them in all their ways, is our earnest prayer.
(pasted in, next, Treasurer report for 1910 submitted by A F Stickney)
Dr. Cr.
Balance on hand for Missions 3.15 Paid pastor 1000.00
Bal on hand Old Settlers' fund 123.81 paid janitor 118.81
Peoria Association dinners 29.75 paid lights 49.80
Regular church fund 64.88 calendars & coupons 4.60
recd for regular ch expenses 1459.35 pumping organ 1909 & 1910 24.00
recd for Aged Ministers' Home 8.00 cleaning & repairing organ 5.00
received for Missions 482.92 Ice crm & napkins, yearly mtg 5.40
received for poor fund 12.10 $4000 insurance on ch, 5yrs 84.00
Taxes 33.70
10 Anthem books 6.50
Missions - Home 140.00
Foreign 185.00
State 100.00
Publishing Soc. 40.00
Ministerial ed/Shurtleff 10.00
Scandinavians at Morgan Park 15.00
Aged Ministers'Home 8.00 498.00
Glass for door/church .90
Glass for parsonage .50
Cement .50
Papering parsonage 1.88
C D Ward, repairs 10.75
Dave Johnson, repairs 1.00
Hymn books 36.55
Rev. Jenkins expense/State convention 6.80
Printing minutes Peoria Association 3.00
Cream and wafers, Rev Jenkins recep. 7.20
Poor Fund
Mrs Hilliard 24.51
E L Sweet & daughter 2.50
Mrs Harriet Hall 5.33 32.34
Baptistry and heater 83.02
Coal 23.27
Printing Treasurer's report 6.25
Filling Baptistry 3.00
On hand to balance
Poor fund 3.85
General fund 135.34
2185.96 2185.96
We are very much pleased to close another year with all bills paid and our apportionment for Missions all paid and $9.00 more on Foreign Missions and still be able to report a Credit balance of $139.19. We have had a credit balance every month for two years, of which I am sure we all rejoice. A F Stickney, Treasurer
Jan 4, 1911, Tues eve at 7:45 pm
Annual Business Meeting and Roll Call of church with Bro J H Baker as chairman.
Opened by singing and then led in prayer by Rev Pengelly of Brookings of S. Dakota. After a piano solo by Bess Stickney, the minutes of the last yearly meeting were read and approved.
Report of officers were then called for:
Trustees M B Downend
Deacons E B Packer & Bro C Sorenson
Sunday school by secretary May Alden who reported an average attendance of 127
SS by treasurer, Dr Buffum, who reported money on hand to pay all bills up to Jan 1, 1911
Home Department by its supt Mrs Winans
Church treasurer, Mr Stickney Motion carried that this report be received, placed on file and a vote of thanks from the church be tendered to Mr Stickney for his faithful work as treasurer.
Church clerk M L Himes
BYPU by sec Bess Winans
BYPU treas Anna Rees
Mission Circle Mrs Mary Stickney
After their reports we were then favored by a song by a mixed quartet: A Alden, J Hartley, Mises Ora White & Bess Winans.
Election of officers:
George Himes and Ernest Eckley were appointed as tellers.
1. Trustees by informal ballot J Knox Hall received majority, so motion carried that clerk cast ballot for Mr Hall for trustee to serve for three years, with M B Downend two years and Ezra Packer one year.
2. Clerk Mary Himes. Motion carried that chairman cast ballot for Miss Himes as clerk for next year.
3. Treasurer - Motion carried that clerk cast ballot for Mr Stickney for treasurer. Mr Stickney resigned as he did not expect to be in this community much this year. Motion carried that we accept his resignation. Motion carried that clerk cast ballot for Bro J H Baker as treasurer and he was declared elected.
4. Asst Treasurer - Motion carried that clerk cast ballot for Dr R L Buffum as asst treasurer.
5. Finance committee - Dr Packer, Mr Sorenson, Mr Dexter. Motion carried that clerk cast ballot for Ida Baker as organist.
6. Organist - Ida Baker
7. Asst Organist - Bess Winans
8. Chorister - Ora White
We were then favored by a very delightful solo by Rev Pengelly.
Unfinished business
The trustees desiring the voice of the church as to salary of Janitor and pumper, the motion was carried that janitor receive one hundred dollars per year, and that the church hire a vacuum cleaner twice a year to assist him. Motion carried that the pumper for the organ be allowed twelve dollars a year for his work at pumping.
Motion made that the trustees, also Mrs Artie Packer, as a committee, be instructed to see that a suitable cupboard be put into the Sunday school room, large enough to hold the dishes belonging to the church, and the extra books. Carried.
As Rev JENKINS and his wife and daughter desire letters of dismission a motion was carried that letters be granted to them to the church at Macomb, Ill.
Mr Jenkins and Mr Pengelly then made a few remarks.
The male quartet gave us a song. The clerk read letters from eleven absent members and called the roll to which 75 members responded in person or by proxy having been present during the evening.
Janitor's resignation was turned over to trustees. Another song by the male quartet, consisting of Drs Packer and Buffum, Messrs Alden and Hartley. After light refreshments consiting of brick ice cream, cake and wafers were served by the committee, the mixed quartet gave us another song and the meeting was closed, and another year's work of the church was done showing -
Recd by baptism 9 Lost by death 3
by letter 1 Letter 6
by com 4 Commendation 1
by experience 2
Total 16 10
Gain - 6
Total membership Jan 1, 1910 287
Total membership Jan 1, 1911 293
Jan 1, 1911, Sun morn and eve
Jan 8, 1911, Sun morn and eve
At all four services, Rev Pengelly of Brookins, S Dakota, preached as a candidate for the pastorate.
Jan 11, 1911 Wed eve at prayer meeting
Motion carried that Bro J H Baker be chairman of our prayer meeting until we have a new pastor. After singing, reading of scripture lesson from John 17, and several earnest prayers for guidance the meeting opened for business.
The letters received by the pulpit committee concerning Rev J M Pengelly of Brookings, South Dakota, in regard to his work and his reputation were read by the clerk of the church. Motion made and seconded that the church call Rev J M PENGELLY as pastor of this church.
After remarks concerning the opinion of themselves and others with whom they have talked, by several: Dr Packer, Messers Downend, Sorenson, Baker, Stickney & Thompson, the above motion was carried unanimously by standing vote.
Motion carried that pulpit committee see to having the pulpit filled for remaining Sundays before Bro Pengelly can come to take up his work. Motion carried that we pay Bro Pengelly forty dollars (40) for the two Sundays he was here.
Motion made and carried that the church allow Bro Pengelly one thousand dollars a year with use of parsonage for an indefinite time with three months notice on either side.
Motion carried that trustees and their wives be a committee to see about any repairs necessary on the parsonage.
Closed by singing and benediction.
M L Himes, clk
Jan 15, 1911 Sun morn at Sunday School
Letter of acceptance of the pastorate of the church by Rev J M Pengelly read by clerk, saying he would be on the field February first.
Jan 22, 1911
Pulpit filled by Mr Armstrong, son of the missionary in Rangoon, Burmah, a student in Chicago University.
Jan 19, 1911
Pulpit filled by Mr Morehouse Sunday morning.
Feb 5, 1911 Mr Pengelly began his work
Feb 8, 1911
Committee, consisting of Mrs Artie Packer, Mrs Winans and Mary Himes appointed as an executive committee to see about the reception for the new pastor
Feb 21, 1911, Tues evening at the church
Reception held for Mr Pengelly and wife, to which the members of the other churches were invited, and over one hundred and sixty were served with supper.
Mar 5, 1911, Sun pm
Funeral services of Ethel BIGGS were held from the home.
Mar 15, 1911 Prayer meeting, Wed eve
As Bro Bert MC CORKLE and wife and son RAY and Bro Winfred and wife Emma RIST has moved to Iowa, and requested letters of dismission from this church to the Baptist church in Algona, Iowa, a motion was made and carried that their request be granted and that they be dismissed from this church by letter. Letters sent Mar 16.
Mar 29, 1911 Regular Covenant meeting, Wed eve.
At the covenant service a letter was read by the clerk of dismission from the church at Brookings, S Dakota, for Rev and Mrs J M PENGELLY. A motion was made and carried that they be received as members of this church.
Apr 5, 1911, Prayer meeting, Wed eve
As Wilber and George PEETS requested letters of dismission from this church to the 9th Street Baptist Church of Cincinnati, O a motion was made that their request be granted. Letters were sent Apr 6.
May 3, 1911 Regular Covenant meeting, Wed eve
From the Union Bank Missionary Baptist Church of Nelson County, Kentucky, letters were read, dismissing Bro T P RATLIFF, his wife Lyhdia RATLIFF, two daughters Lula and Birdie RATLIFF and one son Thomas RATLIFF. Motion was made and carried that they be received by letters as members of this church.
June 4, 1911 Sun morn.
As the Northern Baptist Convention was soon to be held in Philadelphia, Penn. the appointing of delegates was necessary as our church is entitled to three: Motion was carried that the church send our pastor, Mr Pengelly as our delegate, and pay his railroad fare. Motion carried, also, that Dr Packer and Mrs A F Stickney be our delegates and Mrs Artie Packer and Miss Bess Stickney be alternate delegates to the Convention June 13 to 25, 1911.
June 7, 1911 Wed eve prayer meeting
Motion carried that a letter of dismission be granted to Mrs Grace COLE at her request to unite with the Baptist Church, Bloomington, Ill. Letter sent June 9.
June 18 and 25, 1911
No preaching service during pastor's absence.
July 2, 1911
Motion carried that church meet the expense asked for by Dr Brewer, and have him come and address us on July sixteenth. Special contribution taken for Home Missions on account of Dr. Brewer.
Sep 13, 1911
Letter to Association meeting at Canton, Sep 26-29, read by clerk. Motion carried that this be our letter to the Association with any corrections the clerk sees fit to make.
Sep 14, 1911
Funeral services of Sister Mattie WILLIAMSON
Sep 20, 1911
Motion carried that our delegates to the Association be Rev Pengelly, Bro Stickney, Mrs Stickney and Bess Stickney, with any others who are able to attend.
Oct 11, 1911 At prayer meeting on Wed eve
Motion made and carried that an order be drawn on the treasury for amount of three dollars for paying for the minutes of Peoria Association for this church.
Oct 15, 1911 Sunday morning
The following were appointed as delegates to the State convention held in Elgin Oct 16-19: Rev Pengelly, Messers Sorenson & Downend, Mesdames Himes & Buffum of whom only Rev Pengelly went.
Nov 1, 1911 Wed eve prayer meeting
Motion carried after considerable discussion as to time and manner of holding a series of special meetings, that the pastor consult by letter Dr Brand as to his knowledge of a suitable person whom we can get in January of next year to help us.
Nov 8, 1911 Wed eve
Motion carried that letters of dismission be granted at their request to Bro John W WHITE, Rosa WHITE his wife, and their daughter Bessie E WHITE to unite with a Baptist Church at Fresno, Calif.
Nov 15, 1911 Wed eve prayer meeting
Motion carried that we invite Rev Allen of Osceola to assist us in special series of meetings during January if suitable to him.
Nov 29, 1911
Death of Mr E J COX in Sawtelle, Calif.
Dec 6, 1911 Wed eve, special business meeting
After a short prayer meeting servcie, the business was taken up, and the time for holding Annual Roll call and business meeting was decided for this year by motion to be held on Wed eve, Jan 3, and luncheon to be served.
The following committee was nominated as the executive committee to plan for the Roll Call: Mr Sorenson as the chairman, Mrs Artie Packer, Mrs Barbara Springer, Mrs Harriet Winans and Mr J K Hall.
The pastor announced that Rev Allen of Osceola had promised that he would come and help us for 2 or 3 weeks provided Mr Pengelly would help them later. Motion carried that we begin holding prayer meetings every night after annual meeting, or on January 4, continuing them through the next week, and Bro Allen to begin the 14th, if Dr Aitchison comes the 7th, but if Dr Aitchison can not come the 7th, then Mr Allen is to begin his work the 7th. Motion carried that we ask Rev Wilson a Baptist pastor and evangelist, to conduct special meetings in January 1913.
Dec 10, 1911, Sun morn
After the pastor and advisory committee had examined the following candidates, Miss Kate ANDERSON, Miss Carrie BROWN, Miss Janet RAE, Miss Barbara ROBERTSON the committee recommended them for membership and motions were made and carried for each that they be received after baptism as members of this church.
Dec 24, 1911 Sun morn
After examination by the advisory committee, the following candidates were recommended and motions were made and carried for each that Eda and Grace BIGGS be received as members of this church after baptism.
Dec 31, 1911 Sun morn
The advisory committee after examination, recommend Henrietta TRENT so a motion was made and carried that she be received as a member of this church after baptism.
(Pasted here is the printed Treasurer's Report for 1911, J H Baker, Treas.)
Receipts Expenditures
Bal on hand, general fund Supplying pulpit Jan 60.00
Jan 4, 1911 135.34 Minister's salary, 11 mo 916.67
Balance on hand, Janitor 125.00
poor fund 3.85 Electric lights 49.80
Recd for poor 18.01 21.86 Tax on parsonage 35.30
Recd for church expenses 1397.80 Coal 41.47
Received for missions 376.55 Pumping organ 8.25
1931.55 Printing 4 treasurer's reports 5.00
Ice cream for yrly mtgs, 1911 8.65
Missions Account Filling baptistry 2.50
Over remitted in 1910 9.93 E L Packer, work & material
Home Missions 100.73 at church & parsonage 15.25
State Missions 60.00 C D Ward, work on furnace 2.50
Publication Society 40.00 Mary Himes, stamps & env.
Adelle Berfield, Missions 4.01 for yearly meeting 1911 2.75
Ministerial Education 10.00 William Hogle, cleaning vault
Foreign Missions 151.88 at parsonage 7.00
376.55 Bert Churchill, papering parsonage 14.90
James McCulloch, wafers
and brooms 1.35
Coal for Mrs Hilliard 3.00
Church calendars 10.50
Express 1.30
Paper, ink, stamps, drayage .73
Song books for Easter 4.50
Expense Rev Pengelly's
reception 12.95
Repairing clock 1.00
Cistern top 1.50
C D Ward, repairs at par-
sonage 3.35
Minutes of Association 3.00
Pastor's R.R.fare to con-
vention 33.85
Cement for baptistry .40
Furnace at parsonage 100.00
Chorister, Elizabeth Fuller,
9 weeks 22.50
Printing invitations to roll
call, 1912 1.25
Postage & envelopes 1.50
Coal for church 8.97
Cobs for church 1.00
Missions 366.62
On hand to balance
Poor fund 18.86
General fund 38.38 57.24
Jan 3, 1912 Tues evening at 8 pm
The Annual Business Meeting was called to order, by the pastor, Rev. Pengelly; after singing "Showers of Blessings" the pastor led in prayer, and motion was carried that our pastor be the chairman of the meeting.
Minutes of the last yearly meeting were read and approved as corrected by the ex-treasurer asking that the balance on hand in treasury be included in the report of treasurer in minutes. The reports of officers were then called for, pastor reported as to average attendance, number of calls made, some of work done.
Clerk's report.
Membership Jan 1, 1911 293
Recd by letter 7 loss by letter 14
Baptism 0 death 3
Gain 7 Loss 17
Total loss for year 10 so membership Jan 1, 1912 = 283 of whom the non-residents are 76.
Trustees report by M B Downend who reported a new furnace put into parsonage, other repair work done, but cupboard in the church not yet put in and some other needed repairs to be done.
Deacon's report by Mr C Sorrenson
Treasurer's report by Mr J H Baker who reported all bills paid, and a balance on hand of about forty dollars and a small amount of 1911 subscriptions not yet paid. Motion made that his report be received and that a hearty vote of thanks be extended to him for his work. Carried unanimously.
Miss Bertha Brady then favored us with a piano solo.
The S S secretary, also the treasurer being absent, Mr Thompson the superintendent gave both reports. The average attendance as 124 a little less than last year. The treasurer of S.S. reported $226 received $158.61 paid out for expense
63.62 paid out for missions
222.23 paid out
leaving balance of $8.77 but bill of $20.53 in debt for Xmas supplies. Motion carried that S S Treasurer's report be accepted.
Vocal solo was then given by Lucile Downend.
BYPU Secretary - Irene Murchison
BYPU Treasurer - absent
Mission Circle - Mrs Stickney
Juniors - Mr Pengelly who reported an average attendance of 20 at their regular meetings on Friday pm.
Miss Clara Sorenson then gave a reading.
Election of officers. Motion carried that chairman cast the ballot for Mary L Himes as clerk. Motion carried and she was declared elected.
1. Clerk Mary L Himes
2. Treasurer Mr Stickney
Mr Baker nominated and declined. Mrs Hart nominated and declined. Mr Stickney nominated. Motion made that rules be suspended and that clerk cast ballot of 75 votes for Mr Stickney, so done and he was declared elected. Motion carried that clerk cast ballot for Mrs Hart as assistant treasurer.
3. Mrs Hart Assistant Treasurer
4. Deacons for 4 years Mr Baker and Dr Packer
Motion carried that clerk cast ballot for these two nominated, so done and declared elected.
5. Motion carried that we proceed to elect three deaconesses.
Mrs George Springer, Mrs H Winans, and Mrs Downend.
Motion carried that clerk cast ballot for these three as nominated to serve in the office of deaconess to serve three year term, Mrs Springer three years, Mrs Winans, two years, and Mrs Downend one year.
6. Motion carried that clerk cast ballot for Ezra Packer as trustee to serve for three years with J Knox Hall for two years and M B Downend one year.
7. Organist Bess Winans
Motion carried that clerk cast ballot for Bess Winans as organist, so cast and declared elected.
8. Assistant organist - Florence Downend
Motion carried that clerk cast ballot for Florence Downend as assistant as nominated, declared elected.
9. Chorister Miss Lizzie Fuller
Motion carried that clerk cast ballot for Lizzie Fuller as chorister, so cast and she declared elected.
10. Finance committee. Motion carried that old finance committee (Mr Sorenson, Dr Packer, Mr Dexter) be re-elected and that clerk cast ballot for them.
General Business
Motion carried that church pay for books of choir music, instead of individual members of choir paying for their own.
Motion carried that pastor and deacons be a committee to see about a place for entertainment for Bro Allen. As Winifred MOREHOUSE had requested a letter of dismission to the first Baptist Church of Normal, Illinois, and Paul MOREHOUSE had asked one to the first Baptist Church of Urbana, Ill motions were carried that they be granted letters of dismission.
Motion carried that we extend to our organist and other officers serving the past year a vote of thanks. Motion made and seconded that we pay our organist a salary for her services during the coming year. Motion that we lay last motion on the table lost. So motion carried for giving salary.
Motion made but not carried that we pay organist a salary of one dollar per week. Motion carried that committee be appointed to solicit an amount for organist's salary and fix salary accordingly. The chairman appoints deacons and trustees as that committee.
Roll Call of all members was then given to which (79) seventy nine members responded, one of them being a non resident, Mrs Lucy Hixson of Schaller, Iowa, and twelve letters were read, making responses heard from twenty not able to be present. Motion carried that we adjourn and the refreshment committee then served luncheon consisting of sandwiches and pickles, doughnuts and coffee. After luncheon all departed to their homes.
Jan 6, 1912
Dr Aitchison was present both morning and evening; to advance the cause of the every member canvass for missions and for current expenses, and gave very interesting and instructive addresses.
Jan 14, 1912
Rev Allen of Osceola began the work of the special meetings.
Jan 31, 1912
After eighteen days of special services meetings closed on Wednesday eve.
Feb 5, 1912 Special Business Meeting called for Monday evening
Considering the fact that only a small representation of the church were present motion was made that the plan of trying to alter the method of raising the money for the regular expenses and benevolences of the church be suspended until next annual meeting. Carried.
Motion carried that at the end of each quarter a certain percentage of money received for benevolences during quarter be forwarded to each of the special objects, as Foreign, State, Home, Publication and Ministerial Education instead of each object receiving its money at stated times of the year.
Feb 11, 1912 Sun eve
The ordinance of baptism was administered by the pastor to the following boys: Tommy BIGGS, Louis GOODALE, Forrest SNYDER, Milo GOODALE and Willie COAKLEY.
Feb 18, 1912 Sun morn
Motion carried that the five boys, Tommy BIGGS, Louis and Milo GOODALE, Forrest SNYDER and Willie COAKLEY who were baptized Sunday eve, the 11th of Feb be received as members of this church.
Motions made separately for each of the following girls, that Mary PACKER, Nellie GERMAN, Helen BIGGS and Bertha WINANS be received as members of this church after their baptism. Motions carried.
Feb 18, 1912 Sun eve
Ordinance of baptism was administered by the pastor to following
Henrietta TRENT Grace BIGGS
Feb 25, 1912, Sun morn
After examination by advisory committee Maggie RAE was recommended by them so a motion carried that she be received as a member of this church after baptism.
Feb 25. 1012 Sun eve
Ordinance of baptism was administered by the pastor to the following young ladies upon the profession of their faith
Carrie BROWN Janet RAE
Maggie RAE
Feb 27, 1912
On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs James LESAN died, and funeral was held from her home on Friday March 1.
Mar 6, 1912 Wed eve prayer meeting
After the regular prayer servcie, the following business was transacted. A motion was made and carried that Mrs Anna BIGGS be received as a member of this church upon her experience as given.
As Mr Kenzie, pastor of the Peoria Bethany Church, had asked Mr Pengelly to assist him in special meetings during the spring, the matter was left until some Sun morn. By the President of the State Anti-Saloon League's request, a motion was made and carried that Mr Miner, Mr Stickney and Mr Baker be a committee of three from this church to distribute literature, and to see that every voter goes to the polls and votes.
Mr Robert BIGGS then gave his experience and desire to reunite with this church, a motion was made and carried that such request be granted, and that he be received as a member of this church upon his experience.
Apr 8, 1912
The right hand of fellowship was given by the pastor, after an earnest and helpful talk, to the following who had previously been baptized: Tommy BIGGS, Louise GOODALE, Milo GOODALE, Forrest SNYDER, Mary PACKER, Nellie GERMAN, Helen BIGGS, Eda BIGGS, Grace BIGGS, Henrietta TRENT, Carrie BROWN, Maggie RAE and Janet RAE.
Apr 14 to May 1, 1912, inclusive
Mr Pengelly held special meetings in the Peoria Bethany Church.
May 1, 1912 Wed eve prayer meeting
As the request came from Mr Eastman's letters, a motion was carried that letters to the Baptist Church at San Bernardino, California be granted to Bro John EASTMAN, his wife Edith EASTMAN, the daughters Lola and Rena EASTMAN and son Leslie EASTMAN.
May 8, 1912 Wed eve prayer meeting
A motion was carried granting letters of dismission from this church to the Baptist Church at Vancouver, Washington to Mr John H STICKNEY and his wife Sarah SILLIMAN STICKNEY, who had requested such letters.
May 12, 1912 Sun morn
Motion carried that the following be our delegates to the Northern Baptist Convention to be held at Des Moines, Iowa May 22-29. Mr Pengelly, Mr and Mrs George Springer and Mr Downend. They shall have the power of naming their alternates, if they are unable to attend the sessions.
May 29, 1912 Wed eve prayer meeting
Motion carried that the name of Mrs Elvira HOADLEY JOHNSTON of Stratton, Nebraska, be dropped from our church roll, at her request, as she had joined a Methodist church at that place.
Aug 4, 1912 Sun morn
Motion made by Dr Packer that the Baptist people furnish the meals for the people on Auto Day Aug 21, 1912, in the court yard. Motion carried and committees were appointed but as clerk was absent, she can't give the names of the committees.
Aug 21, 1912
Total receipts Auto Day - $224.65
Sep 11, 1912 Prayer meeting
In the absence of the church clerk, Mr A F Stickney was asked to write the church letter to be sent to the Peoria Association at Peoria Sep 24-26. Responding to the appeal to raise our amount for the printing of the Minutes of the Association, etc. it was voted to send four dollars.
Sep 22, 1912
Following were appointed as our delegates to the Peoria Association, Rev Pengelly, Mrs Harriet Winans, Mrs Hart, Mrs Stickney, Mrs E B Packer, Stella White, Jennie Springer, Mrs Colby, Carrie Brown and A F Stickney
Sep 23, 1912
Funeral services of Judge B F THOMPSON were held at his home.
Sep 29, 1912
Memorial services held at the church in honor of Bro THOMPSON.
Oct 12, 1912 Sun morn.
Five delegates were appointed to attend the State Convention at Quincy Oct 14-17 but only Mrs Stickney and Miss Himes attended.
Oct 25, 1912
Funeral servies of Mrs Harriet M BLAIR held at her home. One of the Constituent Members.
Nov 6, 1912 Regular covenant meeting
After the reading of the letter of dismission from Morgan Park Baptist Church for Mr and Mrs Chas E GRIFFITH, motion was carried that they be received as members of this church.
Motion carried that money be taken from the Auto fund to add to the $8.35 already on hand, to make enough to buy new singing books for Sunday School and Sunday evening services.
Nov 10, 1912 Sunday morning
Before Communion service the pastor in the name of the church, gave the right hand of fellowship to Mr and Mrs Chas E GRIFFITH.
Nov 13, 1912 Prayer meeting
After hearing a very urgent call for help during special meetings at Lacon, the church heeded the call and motion carried that Mr Pengelly go to their aid, and help carry on two weeks of meetings.
Nov 24, Dec 1 and Dec 8, 1912
Mr Klotsche of Lacon preached for us while Mr Pengelly was in Lacon.
Nov 26, 1912
Funeral services of Mr James LESAN
Dec 11, 1912 Prayer meeting
Motion carried that the clerk be instructed to prepare the invitation to Roll Call and send it to the members.
Motion carried that the following be the Executive Committee to serve luncheon at Roll Call Dec 31st. Mr and Mrs Downend, Mr and Mrs Berry and Mr and Mrs Alden.
Dec 18, 1912 Prayer meeting
Motion carried that the clerk be instructed to purchase a new record book for the business of the church, as this one is full.
Dec 28, 1912, Sun morn
Motion carried that we as a church unite with the Congregational people tonight at service, as Rev Stebbins is to preach his farewell sermon.
Motion made that we dispense with luncheon at our Annual Business meeting Dec 31st. Motion lost.
Motion carried that as Mr Downend was unable to act as chairman of the executive committee (see Dec 11) for A B meeting, Dr Packer be chairman of this committee.
Jan 1, 1913 Prayer meeting
Motion carried that a letter of commendation be granted to Miss Bessie COLEMAN to unite with the Methodist Church at Victoria, Ill as there is no Baptist Church there.
(end of records)
Pasted on blank page at back of record book is the tax bill for 1885.
State of Illinois, Stark County, Toulon Township March 22nd 1886.
Received of Trustees, 1st Baptist Church of Toulon the sum of $17.06 for the following described tract of land:
Town of Toulon
John Culbertson's Eastern Addition
Lot 7
Equal'd Value $273
Signed: Charles E Shinn, Collector
Written on back cover of record book is:
1879 Members Received
B F COLLWELL by letter
Georgia WISE by letter
Charles EIKHOLD by letter
Miss Ella OAKS by baptism
Frank PACKER by baptism
Elmer PACKER by baptism
Mrs Teresa STRATTON by baptism
Mrs Anna GEMMELL by letter
Mr Thos GEMMELL on experience
Miss Elvira HOADLEY by baptism
Rachel J DAVIS
Church Clerks from 1877 to 1913 or 36 years
H Y Godfrey 1877-1882
M A Packer 1882-1886
E B Packer 1886-1889
B F Thompson 1889-1901
James Stickney 1901-1904
Grace Claybaugh 1904-1905
Sadie Thornton 1905-1906
Mary L Himes 1906-1913
Our Thanks to Joyce Mercer who so faithfully transcribed these records for the church.